Lenses were removed and immediately fixed using 4% paraformaldehide or methanol-based UMFIX reagent (Sakura Finetek USA, Inc.). To map the exact location of both elongating and maturing fibers on the lens slices, lenses were vibratome-sliced (Vibratome 1000, St. Louis, MO) as described previously and the GFP expression pattern was captured by confocal microscopy. For RNA extraction lens tissue was sliced into 5 micron-thick paraffin sections and microdissected using LCM (Leica Microsystems, Bannockburn, IL). The mid-saggital slices were used both for syncytium border measurements and for LCM. Control measurement (data not shown) confirmed that similar rates of shrinkage in paraformaldehyde- and UMFIX-fixed samples did not affect precision of LCM dissection. Keywords = mouse Keywords = lens Keywords = eye Keywords = fiber cells