GSE62273 |
Gene expression profiling of Tg(14xUAS:GFP-EWSR1-ERG) x Et(E1b:Gal4-VP16)s1101t, Tg(UAS:Kaede) s1999t zebrafish embryos at 3 days post fertilization |
GSE63225 |
G9a and ZNF644 physically associate to suppress progenitor gene expression during neurogenesis |
GSE64125 |
Zebrafish foxc1a is required for appendage specific neural circuit development |
GSE64570 |
Gene expression profiling of zebrafish embryos at 1 hour post injection of PAMPs |
GSE65751 |
Lymphatic vessels arise from a niche of multipotent angioblasts within the floor of the cardinal vein |
GSE66688 |
Spatial reconstruction of single-cell gene expression |
GSE67092 |
Transcriptome profiling from the brain of male and female zebrafish |
GSE69219 |
Cyp27c1 red-shifts the spectral sensitivity of photoreceptors by converting vitamin A1 into A2 |
GSE72322 |
Identifying molecular mechanisms of neural crest (NC) EMT and cell migration |
GSE72682 |
Transcriptome analysis of metronidazole-induced sensory neuron ablation in zebrafish |
GSE74196 |
Genetic and Acquired Lysosomal Disorders Drive Susceptibility to Tuberculosis by Compromising Macrophage Migration |
GSE74231 |
Enhancers reside in a unique epigenetic environment during early zebrafish development [ChIP-seq & ATAC-seq] |
GSE74415 |
Small RNA and mRNA expression profiling during zebrafish caudal fin regeneration |
GSE74616 |
Enhancers reside in a unique epigenetic environment during early zebrafish development [4C-seq] |
GSE74617 |
Enhancers reside in a unique epigenetic environment during early zebrafish development |
GSE75351 |
A zebrafish melanoma model reveals emergence of neural crest identity during melanoma initiation [ATAC-Seq] |
GSE75353 |
A zebrafish melanoma model reveals emergence of neural crest identity during melanoma initiation [zebrafish ChIP-seq] |
GSE75355 |
A zebrafish melanoma model reveals emergence of neural crest identity during melanoma initiation [zebrafish RNA-Seq] |
GSE75356 |
A zebrafish melanoma model reveals emergence of neural crest identity during melanoma initiation |
GSE75734 |
Comparative analyses of super-enhancers reveal conserved elements in vertebrate genomes |
GSE76740 |
Abundant DNA 6mA methylation during early embryogenesis of zebrafish |
GSE77137 |
An evolutionarily conserved function of the pre-mRNA splicing regulator TNPO3 for T cell development |
GSE77480 |
Forward genetic screens in zebrafish identify novel molecular pathways regulating early T cell development |
GSE77755 |
Marker gene/pathway discovery for polystyrene particle toxicity in zebrafish larvae |
GSE77921 |
SATB2 induces transcriptional programs in melanoma that lead to metastatic behavior [ChIP-Seq] |
GSE77922 |
SATB2 induces transcriptional programs in melanoma that lead to metastatic behavior [RNA-Seq] |
GSE77923 |
SATB2 induces transcriptional programs in melanoma that lead to metastatic behavior |
GSE78194 |
Macrophages Mediate the Repair of Brain Vascular Rupture through Direct Physical Adhesion and Mechanical Traction |
GSE79213 |
The functions of m6A and Ythdf2 during zebrafish early development |
GSE79585 |
Analysis of gene expression during the early stages of zebrafish heart valve development |
GSE80003 |
FOXN3 regulates hepatic glucose utilization |
GSE80134 |
Tet-mediated DNA hydroxymethylation regulates retinal neurogenesis in zebrafish via cell-extrinsic signaling pathways |
GSE80221 |
Response to low-dose cortisol treatment in zebrafish embryos [larvae] |
GSE80260 |
Cortisol-treated zebrafish embryos develop into pro-inflammatory adults with aberrant immune gene regulation [adults] |
GSE80286 |
Cortisol-treated zebrafish embryos develop into pro-inflammatory adults with aberrant immune gene regulation |
GSE81007 |
Dietary intake influences fertility and offspring development in zebrafish. |
GSE81627 |
Next Generation Sequencing Facilitates Quantitative Analysis of Tg(hsp70:dn-xBrg1) and wild-type sibling hearts Transcriptomes |
GSE81913 |
Macrophage Epithelial Reprogramming Underlies Mycobacterial Granuloma Formation and Promotes Infection |
GSE82200 |
Intestinal microbiome adjusts the innate immune setpoint during colonization through negative regulation of MyD88 |
GSE83343 |
Differential gene expression of zebrafish melanocytes and melanomas [RNA-seq] |
GSE83400 |
GDF6-induced BMP signaling reawakens a neural crest identity in melanoma to prevent cell death and differentiation |
GSE84436 |
Expression profiling identifies Sertoli and Leydig cell genes as Fsh targets in adult zebrafish testis |
GSE84600 |
ChIP-seq analysis of Rad21 binding during genome activation |
GSE84602 |
Cohesin facilitates zygotic genome activation in Zebrafish |
GSE84736 |
Differential DNA methylation at conserved non-genic elements and transgenerational inheritance following developmental exposure to mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and 5-azacytidine in zebrafish |
GSE85004 |
High-throughput sequencing analysis identify miRNAs in 7dpf F1-zebrafish under β-diketone antibiotics exposure to F0-zebrafish |
GSE85554 |
Characterization of genetic loss-of-function of Fus in zebrafish |
GSE85713 |
Profiling DNA Replication Timing in Zebrafish Embryos Reveals Dynamic Regulation During Development |
GSE86548 |
Functional and spatial segregation of embryo-larval and adult globin genes in Danio rerio major globin gene locus shows possible way of generation of structural-functional genomic domains in eukaryotic genome |
GSE86571 |
Proliferation-independent regulation of organ size by Notch signaling |
GSE86921 |
Zebrafish microglia transcriptome |
GSE86944 |
Antagonistic regulation of spermatogonial differentiation in zebrafish (Danio rerio) by Igf3 and Amh |
GSE87596 |
Comparison of tbx5-positive ventricular cardiomyoctes with the rest of ventricular cardiomyocytes from adult zebrafish hearts |
GSE88776 |
Polysome-seq in zebrafish early embryonic development |
GSE89144 |
Mercury-Induced Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance of Abnormal Neurobehavior is Correlated with Sperm Epimutations in Zebrafish |
GSE89245 |
RNAseq of wild type and maternal-zygotic Nanog mutant (MZnanog) zebrafish embryos |
GSE89319 |
RNAseq of wild type and Toddler mutant zebrafish embryos |
GSE89655 |
Transcriptomics analysis of gene expressions, m6A enrichment levels and ythdf2 binding targets in control and mettl3 or ythdf2 morphants zebrafish embryos |
GSE89670 |
The Biotagging toolkit for analysis of specific cell populations in zebrafish reveals gene regulatory logic encoded in the nuclear transcriptome |
GSE89808 |
Sorting zebrafish thrombocyte lineage cells with a Cd41 monoclonal antibody enriches hematopoietic stem cell activity |
GSE90143 |
RNA-seq of zebrafish melanoma cells after metastatic dissemination |
GSE90446 |
Microbiota regulate intestinal epithelial gene expression by suppressing the transcription factor Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (zebrafish RNA-seq) |
GSE90462 |
Microbiota regulate intestinal epithelial gene expression by suppressing the transcription factor Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha |
GSE90595 |
Zebrafish heart regeneration |
GSE90637 |
Differential Roles of the Maternal and Zygotic FGF in Neural Induction in the Zebrafish Embryo |
GSE90735 |
Sodium arsenite effects on DNA methylation in zebrafish embryos. |
GSE92440 |
Identification of Transcripts Involved in Neural Tube Closure Using RNA-sequencing |
GSE92542 |
CXCL8 and CXCR1 Remodel the Vascular Niche to Promote Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell Colonization and Engraftment [wt vs kdrl:cxcr1] |
GSE92543 |
CXCL8 and CXCR1 Remodel the Vascular Niche to Promote Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell Colonization and Engraftment |
GSE92559 |
Transcriptomic Analysis of Adult Zebrafish Inner Ear Hair Cells |
GSE92754 |
TP53 modulates oxidative stress in Gata1+ erythroid cells |
GSE93299 |
RNA-seq of zebrafish ZMEL1 melanoma cells versus BRAF inhibitor resistant ZMELR1 melanoma cells |
GSE93818 |
Distinct roles for matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in hematopoietic stem cell emergence, migration and niche colonization |
GSE95030 |
‘Placeholder’ nucleosomes underlie germline-to-embryo DNA methylation reprogramming [ChIP-Seq] |
GSE95031 |
‘Placeholder’ nucleosomes underlie germline-to-embryo DNA methylation reprogramming [RNA-Seq] |
GSE95032 |
‘Placeholder’ nucleosomes underlie germline-to-embryo DNA methylation reprogramming [RRBS] |
GSE95033 |
‘Placeholder’ nucleosomes underlie germline-to-embryo DNA methylation reprogramming |
GSE95808 |
Transcriptional profiling of the zebrafish proximal tubule |
GSE95813 |
A chemical screen in zebrafish embryonic cells establishes that Akt activation is required for neural crest development [ATAC-seq] |
GSE95814 |
A chemical screen in zebrafish embryonic cells establishes that Akt activation is required for neural crest development [RNA-seq] |
GSE95815 |
A chemical screen in zebrafish embryonic cells establishes that Akt activation is required for neural crest development |
GSE96519 |
Transcriptome of the distal late segment of the zebrafish mesonephros |
GSE96575 |
Differential gene expression in MZudu v. WT zebrafish gastrulae |
GSE96576 |
Identification of Gon4l-associated genomic regions by DamID-seq |
GSE97016 |
Genome-wide transcriptional responses to nucleotides in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos |
GSE97267 |
Evolutionary recruitment of flexible Esrp-dependent splicing programs into diverse embryonic morphogenetic processes |
GSE97573 |
EpCAM controls morphogenetic programs during zebrafish pronephros development |
GSE98094 |
Whole Retina RNAseq after injury and Valproic acid (VPA) treatment in zebrafish |
GSE98519 |
Identification of Lef1-dependent genes in zebrafish and mouse hypothalamus |
GSE98647 |
Transgenerational inheritance of impaired larval T cell development in zebrafish |
GSE98648 |
Structural basis of epigenetic protection of mouse lymphoid progenitor cells by Dnmt1 |
GSE98707 |
A conserved RNA regulates miRNA turnover and animal behavior through a near-perfect miRNA site |
GSE98741 |
Early life exposure to low levels of AHR agonist 3,3’,4,4’,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126) reprograms gene expression in adult brain. |
GSE98857 |
Epigenetical regulation in zebrafish heart regeneration |
GSE99308 |
Transcriptomic Analysis for Differentially Expressed Genes in Ovarian Follicle Activation and Puberty Onset in the Zebrafish |
GSE99382 |
Zebrafish zic2 controls formation of periocular neural crest and choroid fissure morphogenesis |
GSE100821 |
Primary spinal OPC culture system from adult zebrafish to study oligodendrocyte differentiation in vitro |
GSE101199 |
postnb lineage traced cells at 7 and 60 days post cryoinjury (dpi) during adult zebrafish cardiac ventricle regeneration |
GSE101200 |
Comparison of the expression profiles of kdrl:mCherry-positive cells in injured versus uninjured zebrafish cardiac ventricle and analysis of the expression prolife of postnb:citrin-positive cells upon injury compared to the rest of cardiac cells. |
GSE101204 |
Comparison of the expression profile of GFP-positive cells from Tg(-6.8wt1a:EGFP) with the rest of the cells in adult zebrafish cardiac ventricles |
GSE101390 |
Zebrafish Rfx4 controls dorsal and ventral midline formation in the neural tube |
GSE101693 |
RNA-sequencing of Adult Zebrafish Inner Ear Hair Cells |
GSE101843 |
High resolution annotation of Zebrafish transcriptome using long-read sequencing |
GSE102063 |
Whole Retina RNAseq after injury and Cyclopamine(C) treatment in zebrafish |
GSE102424 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio brain for 2 age groups after physical exercise |
GSE102426 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio brain from tert mutants and controls |
GSE102427 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio liver for 2 age groups after physical exercise |
GSE102429 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio liver from tert mutants and controls |
GSE102430 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio muscle for 2 age groups after physical exercise |
GSE102431 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio muscle from tert mutants and controls |
GSE102432 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio skin for 2 age groups after physical exercise |
GSE102434 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio skin from wildtype and two tert mutant phenotypes (JenAge) |
GSE102766 |
Gene expression profiling of the Tlr2 mutant of zebrafish embryos at 4 days post infection of M. marinum |
GSE103134 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio brain from wildtype and Tg-microRNA-sponge animals |
GSE103692 |
Distinct, OR-specific subsets of axon guidance molecules govern early olfactory map formation |
GSE103801 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio embryo from wildtype and microRNA treated animals |
GSE103913 |
High-throughput deep sequence of zebrafish wild-type and ezh2 mutant embryos |
GSE104221 |
Integrative analysis of transcriptional and DNA methylation changes associated with PCB126 exposure in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) |
GSE105013 |
Systemic gain and loss of chromatin architecture throughout zebrafish development [Hi-C] |
GSE105014 |
Systemic gain and loss of chromatin architecture throughout zebrafish development [4C] |
GSE105015 |
Systemic Loss and Gain of Chromatin Architecture throughout Zebrafish Development. |
GSE106121 |
Simultaneous lineage tracing and cell type identification using CRISPR/Cas9 induced genetic scars |
GSE106342 |
RNA-sequencing based linkage analysis identifies supt16h as a target gene from a forward genetic screen |
GSE106371 |
Transcriptome of zebrafish neurohypophyseal astroglia (pituicytes) |
GSE106430 |
Functional genomic and transcriptomic analysis of amphioxus and the origin of vertebrate genomic traits [RNA-Seq] |
GSE106431 |
Functional genomic and transcriptomic analysis of amphioxus and the origin of vertebrate genomic traits |
GSE106466 |
Single-cell RNAseq (SMART-seq2) of wild-type (TLAB) and MZoep (tz57) zebrafish embryos at 50% epiboly stage |
GSE106587 |
Single-cell reconstruction of developmental trajectories during zebrafish embryogenesis |
GSE106676 |
From pioneer to repressor: Bimodal foxd3 activity dynamically remodels neural crest regulatory landscape in vivo |
GSE106677 |
Massively parallel reporter assay of 3’UTR sequences identifies in vivo rules for mRNA degradation |
GSE106884 |
Timeseries of small RNA and mRNA expression during zebrafish heart regeneration |
GSE106938 |
Age-related Islet Inflammation Marks the Proliferative Decline of Pancreatic Beta-cells in Zebrafish |
GSE106985 |
The CCCH-type zinc finger transcription factor Zc3h8 protects hepatocytes from degeneration by repressing the inflammatory response in zebrafish. |
GSE107547 |
Glucocorticoid deficiency causes transcriptional and post-transcriptional reprogramming of glutamine metabolism |
GSE108240 |
Mutations in Bcl9 and Pygo genes cause congenital heart defects by tissue-specific perturbation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling |
GSE108493 |
RNA seq analysis of regenerating hearts from three models of successful cardiac regeneration |
GSE108924 |
Transcriptome analysis of wild-type and maternal ybx1 mutant zebrafish embryos during early development |
GSE109219 |
The evolutionary emergence of the rac3b/rfng/sgca regulatory cluster refined mechanisms for hindbrain boundaries formation |
GSE109410 |
Pou5f3, SoxB1 and Nanog remodel chromatin on High Nucleosome Affinity Regions at Zygotic Genome Activation. |
GSE109581 |
tp53 deficiency causes a wide tumor spectrum and elevates embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma metastasis in zebrafish |
GSE109854 |
Long non-coding RNAs have age-dependent diurnal expression that correlates with age-related changes in genome-wide facultative heterochromatin (ChIP-Seq data set) |
GSE109855 |
Long non-coding RNAs have age-dependent diurnal expression that correlates with age-related changes in genome-wide facultative heterochromatin (RNA-Seq data set) |
GSE109856 |
Long non-coding RNAs have age-dependent diurnal expression that correlates with age-related changes in genome-wide facultative heterochromatin |
GSE109978 |
Hrg1 promotes heme-iron recycling during erythrophagocytosis in zebrafish kidne |
GSE110582 |
Whole genome mapping of DNA G-quadruplexes in multiple species by G4-seq |
GSE111280 |
Whole transcriptomic analysis of zebrafish embryos of dyrk1aakrb1, dyrk1aa knock out mutant and Wild Type (WT) (+/+) in the background of Tg(kdrl:egfp) |
GSE111528 |
Tissue damage signaling is essential for protective neutrophil recruitment to microbial infection in zebrafish (Danio rerio) |
GSE113169 |
A Zebrafish Acromegaly Model Elevates DNA Damage and Impairs DNA Repair Pathways |
GSE115263 |
RNA-Seq of FACS-sorted cardiomyocytes |
GSE115381 |
Transcriptome analysis of wt1b:eGFP positive macrophages in the regenerating zebrafish heart |
GSE115398 |
PGC1a and Exercise Adaptations in Zebrafish |
GSE115640 |
Tbx5 paralogues during zebrafish development |
GSE115719 |
Transcriptome analysis of zebrafish wildtype adult brain and rb1-embryonal brain tumors by RNA-Seq |
GSE115720 |
Transcriptome analysis of wildtype and rb1-/- zebrafish larval head tissue by RNA-Seq |
GSE115721 |
Transcriptome analysis of zebrafish wildtype adult brain and rb1-embryonal brain tumors, and wildtype and rb1-/- zebrafish larval head tissue, by RNA-Seq |
GSE116215 |
Zebrafish control and csf1r mutant microglia transcriptomes |
GSE116216 |
Zebrafish control and csf1r mutant brain transcriptomes |
GSE116217 |
Zebrafish control and csf1r mutant microglia and brain transcriptomes |
GSE116358 |
Pericentromeric hypomethylation elicits an interferon response in an animal model of ICF syndrome [ssRNA-seq] |
GSE116359 |
Pericentromeric hypomethylation elicits an interferon response in an animal model of ICF syndrome [dsRNA-seq] |
GSE116360 |
Pericentromeric hypomethylation elicits an interferon response in an animal model of ICF syndrome |
GSE116611 |
Endocrine and local signaling interact to regulate spermatogenesis in zebrafish: Follicle-stimulating hormone, retinoic acid and androgens |
GSE117807 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio brain for 5 age groups |
GSE117820 |
Sequencing of Danio rerio skin for 5 age groups |
GSE118000 |
Transcriptomic analysis of isolated zebrafish podocytes and endothelial cells exposed to human APOL1 mRNA |
GSE118509 |
Gene expression analysis of wt1b-positive cardiac macrophages |
GSE119070 |
Loss of maternal and zygotic ezh2 reveals the function of Polycomb repression in maintenance of gene expression domain after the body plan is established in zebrafish |
GSE120253 |
Cortisol acting through the glucocorticoid receptor is not responsible for exercise-enhanced growth but does affect the white skeletal muscle transcriptome in zebrafish (Danio rerio) |
GSE120275 |
Genetic control of cellular morphogenesis in Müller glia |
GSE120289 |
Profiles analysis reveals circRNAs involving zebrafish physiological development |
GSE120509 |
Multi-dimensional transcriptome analysis of an intact hematopoietic organ for HSPC expansion [RNA-seq] |
GSE120531 |
Identification and functional analysis of yap1b: a new Yap family member in teleosts that evolved a divergent transcriptional activation domain. |
GSE120581 |
Multi-dimensional transcriptome analysis of an intact hematopoietic organ for HSPC expansion |
GSE120632 |
Regulation of CpG methylation by the Glucocorticoid Receptor in zebrafish |
GSE120643 |
Transcriptomics analysis of gene expression in wide type, ybx1 MO, pabpc1a MO zebrafish embryo sample. |
GSE120645 |
m5C profiles in zebrafish embryo sample. |
GSE120646 |
Ybx1 binding sites and Ybx1-binding m5C sites in zebrafish embryo sample. |
GSE120724 |
Dynamic landscapes and regulome of mRNA structure during zebrafish early embryogenesis |
GSE121404 |
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway defines the time frame for restorative neurogenesis |
GSE121973 |
Profiling the endothelial translatome in vivo using ‘AngioTag’ zebrafish |
GSE121988 |
5hmC (48hpf WT dissected heart) 5hMe-Bead-Integrated Click-seq (5hMe-BIC-seq) |
GSE121989 |
RNA Sequencing of sibling and TET2/3 DKO zebrafish |
GSE121991 |
TETs Regulate Proepicardial Cell Migration through Extracellular Matrix Organization during Zebrafish Cardiogenesis |
GSE122208 |
Characterization of Transcriptomic Profile in Early Zebrafish PGCs by Single Cell Sequencing |
GSE122643 |
Glucocorticoids inhibit macrophage differentiation towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype upon wounding without affecting their migration |
GSE123105 |
Selective roles of vertebrate PCF11 in premature and full-length transcript termination |
GSE123241 |
Single cell RNA-Seq reveals Fgf signaling dynamics during sensory hair cell regeneration |
GSE123778 |
Single cell sequencing analysis of the zebrafish pineal gland |
GSE124147 |
Transcription factor induction of vascular blood stem cell niches in vivo [ATAC-Seq] |
GSE124148 |
Transcription factor induction of vascular blood stem cell niches in vivo [RNA-Seq] |
GSE124149 |
Transcription factor induction of vascular blood stem cell niches in vivo [scRNA-Seq] |
GSE124150 |
Transcription factor induction of vascular blood stem cell niches in vivo [TOMO-Seq] |
GSE124151 |
Transcription factor induction of vascular blood stem cell niches in vivo |
GSE124555 |
Selective roles of vertebrate PCF11 in premature and full-length transcript termination (zebrafish 3' mRNA-seq) |
GSE124779 |
RNAseq of rim cells and retinal neuroepithelial cells of zebrafish optic cup at 18-20ss stage |
GSE125354 |
Examination of gene expression in beta-cells isolated from either wildtype or alms1 mutant zebrafish |
GSE125945 |
Genetic ablation of maternal SoxB1 results in the delay of gastrulation gene regulatory program in zebrafish |
GSE126647 |
Pbx4 limits vertebrate heart size and promotes pharyngeal arch artery development through partitioning progenitor fates within the second heart field and restricting proliferation |
GSE126747 |
HDAC1-mediated repression of the retinoic acid-responsive gene ripply3 promotes second heart field development |
GSE127174 |
The miR-199-CDK2 axis modulates neutrophil migration and systemic inflammation |
GSE128083 |
RNA helicase DDX21 mediates nucleotide stress responses (RNA-Seq drCTr9MO) |
GSE128084 |
RNA helicase DDX21 mediates nucleotide stress responses (RNA-Seq drLef) |
GSE128086 |
RNA helicase DDX21 mediates nucleotide stress responses |
GSE129035 |
Dram1 deficiency enhances mycobacterial disease progression due to pyroptotic cell death of infected macrophages |
GSE130037 |
MITF-low zebrafish melanomas reveal cells with no MITF activity at the site of residual disease |
GSE130120 |
RNA 5-methylcytosine facilitates maternal-to-zygotic transition through preventing maternal RNA decay |
GSE130800 |
Transcriptomic profiling of zebrafish livers with nAtf6 overexpression at collected at 78 and 120 hpf |
GSE130801 |
Transcriptomic profiling of zebrafish livers at 5 dpf with nAtf6 overexpression or in response to ethanol exposures |
GSE130944 |
Chromatin accessibility established by Pou5f3, Sox19b and Nanog primes genes for activity during zebrafish genome activation. |
GSE132166 |
Functionally distinct subgroups of Oligodendrocyte precursor cells integrate neural activity and execute myelin formation |
GSE132304 |
Tissue-specific transcriptomes reveal gene expression trajectories in two maturing skin epithelial layers in zebrafish embryos |
GSE133088 |
Persistent epigenetics changes due to elevated temperature during early development in mature zebrafish gonads |
GSE133436 |
RNA sequencing data of aging zebrafish brain progenitor cells |
GSE133437 |
Genome-wide maps of HPSH-CTCF binding in prim-5 stage zebrafish embryos |
GSE133487 |
Respiratory supercomplexes provide metabolic efficiency in zebrafish |
GSE134135 |
Expression of telomerase prevents ALT and maintains telomeric heterochromatin in juvenile brain tumors. |
GSE134187 |
the role of SMN complex in tissue regeneration |
GSE134291 |
Sexual dimorphic methylation patterns in IL1b and Casp9 in the zebrafish gonads |
GSE134334 |
Deficiency in Ybx1 Leads to Postnatal Lethality and IBD-like Disease in Zebrafish |
GSE134400 |
Zebrafish sex differentiation under LPS-mediated inflamatory process. |
GSE134646 |
Exploring the effects of rearing densities on epigenetic modifications in the zebrafish gonads |
GSE135019 |
Role of the Exon Junction Complex in Danio rerio |
GSE135780 |
Anterior-Posterior gene expression differences in zebrafish Vagus motor neurons |
GSE135781 |
Gene expression changes in Retinoic Acid-treated zebrafish Vagus motor neurons |
GSE136448 |
The effect of Kctd15 expression during early development in zebrafish [Dr_dev] |
GSE136449 |
The effect of Kctd15 expression on the neural crest and sex organs in zebrafish [Dr_emb] |
GSE136761 |
Methylation and Hydroxymethylation profile of zebrafish tet2 mutant |
GSE136900 |
MITF-low melanoma subtype models in zebrafish reveal transcriptional sub-clusters and MITF-independent residual disease |
GSE137424 |
Temporal transcriptome in Pou5f3 and Sox19b mutant zebrafish embryos |
GSE137629 |
Next Generation Sequencing to compare gene expression of PC-3M-Pro4 in cell culture and in zebrafish metastasis |
GSE137784 |
Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of two models of zebrafish beta-catenin-driven HCC |
GSE137788 |
Transcriptomic analysis of two models of zebrafish beta-catenin-driven HCC |
GSE137971 |
Cellular diversity of the regenerating caudal fin |
GSE138181 |
runx1 controls zebrafish heart regeneration by promoting scar deposition as well as inhibiting myocardial proliferation and survival |
GSE140045 |
Domoic acid disruption of neurodevelopment and behavior involves altered myelination in the spinal cord |
GSE140240 |
ATAC-seq profile of zebrafish periderm at 4-somite stage |
GSE140241 |
Zebrafish periderm at 4-somite stage |
GSE140821 |
Gene expression in the adult zebrafish intestine during starvation and refeeding |
GSE141114 |
Structural basis of epigenetic protection of mouse lymphoid progenitor cells by Dnmt1 (Zebrafish) |
GSE142484 |
Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of embryonic vasculogenesis identifies the conversion of Etv2-deficient vascular progenitors into skeletal muscle |
GSE143312 |
Zebrafish Retina thrb-/- RNA-seq |
GSE143734 |
Global gene expression analysis of enveloping layer (EVL) and non-EVL cells from 6 hpf zebrafish embryos |
GSE143750 |
Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of embryonic vasculogenesis identifies the conversion of Etv2-deficient vascular progenitors into skeletal muscle |
GSE143945 |
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediates larval zebrafish fin duplication following exposure to benzofluoranthenes. |
GSE144040 |
Global promoter usage in the differentfractions of the cell during early zebrafish development |
GSE145551 |
Functional in vivo characterization of zebrafish sox10 enhancers in melanoma and neural crest |
GSE146124 |
Wnt signaling regulates neural plate patterning in distinct temporal phases with dynamic transcriptional outputs |
GSE146175 |
Transcriptomic analyses in brains of exposed F0 zebrafish and their unexposed F2 offspring after exposure to a mixture of PCBs and PBDEs |
GSE146605 |
Functional Characterization and Expression Analyses Show Differential Roles of Maternal and Zygotic Dgcr8 in Early Embryonic Development [miRNA-seq] |
GSE146606 |
Functional Characterization and Expression Analyses Show Differential Roles of Maternal and Zygotic Dgcr8 in Early Embryonic Development |
GSE147068 |
Transcriptome of the panx1a-knock out zebrafish |
GSE147112 |
Zebrafish Ski7 tunes RNA levels during the oocyte-to-embryo transition |
GSE149152 |
Fli1+ cells transcriptional analysis reveals LMO2-PRDM16 axis in angiogenesis |
GSE149786 |
Zebrafish embryonic mpeg+ macrophages |
GSE149787 |
Zebrafish juvenile mpeg+ macrophages |
GSE149789 |
Zebrafish mpeg+ cells |
GSE149919 |
Transgenerational whole genome bisulphite sequencing data from adult zebrafish exposed to low level TCDD |
GSE150046 |
Gene expression profile of zebrafish synpo2 mutant |
GSE150189 |
Analysis of gene network branching during optic cup morphogenesis in zebrafish |
GSE150346 |
Analysis of gene network branching during optic cup morphogenesis in zebrafish (RNA-Seq) |
GSE151452 |
RNA exosome mutations in pontocerebellar hypoplasia alter ribosome biogenesis and p53 levels |
GSE151676 |
Cell state diversity promotes metastasis through heterotypic cluster formation in melanoma [tfap2a/e] |
GSE151677 |
Cell state diversity promotes metastasis through heterotypic cluster formation in melanoma [2D culture] |
GSE151678 |
Cell state diversity promotes metastasis through heterotypic cluster formation in melanoma [3D culture] |
GSE151679 |
Cell state diversity promotes metastasis through heterotypic cluster formation in melanoma |
GSE152038 |
Insulin-like 3 affects zebrafish spermatogenic cells directly and via Sertoli cells |
GSE152199 |
ATAC sequencing of zebrafish pancreatic beta-cells |
GSE152531 |
Induction of adult cardiomyocyte renewal by Klf1 |
GSE152741 |
Chromatin architecture transitions from zebrafish sperm through early embryogenesis [Hi-C] |
GSE152742 |
Chromatin architecture transitions from zebrafish sperm through early embryogenesis [ChIP-seq] |
GSE152743 |
Chromatin architecture transitions from zebrafish sperm through early embryogenesis [ATAC-seq] |
GSE152744 |
Chromatin architecture transitions from zebrafish sperm through early embryogenesis |
GSE152842 |
Molecular classification of zebrafish retinal ganglion cells links genes to behavior |
GSE152982 |
Single-cell transcriptomic analysis 30 hpf Zebrafish trunks |
GSE153755 |
Unfolded protein response (UPR) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in acromegaly |
GSE153828 |
Embryonic transcriptome analysis of wt vs irf6-/- zebrafish at 4hpf |
GSE154193 |
Endothelial Brg1-Notch Signaling Regulates Zebrafish Heart Regeneration |
GSE154885 |
Transcriptome of nkx2.2a(+), olig2(+), dbx1b(+) cells from 14hpf zebrafish embryo |
GSE157816 |
Nanoplastics and sunscreens contained in personal care products induce neurotoxicity in early zebrafish embryos |
GSE158098 |
Redundant mechanisms driven independently by RUNX1 and GATA2 for hematopoietic development |
GSE158101 |
Redundant mechanisms driven independently by RUNX1 and GATA2 for hematopoietic development |
GSE158104 |
Keratin5-cytoskeleton-BMP4 network regulates cell phenotype conversions during cardiac regeneration |
GSE158538 |
Bulk RNA-seq of fin and body melanocytes and microenvironments |
GSE159845 |
Critical Role for a Subset of Intestinal Macrophages in Shaping Gut Microbiota in Adult Zebrafish |
GSE160138 |
Nrl-dependent and independent rod photoreceptor development in zebrafish [RNA-Seq] |
GSE160140 |
Nrl-dependent and independent rod photoreceptor development in zebrafish [scRNA-Seq] |
GSE160141 |
Nrl-dependent and independent rod photoreceptor development in zebrafish |
GSE160475 |
Zebrafish as an animal model for the antiviral RNA interference pathway |
GSE160662 |
Paternal hypoxia exposure primes offspring for increased hypoxia resistance |
GSE160708 |
RNAseq on uhrf1 zebrafish mutant larvae at 5 dpf compared to phenotypically normal siblings |
GSE160726 |
Transcriptomic profiling of the liver from dnmt1 mutant zebrafish larvae compared to their phenotypically normal siblings at 120 hpf |
GSE160728 |
Transcriptomic profiling of whole larvae and the liver from dnmt1 mutant zebrafish larvae compared to their phenotypically normal siblings at 120 hpf |
GSE161855 |
A Cell Atlas of Microbe-Responsive Processes in the Zebrafish Intestine |
GSE161867 |
The role of Niemann-Pick type C2 in zebrafish embryonic development |
GSE162415 |
Temporal transcriptome in Pou5f3, Nanog and Sox19b mutant zebrafish embryos |
GSE162433 |
RNA Sequencing of sorted neutrophils cells from tet mutant zebrafish embryos |
GSE162435 |
RNA Sequencing and RRBS of sorted myeloid cells from tet mutant zebrafish embryos |
GSE164423 |
Transcriptomic Analysis of the Zebrafish Prion Mutants Supports Conserved Cross-Species Function of the Cellular Prion Protein |
GSE164966 |
Activation of Nkx2.5 Transcriptional Program is Required for Adult Myocardial Repair |
GSE167125 |
Chromatin architecture transitions from zebrafish sperm through early embryogenesis [ChIP-seq II] |
GSE167187 |
δ-cell conversion to insulin+ bihormonal cells in zebrafish |
GSE168133 |
scRNA-seq timeline of first pharyngeal arch migratory stream in zebrafish |
GSE168179 |
A single-cell transcriptomic analysis of cranial neural crest development reveals timing of lineage decisions and novel regulators |
GSE168359 |
Establishment of Developmental Gene Silencing by Ordered Polycomb Complex Recruitment in Early Zebrafish Embryos [RNA-seq] |
GSE168360 |
Establishment of Developmental Gene Silencing by Ordered Polycomb Complex Recruitment in Early Zebrafish Embryos [ChIP-seq] |
GSE168361 |
Establishment of Developmental Gene Silencing by Ordered Polycomb Complex Recruitment in Early Zebrafish Embryos [ATAC-seq] |
GSE168362 |
Establishment of Developmental Gene Silencing by Ordered Polycomb Complex Recruitment in Early Zebrafish Embryos |
GSE168727 |
TLR7 ligation augments hematopoiesis in Rps14 deficiency via paradoxical inflammatory signalling |
GSE169689 |
Redundant mechanisms driven independently by RUNX1 and GATA2 for hematopoietic development [zebrafish bulk RNA-seq2] |
GSE171482 |
scRNA-seq of tailbud development in zebrafish |
GSE171906 |
RNA-Seq from zebrafish adult tissues |
GSE172031 |
Developmental chromatin programs determine oncogenic competence in melanoma [Zebrafish] |
GSE172069 |
Developmental chromatin programs determine oncogenic competence in melanoma |
GSE173179 |
mRNA sequence analysis of zebrafish embryos injected with the codon tag reporter library |
GSE175444 |
Distinctive roles for the chromatin remodeling ATPases Brg1 and Brm in early zebrafish embryos [ChIP-seq] |
GSE175446 |
Distinctive roles for the chromatin remodeling ATPases Brg1 and Brm in early zebrafish embryos [RNA-seq] |
GSE175447 |
Distinctive roles for the chromatin remodeling ATPases Brg1 and Brm in early zebrafish embryos |
GSE178801 |
Transcriptional Profile in Zebrafish Melanocytes and Melanoma Tumors [RNA-seq] |
GSE178802 |
Chromatin Accessibility in Zebrafish Melanocytes and Melanoma Tumors [ATAC-seq] |
GSE178803 |
Transcriptional Profile and Chromatin Accessibility in Zebrafish Melanocytes and Melanoma Tumors |
GSE178842 |
Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) of the retina of crumbs 2a (crb2a m289/m289) zebrafish model of Leber congenital amaurosis and retinitis pigmentosa. |
GSE178919 |
Repurposing Tamoxifen as Potential Host-Directed Therapeutic For Tuberculosis |
GSE179520 |
Downregulation of WT1 transcription factor gene expression is required to promote myocardial fate [RNA-seq] |
GSE179522 |
Downregulation of WT1 transcription factor gene expression is required to promote myocardial fate |
GSE179883 |
Whole larval transcriptional changes due to nlrc3l deficiency in larval zebrafish. |
GSE180778 |
Regulation of retina microexons by srrm3 in zebrafish |
GSE180781 |
Regulation of retina microexons by srrm3 in zebrafish and by SRRM3, SRRM4 and MSI1 in human cell lines |
GSE181571 |
Increased DNA replication length offsets developmental defects induced by hypomorphic DNA methylcytosine methyltransferase activity [RNA-Seq] |
GSE181572 |
Increased DNA replication length offsets developmental defects induced by hypomorphic DNA methylcytosine methyltransferase activity [Bisulfite-Seq] |
GSE181573 |
Increased DNA replication length offsets developmental defects induced by hypomorphic DNA methylcytosine methyltransferase activity |
GSE182979 |
Transcriptome analysis of young and old zebrafish ventricles |
GSE183002 |
Comprehensive genome wide analysis of Satb2 function during vertebrate embryogenesis |
GSE185283 |
Time-resolved RNA sequencing reveals distinct post-transcriptional regimes during zebrafish embryogenesis |
GSE185731 |
Single cell transcriptomic analysis of spinal Dmrt3 neurons in zebrafish and mouse identifies distinct subtypes and reveal novel subpopulations within the dI6 domain |
GSE186889 |
RNA-Seq analysis of Wild Type and lrpap1-/- zebrafish eyes at three month |
GSE188560 |
Transcriptomic profiling of adult zebrafish photoreceptors |
GSE189352 |
Characterization of zebrafish melanoma-derived interstitial EVs and their ncRNA content |
GSE189906 |
Melanopsin elevates locomotor activity during the wake state of the diurnal zebrafish |
GSE190741 |
PCB126 exposure induced DNA methylation and gene expression changes in adult zebrafish testis |
GSE192436 |
Expression of histone 3 wildtype vs. histone 3 (K27M) using MiniCoopR in zebrafish |
GSE192439 |
Expression of histone 3 wildtype vs. histone 3 (K9M) using MiniCoopR in zebrafish |
GSE192511 |
Translational profiling of zebrafish retina cells using translating ribosome affinity purification methods |
GSE192947 |
A regulatory network of Sox and Six transcription factors initiate a cell fate transformation during hearing regeneration in adult zebrafish |
GSE193373 |
Gene expression profiling of Zebrafish larvae treated with bepridil |
GSE194054 |
Nr2f1a maintains atrial nkx2.5 expression to repress pacemaker identity within venous atrial cardiomyocytes of zebrafish |
GSE195548 |
Sinus venosus adaptation models prolonged cardiovascular disease and reveals insights into evolutionary transitions of the vertebrate heart |
GSE195550 |
Sinus venosus adaptation models prolonged cardiovascular disease and reveals insights into evolutionary transitions of the vertebrate heart |
GSE196043 |
mRNA aging shapes the Cap2 methylome in mammalian mRNA |
GSE196102 |
RNA seq analysis of adult olfactory epithelium exposed to Phenyl ethyl ethanol during early development in zebrafish |
GSE199023 |
Gene expression changes induced by transgenic expression of CCDC6-RET or BRAF(V600E) oncogenes in zebrafish thyroid tumors [Zebrafish RET vs BRAF adult tumors] |
GSE199697 |
leptin b and its regeneration enhancer illustrate regenerative features of zebrafish hearts |
GSE200756 |
Stage- and cell type-specific requirements of ikzf1 during haematopoietic differentiation in zebrafish |
GSE200936 |
Effect of endothelial specific inhibition of Brg1 on gene expression during zebrafish heart regeneration [RNA-seq] |
GSE200938 |
Effect of endothelial specific inhibition of Brg1 |
GSE201139 |
RNA-seq experiments on heart regeneration in WT, foxm1 and dusp6 mutants. |
GSE201604 |
Oxoeicosanoid signaling promotes early antimicrobial defense in zebrafish (Danio rerio) |
GSE202238 |
Alx function in the developing eye |
GSE203631 |
Multigenerational Effects of Dietary Benzo[a]pyrene Exposure on Behavior, Gene Expression, and DNA Methylation |
GSE205498 |
Transcriptomic evolution across bilaterian tissues |
GSE205599 |
Fin ray branching is defined by TRAP+ osteolytic tubules in zebrafish |
GSE206039 |
VGLL2-NCOA2 leverages developmental programs for pediatric sarcomagenesis |
GSE207457 |
Transcriptome profiles of zebrafish larvae from a caffeine-induced anxiety model and a high fat-diet induced obesity model [RNA-Seq] |
GSE207476 |
Transcriptomics analysis of gene expression at three different developmental stages of zebrafish embryos |
GSE207549 |
Transcriptome profiles of zebrafish larvae from a caffeine-induced anxiety model and a high fat-diet induced obesity model [miRNA-Seq] |
GSE207550 |
Transcriptome profiles of zebrafish larvae from a caffeine-induced anxiety model and a high fat-diet induced obesity model |
GSE207660 |
Effects of scd deletion on gene expression during zebrafish liver lipid homeostasis |
GSE207739 |
Evaluating the toxicity of two endocrine disrupting chemicals, Raloxifene and Resorcinol using a larval zebrafish transcriptomic approach |
GSE210642 |
X-linked myotubular myopathy is associated with epigenetic alterations and is ameliorated by HDAC inhibition |
GSE210940 |
Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell heterogeneity is inherited from the embryonic hemogenic endothelium [RNA-seq] |
GSE210942 |
Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell heterogeneity is inherited from the embryonic hemogenic endothelium. |
GSE214952 |
Stage- and cell type-specific requirements of ikzf1 during hematopoietic differentiation in zebrafish [ikaros] |
GSE214955 |
Stage- and cell type-specific requirements of ikzf1 during hematopoietic differentiation in zebrafish |
GSE216619 |
Taxonomy of introns, their evolution, and the role of minor introns in stress response |
GSE220564 |
Dlx3b/4b-dependent genes in early zebrafish inner ear development |
GSE220565 |
Atoh1b-dependent genes in early zebrafish inner ear development |
GSE225089 |
Mettl16 promotes hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell expansion in embryonic hematopoiesis [RNA-seq] |
GSE225137 |
Mettl16 promotes hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell expansion in embryonic hematopoiesis |
GSE227113 |
Transcription factor induction of vascular blood stem cell niches in vivo [ATAC-Seq 2] |
GSE227754 |
DNA methylation profiling of zebrafish DNMT3aa and DNMT3ab mutants |
GSE228057 |
Transcriptome profiling Zebrafish Sap130a gene mutations in embryogenesis |
GSE228450 |
Transcriptome profiling Zebrafish Sap130b gene mutations in embryogenesis |
GSE228451 |
Transcriptome profiling Zebrafish Sap130a and Sap130b gene mutations in embryogenesis |
GSE229261 |
Low input RNA-seq of endothelial cells sorted from tail of zebrafish larvae |
GSE229995 |
Unexpected consequences of combined glucocerebrosidase and acid sphingomyelinase deficiency in a model of Parkinson’s disease |
GSE230236 |
The secreted neuronal signal Spock1 regulates the blood-brain barrier |
GSE232902 |
Transcriptomic analysis of long wavelength-sensing cones of zebrafish retina |
GSE233631 |
Microbiota dysbiosis associated with type 2 diabetes-like effects caused by chronic exposure to a mixture of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants in zebrafish [I] |
GSE233633 |
Microbiota dysbiosis associated with type 2 diabetes-like effects caused by chronic exposure to a mixture of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants in zebrafish |
GSE234104 |
Sex blind: bridging the gap between drug exposure and sex-related gene expression in Danio rerio using next-generation sequencing (NGS) data and a literature review to find the missing links in pharmaceutical and environmental toxicology studies |
GSE234435 |
Molecular basis of retinal remodeling in a Zebrafish model of Retinitis Pigmentosa |
GSE234661 |
Single Cell RNA Sequencing of adult WT Zebrafish Retina |
GSE235280 |
Ancient vertebrate dermal armor evolved from trunk neural crest |
GSE238174 |
Depletion of tet2 results in age-dependent changes in DNA methylation and gene expression in a zebrafish model of myelodysplastic syndrome [DNAmethylation] |
GSE238176 |
Depletion of tet2 results in age-dependent changes in DNA methylation and gene expression in a zebrafish model of myelodysplastic syndrome |
GSE238240 |
Retina-derived signals control pace of neurogenesis in visual brain areas but not circuit configuration |
GSE239498 |
Transcriptome analysis of cardiac tissue from Wild-type (WT) andsalvianolate-treated Zebrafish |
GSE239594 |
Transcriptomic differences between deeply quiescent and activated adult NSCs |
GSE239597 |
Transcriptomic differences between juvenile and adult quiescent NSCs |
GSE239598 |
Prosaposin promotes neural stem cell quiescence |
GSE239622 |
CDKN1A Deficiency in Zebrafish Promote Follicle Maturation and Degeneration Mediated by CRISPR/Cas9 Targeted Disruption |
GSE239623 |
Genetic Evidence for the Gatekeeping Role of Ybx1 in Controlling Follicle Activation and Early Folliculogenesis by Regulation of Cdkn1a in the Zebrafish |
GSE240125 |
Evaluating the toxicity of two endocrine disrupting chemicals, BPA and TBBPA using a larval zebrafish transcriptomic approach |
GSE241107 |
Control of poly(A)-tail length and translation in vertebrate oocytes and early embryos |
GSE248952 |
Cohesin composition and dosage independently affect early development in zebrafish |
GSE249932 |
laser-captured chondrocyte transcriptomes from cranial base |
GSE252307 |
Behavioral and transcriptomic analyses of mecp2 function in zebrafish |
GSE252417 |
The human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the fish pathogen Mycobacterium marinum trigger the same core set of late immune response genes in zebrafish larvae |
GSE255304 |
Ctla-4 deficiency induces an inflammatory bowel disease-like phenotype in a zebrafish model [bulkRNA-seq] |
GSE276252 |
Effect of D-glucose and L-glucose on gene expression of zebrafish embryos at 72 hpf (hours post fertilization) and 96 hpf. |
GSE283253 |
Effect of rhpn2 knowout on gene expression of zebrafish embryos at 72 hpf (hours post fertilization) . |
GSE287811 |
Reactivation of an Embryonic Cardiac Neural Crest Transcriptional Subcircuit During Zebrafish Heart Regeneration [scRNA-seq] |
GSE287813 |
Reactivation of an Embryonic Cardiac Neural Crest Transcriptional Subcircuit During Zebrafish Heart Regeneration [bulk ATAC-seq] |
GSE287815 |
Reactivation of an Embryonic Cardiac Neural Crest Transcriptional Subcircuit During Zebrafish Heart Regeneration [bulk RNA-seq] |