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Corneal arcus

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome; Finding
Synonyms: Arcus corneae; Arcus senilis
SNOMED CT: Corneal arcus (231924000); Arcus senilis (111522004); Gerontoxon (111522004); Arcus of cornea (231924000)
HPO: HP:0001084
Monarch Initiative: MONDO:0007150
OMIM®: 107800


A hazy, grayish-white ring about 2 mm in width located close to but separated from the limbus (the corneoscleral junction). Corneal arcus generally occurs bilaterally, and is related to lipid deposition in the cornea. Corneal arcus can occur in elderly persons as a part of the aging process but may be associated with hypercholesterolemia in people under the age of 50 years. [from HPO]

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Conditions with this feature

Norum disease
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Complete LCAT deficiency is a disorder that primarily affects the eyes and kidneys.\n\nIn complete LCAT deficiency, the clear front surface of the eyes (the corneas) gradually becomes cloudy. The cloudiness, which generally first appears in early childhood, consists of small grayish dots of cholesterol (opacities) distributed across the corneas. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is produced in the body and obtained from foods that come from animals; it aids in many functions of the body but can become harmful in excessive amounts. As complete LCAT deficiency progresses, the corneal cloudiness worsens and can lead to severely impaired vision.\n\nPeople with complete LCAT deficiency often have kidney disease that begins in adolescence or early adulthood. The kidney problems get worse over time and may eventually lead to kidney failure. Individuals with this disorder also usually have a condition known as hemolytic anemia, in which red blood cells are broken down (undergo hemolysis) prematurely, resulting in a shortage of red blood cells (anemia). Anemia can cause pale skin, weakness, fatigue, and more serious complications.\n\nOther features of complete LCAT deficiency that occur in some affected individuals include enlargement of the liver (hepatomegaly), spleen (splenomegaly), or lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) or an accumulation of fatty deposits on the artery walls (atherosclerosis).
Hypercholesterolemia, familial, 1
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is characterized by significantly elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) that leads to atherosclerotic plaque deposition in the coronary arteries and proximal aorta at an early age and increases the risk of premature cardiovascular events such as angina and myocardial infarction; stroke occurs more rarely. Xanthomas (cholesterol deposits in tendons) may be visible in the Achilles tendons or tendons of the hands and worsen with age as a result of extremely high cholesterol levels. Xanthelasmas (yellowish, waxy deposits) can occur around the eyelids. Individuals with FH may develop corneal arcus (white, gray, or blue opaque ring in the corneal margin as a result of cholesterol deposition) at a younger age than those without FH. Individuals with a more severe phenotype, often as a result of biallelic variants, can present with very significant elevations in LDL-C (>500 mg/dL), early-onset coronary artery disease (CAD; presenting as early as childhood in some), and calcific aortic valve disease.
Megalocornea-intellectual disability syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
The cardinal findings of Neuhauser syndrome, also known as MMR syndrome, are impaired intellectual development or developmental delay, megalocornea, hypotonia, prominent forehead, micrognathia, prominent nasal bridge, and thin upper lip or carp-like mouth (Naritomi et al., 1997). Reviews Gutierrez-Amavizca et al. (2013) reviewed published reports and tabulated the clinical features of 35 patients with Neuhauser syndrome. Primary megalocornea and psychomotor delay were present in all patients. Characteristics observed in more than half of patients included hypotonia, growth retardation, abnormal electroencephalography (EEG) and/or seizures, micro- or macrocephaly, brain malformations such as cerebral atrophy and hypoplastic corpus callosum, craniofacial dysmorphisms, cardiac anomalies, osteoarticular abnormalities, and refractive errors. Additional features found at low frequency included primary hypothyroidism, recurrent infections, feeding difficulties, cerebral hypomyelination, dyslipidemia, sensorineural deafness, laryngomalacia, large fleshy and cup-shaped ears, obesity, and cryptorchidism. The authors stated that the classification suggested by Verloes et al. (1993) did not seem to be applicable, and proposed that the diagnosis of Neuhauser syndrome should be made in the presence of intellectual disability and megalocornea in the absence of elevated intraocular pressure, with at least 1 minor feature from among those observed in more than half of patients.
Hypercholesterolemia, autosomal dominant, type B
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is characterized by significantly elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) that leads to atherosclerotic plaque deposition in the coronary arteries and proximal aorta at an early age and increases the risk of premature cardiovascular events such as angina and myocardial infarction; stroke occurs more rarely. Xanthomas (cholesterol deposits in tendons) may be visible in the Achilles tendons or tendons of the hands and worsen with age as a result of extremely high cholesterol levels. Xanthelasmas (yellowish, waxy deposits) can occur around the eyelids. Individuals with FH may develop corneal arcus (white, gray, or blue opaque ring in the corneal margin as a result of cholesterol deposition) at a younger age than those without FH. Individuals with a more severe phenotype, often as a result of biallelic variants, can present with very significant elevations in LDL-C (>500 mg/dL), early-onset coronary artery disease (CAD; presenting as early as childhood in some), and calcific aortic valve disease.
Hyperlipoproteinemia, type II, and deafness
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Cornea plana 2
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Cornea plana is clinically characterized by reduced corneal curvature leading in most cases to hyperopia, hazy corneal limbus, and arcus lipoides at an early age. CNA2 is a severe form of the disorder, which is frequently associated with additional ocular manifestations (summary by Tahvanainen et al., 1996). For discussion of genetic heterogeneity of CNA, see CNA1 (121400).
Hypercholesterolemia, autosomal dominant, 3
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is characterized by significantly elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) that leads to atherosclerotic plaque deposition in the coronary arteries and proximal aorta at an early age and increases the risk of premature cardiovascular events such as angina and myocardial infarction; stroke occurs more rarely. Xanthomas (cholesterol deposits in tendons) may be visible in the Achilles tendons or tendons of the hands and worsen with age as a result of extremely high cholesterol levels. Xanthelasmas (yellowish, waxy deposits) can occur around the eyelids. Individuals with FH may develop corneal arcus (white, gray, or blue opaque ring in the corneal margin as a result of cholesterol deposition) at a younger age than those without FH. Individuals with a more severe phenotype, often as a result of biallelic variants, can present with very significant elevations in LDL-C (>500 mg/dL), early-onset coronary artery disease (CAD; presenting as early as childhood in some), and calcific aortic valve disease.
H syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
The histiocytosis-lymphadenopathy plus syndrome comprises features of 4 histiocytic disorders previously thought to be distinct: Faisalabad histiocytosis (FHC), sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML), H syndrome, and pigmented hypertrichosis with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus syndrome (PHID). FHC was described as an autosomal recessive disease involving joint deformities, sensorineural hearing loss, and subsequent development of generalized lymphadenopathy and swellings in the eyelids that contain histiocytes (summary by Morgan et al., 2010). SHML, or familial Rosai-Dorfman disease, was described as a rare cause of lymph node enlargement in children, consisting of chronic massive enlargement of cervical lymph nodes frequently accompanied by fever, leukocytosis, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia. Extranodal sites were involved in approximately 25% of patients, including salivary glands, orbit, eyelid, spleen, and testes. The involvement of retropharyngeal lymphoid tissue sometimes caused snoring and sleep apnea (summary by Kismet et al., 2005). H syndrome was characterized by cutaneous hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis, hepatosplenomegaly, heart anomalies, and hypogonadism; hearing loss was also found in about half of patients, and many had short stature. PHID was characterized by predominantly antibody-negative insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus associated with pigmented hypertrichosis and variable occurrence of other features of H syndrome, with hepatosplenomegaly occurring in about half of patients (Cliffe et al., 2009). Bolze et al. (2012) noted that mutations in the SLC29A3 gene (612373) had been implicated in H syndrome, PHID, FHC, and SHML, and that some patients presented a combination of features from 2 or more of these syndromes, leading to the suggestion that these phenotypes should be grouped together as 'SLC29A3 disorder.' Bolze et al. (2012) suggested that the histologic features of the lesions seemed to be the most uniform phenotype in these patients. In addition, the immunophenotype of infiltrating cells in H syndrome patients was shown to be the same as that seen in patients with the familial form of Rosai-Dorfman disease, further supporting the relationship between these disorders (Avitan-Hersh et al., 2011; Colmenero et al., 2012).
Sitosterolemia 1
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Sitosterolemia is characterized by: Hypercholesterolemia (especially in children) which (1) shows an unexpected significant lowering of plasma cholesterol level in response to low-fat diet modification or to bile acid sequestrant therapy; or (2) does not respond to statin therapy; Tendon xanthomas or tuberous (i.e., planar) xanthomas that can occur in childhood and in unusual locations (heels, knees, elbows, and buttocks); Premature atherosclerosis, which can lead to angina, aortic valve involvement, myocardial infarction, and sudden death; Hemolytic anemia, abnormally shaped erythrocytes (stomatocytes), and large platelets (macrothrombocytopenia). On occasion, the abnormal hematologic findings may be the initial presentation or the only clinical feature of this disorder. Arthritis, arthralgias, and splenomegaly may sometimes be seen and one study has concluded that "idiopathic" liver disease could be undiagnosed sitosterolemia. The clinical spectrum of sitosterolemia is probably not fully appreciated due to underdiagnosis and the fact that the phenotype in infants is likely to be highly dependent on diet.
Hyperlipidemia due to hepatic triglyceride lipase deficiency
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Hepatic lipase deficiency is characterized by premature atherosclerosis, elevated total cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), as well as TG-rich low density lipoprotein (LDL) and HDL subfractions (summary by Hegele et al., 1991).
Isolated congenital megalocornea
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Congenital Abnormality
Isolated congenital megalocornea is a genetic, non-syndromic developmental defect of the anterior eye segment. The disease has characteristics of bilateral enlargement of the corneal diameter and a deep anterior eye chamber, without an elevation in intraocular pressure. It can manifest with mild to moderate myopia as well as photophobia and iridodonesis (due to iris hypoplasia). Associated complications include lens dislocation, retinal detachment, presenile cataract development and secondary glaucoma. There is evidence this disease is caused by mutation in the CHRDL1 gene on chromosome Xq23.
ALDH18A1-related de Barsy syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
De Barsy syndrome, or autosomal recessive cutis laxa type III (ARCL3), is characterized by cutis laxa, a progeria-like appearance, and ophthalmologic abnormalities (summary by Kivuva et al., 2008). For a phenotypic description and a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of autosomal recessive cutis laxa, see 219100. Genetic Heterogeneity of de Barsy Syndrome Also see ARCL3B (614438), caused by mutation in the PYCR1 gene (179035) on chromosome 17q25.
Hypoalphalipoproteinemia, primary, 2
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Primary hypoalphalipoproteinemia-2 is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by dysfunctional apoA-I production, resulting in undetectable levels of apoA-I in serum and in markedly low levels of serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). The disorder is associated with extensive atherosclerosis, xanthomas, and corneal opacities (summary by Tanaka et al., 2018). For a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of primary hypoalphalipoproteinemia, see 604091.
Familial apolipoprotein gene cluster deletion syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Apolipoprotein (apo) A-I is the major protein of HDL cholesterol, whereas apoC-III and apoA-IV are minor components. The genes coding for apoA-I, apoC-III, and apoA-IV are adjacent to one another on the long arm of chromosome 11. Familial apolipoprotein gene cluster deletion syndrome has been described in 1 family and found to be a homozygous deletion of the entire APOA1/C3/A4 gene complex. This results in a lack of expression of these plasma lipoproteins, with marked HDL-C deficiency in the homozygote and approximately half-normal levels of these apolipoproteins and HDL-C in the heterozygotes.

Professional guidelines


Fularski P, Hajdys J, Majchrowicz G, Stabrawa M, Młynarska E, Rysz J, Franczyk B
Int J Mol Sci 2024 Jan 29;25(3) doi: 10.3390/ijms25031637. PMID: 38338916Free PMC Article
Chua YA, Razman AZ, Ramli AS, Mohd Kasim NA, Nawawi H
J Atheroscler Thromb 2021 Oct 1;28(10):1095-1107. Epub 2021 Jan 15 doi: 10.5551/jat.57026. PMID: 33455995Free PMC Article
Bhatnagar D
Ann Clin Biochem 2006 Nov;43(Pt 6):441-56. doi: 10.1258/000456306778904641. PMID: 17132275

Recent clinical studies


Ng JY, Zarook E, Nicholson L; Oculi-Cordis group, Khanji MY, Chahal CAA
Heart 2023 Oct 26;109(22):1670-1676. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2022-322081. PMID: 37507215Free PMC Article
Hashemi H, Malekifar P, Aghamirsalim M, Yekta A, Mahboubipour H, Khabazkhoob M
BMC Ophthalmol 2022 Aug 31;22(1):354. doi: 10.1186/s12886-022-02578-6. PMID: 36045353Free PMC Article
Wasielica-Poslednik J, Hampel U, Ries L, Faysal R, Schulz A, Prochaska JH, Wild PS, Schmidtmann I, Münzel T, Beutel ME, Lackner KJ, Pfeiffer N, Schuster AK
PLoS One 2021;16(9):e0255893. Epub 2021 Sep 21 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255893. PMID: 34547023Free PMC Article
Li YH, Ueng KC, Jeng JS, Charng MJ, Lin TH, Chien KL, Wang CY, Chao TH, Liu PY, Su CH, Chien SC, Liou CW, Tang SC, Lee CC, Yu TY, Chen JW, Wu CC, Yeh HI; Writing Group of 2017 Taiwan Lipid Guidelines for High Risk Patients
J Formos Med Assoc 2017 Apr;116(4):217-248. Epub 2017 Feb 24 doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2016.11.013. PMID: 28242176
Fernández A, Sorokin A, Thompson PD
Atherosclerosis 2007 Aug;193(2):235-40. Epub 2006 Oct 17 doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2006.08.060. PMID: 17049531


Liu Z, Wang W
N Engl J Med 2024 May 2;390(17):1611. doi: 10.1056/NEJMicm2313156. PMID: 38692294
Ng JY, Zarook E, Nicholson L; Oculi-Cordis group, Khanji MY, Chahal CAA
Heart 2023 Oct 26;109(22):1670-1676. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2022-322081. PMID: 37507215Free PMC Article
Hashemi H, Malekifar P, Aghamirsalim M, Yekta A, Mahboubipour H, Khabazkhoob M
BMC Ophthalmol 2022 Aug 31;22(1):354. doi: 10.1186/s12886-022-02578-6. PMID: 36045353Free PMC Article
Li YH, Ueng KC, Jeng JS, Charng MJ, Lin TH, Chien KL, Wang CY, Chao TH, Liu PY, Su CH, Chien SC, Liou CW, Tang SC, Lee CC, Yu TY, Chen JW, Wu CC, Yeh HI; Writing Group of 2017 Taiwan Lipid Guidelines for High Risk Patients
J Formos Med Assoc 2017 Apr;116(4):217-248. Epub 2017 Feb 24 doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2016.11.013. PMID: 28242176
Barchiesi BJ, Eckel RH, Ellis PP
Surv Ophthalmol 1991 Jul-Aug;36(1):1-22. doi: 10.1016/0039-6257(91)90205-t. PMID: 1925941


Du Z, Li F, Jiang L, Li L, Du Y, Yu H, Luo Y, Wang Y, Sun H, Hu C, Li J, Yang Y, Jiao X, Wang L, Qin Y
BMC Med 2023 Jul 27;21(1):275. doi: 10.1186/s12916-023-02967-8. PMID: 37501168Free PMC Article
Hashemi H, Malekifar P, Aghamirsalim M, Yekta A, Mahboubipour H, Khabazkhoob M
BMC Ophthalmol 2022 Aug 31;22(1):354. doi: 10.1186/s12886-022-02578-6. PMID: 36045353Free PMC Article
Li YH, Ueng KC, Jeng JS, Charng MJ, Lin TH, Chien KL, Wang CY, Chao TH, Liu PY, Su CH, Chien SC, Liou CW, Tang SC, Lee CC, Yu TY, Chen JW, Wu CC, Yeh HI; Writing Group of 2017 Taiwan Lipid Guidelines for High Risk Patients
J Formos Med Assoc 2017 Apr;116(4):217-248. Epub 2017 Feb 24 doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2016.11.013. PMID: 28242176
Vurgese S, Panda-Jonas S, Saini N, Sinha A, Nangia V, Jonas JB
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011 Dec 20;52(13):9636-43. doi: 10.1167/iovs.11-8404. PMID: 22110074
Chen HT, Chen HC, Hsiao CH, Ma DH, Chen YT, Lin KK
Am J Med Sci 2009 Oct;338(4):268-72. doi: 10.1097/MAJ.0b013e3181b2b25e. PMID: 19707111


Ng JY, Zarook E, Nicholson L; Oculi-Cordis group, Khanji MY, Chahal CAA
Heart 2023 Oct 26;109(22):1670-1676. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2022-322081. PMID: 37507215Free PMC Article
Du Z, Li F, Jiang L, Li L, Du Y, Yu H, Luo Y, Wang Y, Sun H, Hu C, Li J, Yang Y, Jiao X, Wang L, Qin Y
BMC Med 2023 Jul 27;21(1):275. doi: 10.1186/s12916-023-02967-8. PMID: 37501168Free PMC Article
Mehta R, Martagon AJ, Galan Ramirez GA, Gonzalez Retana G, Martinez-Beltran M, Vargas Vazquez A, Vazquez-Cardenas A, Aguilar-Salinas CA
Atherosclerosis 2018 Oct;277:517-523. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2018.06.007. PMID: 30270093
Rubio-Marín P, Michán-Doña A, Maraver-Delgado J, Arroyo-Olivares R, Barrado Varea R, Pérez de Isla L, Mata P
Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr (Engl Ed) 2018 May;65(5):280-286. Epub 2018 Mar 6 doi: 10.1016/j.endinu.2017.12.009. PMID: 29523491
Li YH, Ueng KC, Jeng JS, Charng MJ, Lin TH, Chien KL, Wang CY, Chao TH, Liu PY, Su CH, Chien SC, Liou CW, Tang SC, Lee CC, Yu TY, Chen JW, Wu CC, Yeh HI; Writing Group of 2017 Taiwan Lipid Guidelines for High Risk Patients
J Formos Med Assoc 2017 Apr;116(4):217-248. Epub 2017 Feb 24 doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2016.11.013. PMID: 28242176

Clinical prediction guides

Rallidis LS, Rizos CV, Papathanasiou KA, Liamis G, Skoumas I, Garoufi A, Kolovou G, Tziomalos K, Skalidis E, Kotsis V, Sfikas G, Doumas M, Anagnostis P, Lambadiari V, Giannakopoulou V, Kiouri E, Anastasiou G, Petkou E, Koutagiar I, Attilakos A, Kolovou V, Zacharis E, Antza C, Koumaras C, Boutari C, Liberopoulos E
J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) 2024 May 1;25(5):370-378. Epub 2024 Mar 19 doi: 10.2459/JCM.0000000000001612. PMID: 38526957
Du Z, Li F, Jiang L, Li L, Du Y, Yu H, Luo Y, Wang Y, Sun H, Hu C, Li J, Yang Y, Jiao X, Wang L, Qin Y
BMC Med 2023 Jul 27;21(1):275. doi: 10.1186/s12916-023-02967-8. PMID: 37501168Free PMC Article
Rallidis LS, Iordanidis D, Iliodromitis E
J Cardiol 2020 Dec;76(6):568-572. Epub 2020 Jul 30 doi: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2020.07.005. PMID: 32741655
Lima-Martínez MM, Paoli M, Vázquez-Cárdenas A, Magaña-Torres MT, Guevara O, Muñoz MC, Parrilla-Alvarez A, Márquez Y, Medeiros A, Bourbon M
Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr 2017 Oct;64(8):432-439. Epub 2017 Jul 4 doi: 10.1016/j.endinu.2017.05.007. PMID: 28895539
Li YH, Ueng KC, Jeng JS, Charng MJ, Lin TH, Chien KL, Wang CY, Chao TH, Liu PY, Su CH, Chien SC, Liou CW, Tang SC, Lee CC, Yu TY, Chen JW, Wu CC, Yeh HI; Writing Group of 2017 Taiwan Lipid Guidelines for High Risk Patients
J Formos Med Assoc 2017 Apr;116(4):217-248. Epub 2017 Feb 24 doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2016.11.013. PMID: 28242176

Recent systematic reviews

Fernández A, Sorokin A, Thompson PD
Atherosclerosis 2007 Aug;193(2):235-40. Epub 2006 Oct 17 doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2006.08.060. PMID: 17049531

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