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Series GSE425 Query DataSets for GSE425
Status Public on Apr 15, 2004
Title Acute myeloid leukemia study
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Acute myeloid leukemia study.

Supplementary Table 1: Clinical, morphological, cytogenetic and molecular
genetic information on 116 AML patient samples.

Supplementary Table 2: Summary of the distribution of clinical and molecular
genetic characteristics within the AML sample set.

Supplementary Table 3: Fluorescence ratios of the 6,283 well-measured and
variably-expressed genes.

Supplementary Table 4: Clinical and laboratory characteristics of normal
karyotype predominant subtypes I and II.

Supplementary Table 5: Supervised analysis of group-specific gene expression

Supplementary Table 6: Gene-expression outcome class predictor.

Supplementary Table 7: Multivariate proportional hazards analysis.
Keywords: other
Contributor(s) Bullinger L, Dohner K, Bair E, Frohling S, Schlenk RF, Tibshirani R, Dohner H, Pollack JR
Citation(s) 15084693, 16931630, 19903898
Submission date May 07, 2003
Last update date Feb 23, 2012
Contact name Jonathan Pollack
Phone 650-736-1987
Organization name Stanford University
Department Pathology
Lab Pollack Lab
Street address 269 Campus Drive, CCSR3245A
City Stanford
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 94305-5176
Country USA
Platforms (3)
Samples (119)
GSM6228 AML 104
GSM6229 AML 5
GSM6230 AML 3
BioProject PRJNA84991

Supplementary_Table_1 header descriptions
Sample source*
Cytogenetic group
FLT3 aberration†
Age (years)†
Preceding Malignancy†
WBC (x1000/ul)†
PB-Blasts (%) †
BM-Blasts (%)†
LDH (U/l)†
FAB subtype†
Tx Group‡
Remission status§
Overall Survival (days)¶
Training/Test Set?

Data table
Sample Study Sample source* Cytogenetic group Karyotype FISH† FLT3 aberration† MLL PTD Sex Age (years)† Preceding Malignancy† WBC (x1000/ul)† PB-Blasts (%) † BM-Blasts (%)† LDH (U/l)† FAB subtype† Tx Group‡ Remission status§ Status Overall Survival (days)¶ Training/Test Set?
AML 1 AML HD98A PB complex karyotype 48,XX,+8,add(9)(q34),+13 8 yes no F 39.7 no 14.1 76 88 599 M2 IC REL dead 213 test set
AML 2 AML HD98A BM t(15;17) 46,XY,t(15;17)(q22;q21) NA yes no M 34.5 no 36.1 86 95 365 M3 IC CR alive 801 training set
AML 4 AML HD98A BM t(8;21) 46,XY,t(8;21)(q22;q22) no inv(16), no t(11q23) yes no M 40.9 no 130.3 NA 79 3890 M2 IC REL dead 210 training set
AML 5 AML HD98A BM (PB = AML 3) complex karyotype 46,XY,t(2;8),add(7)(q32),?t(10;11;19) +8,?t(11q23) no no M 38.7 no 37.1 93 95 524 M1 ALLO RD dead 243 training set
AML 6 AML HD98B BM del(7q)/-7 46,XY,add(7)(q11),t(8;14)(q12;q32) del(7)(q22-q35) no yes M 63.3 no 29.9 73 81 343 M4 IC REL dead 336 training set
AML 7 AML HD98A PB normal karyotype 46,XX no inv(16), no t(11q23) yes no F 37.6 no 7.3 80 90 386 M2 ALLO RD dead 134 training set
AML 8 AML HD98B BM normal karyotype 46,XY negative yes no M 68.9 no 69.7 36 70 648 M2 Ind RD alive 206 test set
AML 9 AML HD98A PB normal karyotype 46,XY no inv(16), no t(11q23) yes no M 33.7 no 57.1 60 95 1011 M4 IC CR alive 438 test set
AML 10 AML HD98A BM normal karyotype 46,XY negative yes no M 34.1 NA 177.5 90 NA 1621 M5 ALLO REL dead 233 test set
AML 11 AML HD98A BM normal karyotype 46,XX negative yes no F 46.7 no 65 NA 84 1109 M1 ALLO REL dead 204 test set
AML 12 AML HD98A PB normal karyotype 46,XY negative no no M 31.2 no 112 NA 95 731 M5 ALLO CR alive 610 test set
AML 13 AML HD98B PB normal karyotype 46,XX negative yes no F 73.4 yes 81 87 80 494 M4 Ind REL dead 85 training set
AML 14 AML HD98A BM del(7q)/-7 47,XY,del(5q),del(7q),abn(11q23),add(12)(p13),+22 del(5)(q31-q33),?t(11q23),+12p no no M 35.3 no 24.5 77 90 576 M1 ALLO REL dead 711 test set
AML 15 AML HD98B PB normal karyotype 46,XY negative no no M 62.6 no 112 66 90 724 M2 ALLO CR dead 483 test set
AML 16 AML HD98A BM t(8;21) 46,XX,t(8;21)(q22;q22) t(8;21) yes no F 49.1 no 13 30 51 249 M2 IC CR alive 610 training set
AML 17 AML HD98A PB normal karyotype 46,XY negative yes no M 46.3 no 17.2 79 90 559 M1 ALLO REL dead 570 test set
AML 18 AML HD98A PB other 46,XY,t(11;15)(p15;q11),t(12;20)(p11.2;q11.2) negative yes no M 28.1 no 26.2 76 90 409 M1 IC REL dead 323 training set
AML 20 AML HD98B PB t(9;11) 46,X,-Y,+8,t(9;11)(p22;q23) t(9;11) no no M 65 no 31.9 78 100 1336 M5 IC CR alive 884 training set
AML 21 AML HD98A BM t(9;11) 46,XY,t(9;11)(p22;q23) t(9;11) yes no M 23.2 yes 81.3 84 85 410 M5 Ind ED dead 21 test set
AML 22 AML HD98A PB normal karyotype 46,XY NA no no M 52.4 no 60.4 56 56 735 M0 ALLO RD dead 154 training set

Total number of rows: 122

Table truncated, full table size 14 Kbytes.

Supplementary_Table_2 header descriptions
Clinical/laboratory parameter
Number of cases

Data table
Clinical/laboratory parameter Number of cases Percent
Sex male n=67 58%
female n=49 42%
Age (in years) Median (range) 49.8 19.1-74.6
WBC (x1000/µl) Median (range) 37.9 1.1-427.0
LDH (in U/l) Median (range) 599 93-3953
FAB FAB M0 n=3 3%
FAB M1 n=13 11%
FAB M2 n=25 22%
FAB M3 n=12 10%
FAB M4 n=35 30%
FAB M5 n=15 13%
NA* n=13 11%
Cytogenetic groups t(8;21) n=11 9%
inv(16) n=15 13%
t(15;17) n=12 10%
normal karyotype n=45 39%
+8 sole n=4 3%
11q23 aberration [t(9;11)] n=8 7%
del(7q)/-7 n=11 10%
complex karyotype n=5 4%

Total number of rows: 26

Table truncated, full table size <1 Kbytes.

Supplementary_Table_3 header descriptions
AML 106
AML 52
AML 66
AML 49
AML 80
AML 107
AML 87
AML 51
AML 115
AML 63
AML 47
AML 22
AML 92
AML 67
AML 23
AML 78
AML 75
AML 58
AML 39
AML 41
AML 56
AML 13
AML 96
AML 46
AML 19
AML 30
AML 118
AML 14
AML 71
AML 57
AML 17
AML 42
AML 45
AML 102
AML 113
AML 76
AML 18
AML 108
AML 93
AML 94
AML 15
AML 32
AML 61
AML 65
AML 64
AML 97
AML 79
AML 53
AML 38
AML 82
AML 48
AML 114
AML 98
AML 44
AML 105
AML 29
AML 119
AML 86
AML 101
AML 60
AML 104
AML 99
AML 33
AML 117
AML 95
AML 81
AML 89
AML 40
AML 28
AML 109
AML 12
AML 88
AML 31
AML 110
AML 20
AML 100
AML 85
AML 43
AML 27
AML 54
AML 91
AML 35
AML 103
AML 36
AML 74
AML 112
AML 10
AML 84
AML 77
AML 25
AML 90
AML 73
AML 70
AML 34
AML 37
AML 116
AML 21
AML 11
AML 72
AML 16
AML 26
AML 62
AML 24
AML 59
AML 69
AML 83
AML 68
AML 50
AML 111
AML 55

Data table
CLID NAME AML 106 AML 52 AML 66 AML 49 AML 80 AML 107 AML 87 AML 51 AML 115 AML 1 AML 63 AML 47 AML 22 AML 92 AML 67 AML 23 AML 78 AML 75 AML 58 AML 39 AML 41 AML 56 AML 13 AML 96 AML 46 AML 19 AML 30 AML 118 AML 14 AML 71 AML 57 AML 17 AML 42 AML 45 AML 102 AML 113 AML 76 AML 18 AML 108 AML 93 AML 94 AML 15 AML 32 AML 61 AML 65 AML 64 AML 97 AML 79 AML 53 AML 38 AML 82 AML 48 AML 114 AML 98 AML 44 AML 105 AML 29 AML 119 AML 86 AML 101 AML 60 AML 104 AML 99 AML 2 AML 33 AML 117 AML 95 AML 81 AML 89 AML 40 AML 28 AML 109 AML 12 AML 88 AML 31 AML 110 AML 20 AML 100 AML 85 AML 7 AML 43 AML 27 AML 54 AML 91 AML 35 AML 103 AML 36 AML 74 AML 112 AML 10 AML 84 AML 77 AML 25 AML 90 AML 73 AML 70 AML 34 AML 8 AML 37 AML 116 AML 21 AML 9 AML 11 AML 72 AML 4 AML 16 AML 26 AML 62 AML 24 AML 3 AML 5 AML 6 AML 59 AML 69 AML 83 AML 68 AML 50 AML 111 AML 55
IMAGE:143654 112190 ESTs Hs.374298 R75884 -0.9343 -0.07201 1.317 -0.4999 0.07302 0.134 -1.756 1.955 0.5758 -0.1826 1.329 0.8353 -0.613 0.202 2.138 0.2552 0.533 -2.72 1.166 -0.06575 -3.285 1.675 1.31 2.337 1.523 0.6881 -0.9347 -0.2503 -0.1968 1.336 1.05 0.1238 2.633 0.1324 0.8049 -0.7864 1.37 0.904 1.435 -0.268 1.588 -0.4447 0.5684 0.5507 0.5629 0.08215 -1.012 -0.7673 0.3498 -0.6621 -0.135 1.557 -2.108 -0.7006 1.518 0.6233 1.002 -1.638 0.3632 -1.377 -1.359 -0.2264 0.04384 -0.7719 -0.4608 0.8044 -0.6957 1.268 0.1955 -1.005 0.1346 -2.531 0.4696 -0.7739 -1.157 -0.03384 -0.926 0.1676 0.7958 -0.1062 0.5814 -2.49 -0.2271 -1.595 -1.022 -2.237 -1.315 0.1976 0.223 1.155 0.1507 -0.858 -0.5951 -0.5426 -0.4498
IMAGE:433257 221145 Homo sapiens, Similar to RIKEN cDNA 1700010L19 gene, clone MGC:16214 IMAGE:3659061, mRNA, complete cds Hs.103441 AA699429 -0.2151 0.8321 1.329 -0.06238 0.1786 -1.054 -0.04377 -2.032 0.4529 1.118 1.01 -0.07849 0.984 0.005509 1.239 0.3764 1.256 0.2631 1.43 2.186 0.7806 -0.01561 0.5612 -3 0.6651 -0.6326 -2.051 1.046 1.307 -0.1299 2.503 1.728 0.4337 -0.8946 -0.6138 0.1234 1.461 1.006 -0.2611 1.816 0.8088 -0.2295 0.925 -0.3989 0.7601 1.496 0.4934 0.6482 1.297 -0.9034 1.714 0.09872 -0.2456 0.5815 -0.09221 0.7494 -0.0287 -0.2744 -0.07278 -1.427 -0.251 -0.3445 1.583 -1.3 0.03255 2.012 -1.112 0.476 -2.116 0.4184 -2.978 -1.252 0.06771 -1.454 -0.2393 0.0546 -0.2888 0.3765 -0.6165 -0.5225 2.027 0.2551 -0.1394 0.8987 -2.644 -0.3429 -0.7398 -0.323 -0.8929 -0.001297 -1.368 -2.085 0.9138 0.0003502 -0.0881 0.7615 -1.312 -0.6736 -0.9657 -1.508 -0.782 -1.886 -1.447 -1.392 0.5511 1.69 -1.105 -0.6079 -0.3729 -0.2154 0.3403
IMAGE:429093 106097 **Homo sapiens, Similar to RIKEN cDNA 1700010L19 gene, clone MGC:16214 IMAGE:3659061, mRNA, complete cds Hs.103441 AA007586 -1.721 1.153 0.4126 -0.3687 0.2062 0.7371 0.01134 -1.801 1.685 0.3984 -1.946 0.5184 0.19 0.399 0.6439 0.04115 -0.4284 0.7789 1.035 0.2622 1.476 0.3924 0.5041 -1.329 -1.477 1.394 -0.008156 -2.318 0.4817 0.8412 -0.01424 2.418 1.168 -0.1317 -0.8641 -0.6291 0.8508 1.019 0.2111 -0.8786 2.476 -0.7593 -0.736 0.6265 0.1498 -0.2872 1.519 0.1856 0.5517 -0.9318 1.181 0.2024 -0.1242 0.317 0.2773 1.018 0.5583 0.2023 -0.6581 -0.7336 0.468 0.7491 0.4622 -0.8694 0.08553 1.508 -1.848 0.5586 -2.066 0.8108 -1.114 -0.4425 0.7997 -1.178 -0.2638 -0.9608 0.008393 -0.1773 0.7777 -0.3945 -2.129 0.5707 0.2943 1.377 -0.5035 0.2907 -0.9493 0.01544 -0.6653 0.3803 -1.351 -1.104 -0.594 -0.6326 0.04598 -1.692 0.3321 -0.1412 0.36 0.4857 -0.5495 -1.873 -1.329 1.418 0.4581 0.5688 0.5056 -0.3065 -0.546
IMAGE:878212 224730 FLJ22175 hypothetical protein FLJ22175 Hs.289072 AA775763 80233 0.5484 0.1317 -0.6551 -1.064 -0.9097 0.5325 0.07144 -0.2427 0.3134 -0.1797 -0.6815 1.141 0.1425 -0.8889 -1.16 0.517 1.18 0.2877 -0.532 0.7293 -1.295 1.515 1.674 0.2774 -0.4276 0.7669 0.8971 0.1931 -0.4897 2.135 0.6144 -1.425 1.064 0.849 -1.207 0.3299 -0.01921 0.1762 -0.3025 -0.5692 1.158 -0.01895 0.3225 0.4929 0.2428 -1.448 -1.006 0.5637 0.7078 -1.086 -0.938 -0.06856 0.07694 -0.698 0.5804 -0.9289 0.5067 1.037 0.2019 -0.5285 -0.2666 0.4992 -0.8674 0.5967 -0.8561 -0.1858 -1.005 -1.439 -0.1421 -1.023 -0.2304 -0.5189 -0.2297 -0.5177 -0.6672 -0.1502 -0.08616 -0.7931 -1.115 -0.2465 -1.015 -0.4167 1.117 0.3048 -0.09724 -0.4875 0.2938 1.663 -0.05152 -0.5834 -0.9009 0.3245 -0.4319 -0.3716 0.6031 1.082 2.437 -0.07642 1.144 1.132 0.8669 -0.7623 0.6972 0.1977 -0.1454 -0.1269 -0.3601
IMAGE:143759 109966 CSH1 **chorionic somatomammotropin hormone 1 (placental lactogen) Hs.347963 R76505 1442 1.309 -0.6348 0.6642 0.1566 1.003 0.07161 0.922 0.03065 -1.16 0.4106 0.201 0.5081 -0.1574 0.1564 0.6035 1.085 0.6403 1.37 0.1276 0.2588 1.91 0.3025 -1.261 0.3972 -0.6562 -1.61 -0.2661 -0.8583 0.1105 -0.4628 -0.4965 -0.3546 -0.5232 0.02408 -0.5567 -0.4704 -1.123 0.3212 -1.145 -1.091 -0.8276 -0.09068 0.3935 -0.8054 -0.7161 0.2665 1.389 0.2067 0.6812 2.282 -0.7935 -2.949 -1.206 0.3485 0.547 1.295 0.08558 -0.1528 -0.04582 -0.1416 1.224 0.1496 0.0003394 0.9404 0.154 -0.5462 -0.3449 1.064 0.2858 -1.095 -0.7387 -0.6239 -0.5729 -0.3453 0.5261 -1.004 -0.629 -0.5554 0.328 -0.5826 -1.614 -1.195 -0.01085 0.7247 1.505 -0.4697 0.8125 0.07921 1.305 0.3612 0.6437 0.6995
IMAGE:144762 119459 ESTs, Weakly similar to B Chain B, Solution Structure Of Cdc42 In Complex With The Gtpase Binding Domain Of Wasp [H.sapiens] Hs.364892 R77212 0.8102 0.1133 -0.1583 -0.6608 0.1076 0.6793 -0.2791 -0.1875 0.8107 1.051 0.7885 1.747 -1.16 -0.6983 0.8026 1.612 2.029 1.699 -0.7064 0.1717 -0.8295 0.5633 -0.4139 -1.621 -1.521 -0.163 -1.368 0.1528 -0.4627 -0.5793 -0.4944 0.163 -0.05169 -0.09445 -1.33 -0.7902 -1.051 -1.36 -2.746 -0.4544 -1.507 -0.9375 -1.044 4.027 0.4608 0.5517 -0.1202 -1.101 0.7938 0.1887 0.6103 1.914 -1.337 -1.464 1.446 0.5846 1.048 -0.01791 0.9801 1.454 0.4444 -0.4438 -1.455 0.8781 0.3347 0.1256 0.6976 0.9741 0.471 0.8856 0.5719 0.05517 3.029 -0.05493 -1.106 -1.018 -0.9274 -0.4157 0.3163 -0.6566 1.079 -0.3367 -0.9131 0.2472 -1.565 -0.2555 -1.549 -0.2636 0.5617 0.3878 -1.418 -0.5795 -1.417 0.9075 0.4474 0.6449 0.6637
IMAGE:177737 111378 PURA purine-rich element binding protein A Hs.29117 H46425 5813 -3.412 0.119 1.11 -0.09959 0.4633 0.007617 0.1577 -0.1476 -0.1553 1.077 0.05574 -0.9727 0.3208 0.7504 0.1742 -0.2958 -1.669 -0.891 1.068 -0.6842 0.8864 -0.2267 1.323 1.019 -0.05031 -0.02246 -0.1958 -0.2448 0.2362 0.1176 -0.3271 0.4437 0.1337 0.8695 -0.6468 0.406 0.1992 -0.2849 0.9125 0.1158 0.537 -1.671 0.5163 -0.6792 -2.431 -1.127 0.1976 -0.1161 0.128 -0.5739 -0.6806 -0.9189 0.4345 0.6302 0.2723 -0.3584 1.18 1.263 1.131 -0.002992 0.3308 0.7943 -1.61 -1.308 1.367 0.5432 1.078 0.6068 0.005767 0.8982 1.061 0.1539 -0.5718 0.03716 0.4176 1.112 0.3751 0.6461 0.675 -2.156 0.1463 0.2896 0.6489 0.9364 1.587 -0.536 -1.083 -0.88 -0.2902 -0.8381 0.1865 0.2258 -0.4821 -1.373 -0.1442 0.002357 0.9257 -1.331 -0.6548 -0.7895 -2.477 -0.7151 0.06167 0.2457 1.326 -0.661 0.4213 0.652 0.341 0.6939 0.03541 -0.2978
IMAGE:815279 223986 DKFZP434A043 DKFZP434A043 protein Hs.102708 AA481540 25852 1.785 0.6667 -0.3679 0.6748 0.3885 -0.2955 -0.08465 0.6105 -0.01457 0.6595 0.5185 1.159 0.08652 0.3414 -0.5604 -1.149 -0.5647 -0.365 -0.6416 -0.3562 -0.406 -0.09549 -0.2096 0.3136 1.147 -0.3735 1.287 0.2123 -0.525 0.05332 1.208 -0.9397 -0.09296 -0.4585 -0.4582 -1.435 -0.142 -0.02985 0.149 0.03385 0.2163 -0.9014 0.3738 -2.232 -0.1659 0.2096 -0.2619 -0.03996 -1.032 0.06131 -1.021 -0.2202 0.6929 0.3325 0.7642 -0.2884 -0.733 -0.2499 -0.7796 0.5304 1.61 0.3726 -1.414 1.534 1.143 -0.2926 -1.102 -1.058 0.5158 0.01538 0.4657 0.2499 -0.1971 0.354 -0.3895 0.3617 -0.1801 0.4083 -0.2696 0.1425 -0.8884 0.4298 0.0929 -0.7413 -0.9953 -0.6626 -0.0863 0.416 -0.06746 -0.1377 -2.126 0.71 -0.2712 0.7986 -0.505 -0.1984 -0.7755 -0.0473 -1.091 -0.1897 1.14 0.5651 -0.3026 0.1473 -0.143 0.5722 0.5459 0.2206 1.234 1.063 0.8791 0.3568 1.184 -0.5169 0.1767 -0.006311 -0.1248 0.08895
IMAGE:625693 108817 MGC10911 hypothetical protein MGC10911 Hs.85573 AA186460 84262 1.281 0.4298 0.5214 1.105 0.8707 0.9616 0.1588 -0.2693 0.0476 0.5127 -0.4113 -0.3778 -0.4284 -0.006898 -0.1913 -0.06216 -0.1389 0.8392 -0.3372 -2.168 0.1427 -0.1084 -0.2569 0.04158 0.3913 -0.4486 -0.2497 -0.1874 -0.7909 -0.8211 -0.2949 -0.3616 -0.5729 0.2569 0.2543 -0.2013 -2.291 0.0832 -0.0643 -0.1517 0.08188 0.389 -0.01824 0.3755 0.1149 -0.04291 -0.1988 -0.08149 0.3656 -0.4542 -0.3386 0.1447 0.4567 0.2178 -0.1264 1.275 -0.6758 0.3042 -0.1799 -0.1783 0.03874 0.9896 0.07145 -0.6902 -0.2261 0.01599 -0.3573 0.205 0.1242 0.0228 -0.5636 0.2683 -0.1551 0.07469 -0.3597 -0.1841 0.09663 -0.1632 0.1325 0.3756 -0.09178 -0.05747 0.0986 -0.06695 0.5412 0.06173 0.2638 0.008328 0.02284 0.5537 0.5424 0.3188 -0.2202 0.1733
IMAGE:897742 220906 APBA2 amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 (X11-like) Hs.26468 AA598991 321 0.6619 0.02898 1.235 0.2144 -0.07207 -0.9286 0.09938 -0.8681 -0.195 -0.01143 -0.4416 -0.7337 0.4712 0.8865 0.1934 2.404 2.045 2.224 1.449 1.204 -0.5316 -0.03405 0.5768 0.1799 1.711 2.362 0.6475 -0.846 0.3774 0.009283 0.1377 -0.156 -0.2348 0.5555 0.549 0.07293 -0.6987 -0.1048 0.2374 0.3571 -1.025 0.2514 0.1895 -0.2551 0.4172 -2.194 -1.345 0.024 0.2433 -0.8376 0.05916 -0.7057 -0.8343 -0.6352 -0.6646 -0.08064 -0.4859 -0.9741 1.131 0.4718 -1.006 -0.5617 -0.6757 -0.6963 -0.3224 -0.2701 -0.7496 -0.6151 -0.1607 0.205 -0.3151 0.1735 0.472 -0.7489 1.829 0.304 -0.06244 0.4159 -1.154 -1.418 -1.808 -0.4609 0.7954 -0.371 -0.4718 0.6043 -0.404 -0.5488 0.3951 0.1256 -0.2856
IMAGE:40946 107224 APBA2 amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 (X11-like) Hs.26468 R55789 321 0.3963 1.179 0.01223 0.9547 -0.008389 -0.8907 -0.1323 -1.307 0.5856 -0.1577 -0.1736 -0.03907 -0.2352 -0.07043 0.4956 -0.07317 -1.084 -0.5664 2.752 2.192 2.077 1.687 -0.7872 0.2985 -0.04188 -0.1537 1.814 2.652 0.1898 -0.6487 0.09278 -0.08935 0.1841 -1.042 -0.3454 0.1249 -0.5696 0.2232 -1.298 0.02158 0.1717 0.03564 0.1964 -0.9492 -0.1142 0.0329 0.1132 0.2935 -0.7893 -0.9437 -0.2526 0.06156 -1.535 -0.05448 -0.845 -0.481 -0.5512 -1.042 -0.6856 2.073 0.1312 -1.074 -0.02337 0.7767 -0.9374 -2.295 -0.4145 -0.5272 -0.3889 0.01567 -0.7189 0.1432 0.08962 0.2254 -0.1219 0.2498 0.2593 -0.0165 1.495 0.6253 0.2029 0.7322 -0.6195 -0.4512 -1.539 0.5814 0.9473 0.8483 -1.382 1.035 0.02253 -0.2508 -0.03146 -0.04951 -0.285 -0.2083
IMAGE:289936 225987 SLC7A11 solute carrier family 7, (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system) member 11 Hs.6682 N59336 23657 -0.4229 2.776 0.7156 -0.007939 -1.558 -2.587 -1.908 2.194 -0.122 0.6701 0.3989 0.1171 -0.0003061 -1.963 1.961 0.0009596 1.966 0.6966 -1.835 1.386 0.9231 0.968 1.221 2.072 -1.769 -0.4722 0.8187 0.2689 -0.589 0.4144 0.7301 1.086 -2.178 -2.131 -0.8866 1.625 -1.039 -1.788 -1.636 -0.8293 -1.437 0.3696 0.8956 -0.1979 1.352 0.4395 -1.744 1.789 -0.2908 0.03456 -0.4923 -1.405 0.8609 0.5233 1.014 0.3397 0.09413 -0.1951 0.3672 -0.1287 -0.1645 -2.653 0.2364 0.2934 -1.202 0.473 -0.7068 -0.1083 0.8248 0.4649 -0.39 -0.9926 1.061 -0.9745 -0.3848 0.6255 0.1301 -0.6681 0.5435 0.02638 -0.2138 0.04552 0.03014 0.6131 1.88 -0.4712 0.2101 0.1067 1.249 0.4539 0.8345 -0.2775 1.166 -0.7638 -0.000781 -0.3274 -0.6621 0.5956 -0.1877 -0.8158 -0.6673 -0.7075
IMAGE:810603 107204 FLJ14525 hypothetical protein FLJ14525 Hs.26812 AA464028 84886 0.6831 -0.1836 0.1879 0.3718 -0.6126 2.259 0.6369 0.03084 -0.2368 0.1208 -0.5988 -0.2182 -0.3254 0.1197 0.7528 1.574 0.5127 0.4989 0.09374 1.477 0.6904 0.6161 2.924 -3.162 -0.3943 0.322 -0.545 0.5184 -0.4219 0.4132 0.9149 -0.4733 0.7105 -1.82 -0.9205 1.542 -0.5918 -1.523 -1.043 -0.2582 -0.6157 -0.7956 -0.2126 0.2386 0.1103 0.04365 0.7584 -0.4345 -0.4791 0.1346 0.631 0.1657 0.2098 0.3811 0.3237 -0.1715 0.5689 0.04049 -0.2718 0.09277 -0.8026 -0.4616 -0.8662 -1.446 1.24 -0.4797 0.3193 -1.114 0.2668 -1.61 0.4199 -1.12 0.311 -1.839 -2.123 -0.4665 1.584 0.5938 -2.718 1.04 -0.1031 -1.219 -1.337 0.3304 -1.14 0.5682 -0.6107 -0.05503 1.167 2.006 -0.06438 0.5062 -0.2612 0.4511 -0.7163 -0.5864 -2.137 -0.4487 0.9823 0.6824 0.8105 -0.6866 1.533 1.164 -0.2015 0.7594 1.94 0.7918 -0.2134
IMAGE:208969 313743 MGC16207 **hypothetical protein MGC16207 Hs.409116 H63389 84853 0.3 0.07949 -0.08857 -0.2365 0.1994 -0.4415 -0.4986 -0.1425 -0.9769 1.41 2.433 1.552 1.548 -0.989 -0.9135 1.181 2.441 3.148 1.456 3.602 0.1189 -0.4727 1.128 0.5113 -0.504 -1.06 -0.8972 -0.2404 1.975 -0.3779 -1.061 0.2158 -0.6818 -0.4195 -0.5132 -0.7499 -1.278 -0.5235 -0.545 -1.131 -3.494 -1.478 -2.51 -1.847 -1.919 -0.7708 1.779 1.521 1.287 2.178 1.719 1.615 1.981 0.7061 -1.368 0.9554 -0.8694 -0.4763 -1.101 -0.7347 0.6879 -0.4131 0.9429 -0.6201 -0.5256 1.074 -0.6199 -1.094 -2.11 -0.08252 1.119 0.5138 -0.05807 -1.07 -0.2963 0.02394 0.7495 0.5673 -4.918 -0.664 -1.01 -0.1195 0.3449 0.9336 0.4455 0.7846 1.003 0.6495 -0.3219 0.7164 -1.329 -0.9721 -3.469 0.1119 0.2686 2.105 2.031 -0.863 0.3317 0.2163 -0.5229 0.9997 -1.023 -0.7319 0.4839
IMAGE:381107 111439 MGC16207 hypothetical protein MGC16207 Hs.409116 AA058663 84853 -0.4002 -0.1977 0.7912 0.1173 -0.2408 -0.01297 0.05515 0.2221 -0.8103 0.933 2.549 1.249 2.277 -0.5024 -0.5588 1.75 1.8 2.67 1.682 3.735 0.2565 -0.736 0.9412 0.9618 -0.1362 -0.79 -0.3704 -0.1947 2.303 -0.1291 -0.9475 -0.4786 -0.5312 -0.6259 0.1203 -0.2788 -2.363 -0.08387 0.1248 -0.3352 -4.352 -2.591 -1.984 -1.405 -1.004 1.934 1.633 1.604 3.064 2.126 1.466 1.785 0.5199 0.4051 -1.473 -0.3488 -1.045 -0.5459 -0.2691 -0.02437 0.5876 -0.5985 -0.9178 1.09 -1.064 -0.3 -2.35 -0.5188 0.8243 0.4594 -0.209 -2.816 -0.8989 -0.2216 0.03671 0.6793 0.4749 -0.664 0.01875 -1.512 -0.6189 -0.1543 0.8173 -0.4049 0.3142 0.454 0.986 -0.5503 0.779 -1.197 -1.422 -0.6053 -0.6828 0.7137 0.8467 -0.7522 -0.2377 0.1091 -2.65 0.4803 -0.9008 -1.348 0.6155
IMAGE:451546 226626 FLJ10210 hypothetical protein FLJ10210 Hs.183639 AA707400 55691 1.392 0.08459 1.672 2.251 1.756 -0.592 -1.289 0.598 -2.723 1.193 1.476 -0.6021 0.1676 -1.089 0.7288 -0.787 -1.042 1.397 0.02705 0.8874 0.891 0.4892 0.226 -0.07752 2.58 -1.104 0.2288 2.078 0.7923 -1.045 1.469 -1.045 -0.2739 -0.998 -0.02736 -0.485 -0.3001 -1.348 -1.563 0.1598 -0.7619 0.09063 0.1096 -1.262 -2.977 -3.182 -0.4912 -0.5831 -1.252 -0.2703 0.7601 1.208 -0.07688 0.3534 0.9689 0.7361 1.538 -0.4234 -0.8644 1.332 1.023 -1.733 -0.7553 0.9054 -0.1391 -0.4867 -1.54 -0.0856 -0.864 -1.635 1.259 -1.843 -0.9622 -1.327 -1.222 0.9902 0.5798 0.3249 -1.142 -1.998 0.1112 1.011 0.671 -0.3287 -2.092 -0.07147 -0.4372 -0.2064 -0.7945 -0.2769 0.9336 0.7867 -0.2344 -0.06323 -1.167 0.9661 -0.3895 -0.6082 -0.03602 -1.316 -1.047 0.09366 2.542 2.047 -0.2984 1.821 2.38 0.7926 2.278 1.039 1.021 0.418
IMAGE:448676 226051 FLJ13063 hypothetical protein FLJ13063 Hs.121915 AA777368 79798 0.3637 0.9499 -0.7208 -1.033 0.1796 0.02471 -0.9394 0.4146 -0.08027 -0.04621 0.2543 0.4342 -0.5245 0.223 0.5952 2.225 0.7196 0.4304 0.6517 1.443 -0.2768 -0.2206 -0.27 0.2755 -0.01332 0.3507 0.4582 -0.4078 0.3472 -0.2969 0.05547 -0.07622 -0.04098 -0.336 0.5353 0.5278 -1.281 2.154 0.7633 0.9957 0.005999 -0.2559 0.2176 0.4813 0.7057 0.4342 0.6053 0.2396 0.7425 1.924 1.227 0.7622 0.5883 0.8545 -1.48 0.006933 -1.006 -0.001305 0.247 -0.157 -0.3778 0.4916 -0.4641 -0.5171 -0.3984 0.293 -0.5319 -1.406 -2.681 0.4518 -1.469 -0.8455 -1.071 0.02503 0.2601 -1.024 -0.2212 -0.4411 0.5084 -0.4813 -0.5247 0.06065 -0.5816 -0.3008 -0.3178 -0.754 0.1879 -0.4576 -0.4795 -0.939 -0.9141 0.3119 -0.07161 -0.2688
IMAGE:796468 119942 DKFZp547N157 **hypothetical protein DKFZp547N157 Hs.45008 AA460340 56971 -2.858 0.574 -0.0716 0.7713 1.676 0.8434 -5.393 0.1604 0.7424 0.6293 -0.2085 -0.05199 -1.397 -0.1381 -0.4237 0.7236 1.856 0.9594 0.7412 1.143 -0.07125 -0.2337 0.7927 0.2489 -0.3228 -0.0006443 0.9632 1.472 -0.05966 0.7287 0.3215 -0.1971 -1.298 -0.9111 0.2067 -0.4059 -0.5146 -0.4063 -0.2936 -0.701 -0.6755 -0.2451 -0.7461 -0.3253 0.602 0.5097 0.2338 -1.333 -1.143 -1.564 0.6109 0.291 -0.1947 -0.8218 0.1399 0.7754 0.65 0.1834 -0.02272 0.1498 0.2806 0.8081 0.6162 0.6118 0.3898 0.6019 0.03034 -0.2655 -0.4377 0.1932 0.8072 0.4614 -0.3103 1.263 1.205 -3.449 -0.5067 0.3866 0.002851 0.2314 -0.9828 0.5002 -0.2721 -0.1993 -0.4915 -0.3881 -0.6325 -0.05859 1.321 -0.8089 0.0564 -0.106 0.2923 -0.8258 -0.7012 1.334 0.5695 -0.2352 -0.5282 -0.4081 1.381 0.7963 -0.449 -0.8794 0.8396 0.8411 0.4448
IMAGE:1521297 104346 PLCB4 phospholipase C, beta 4 Hs.283006 AA923082 5332 0.4187 -0.8678 1.959 1.568 -0.06082 1.165 4.109 4.763 2.657 -0.5632 -1.098 1.112 3.054 0.4715 -0.1583 -0.09686 2.601 -0.2806 -0.2239 2.069 4.41 -1.544 -1.985 -0.233 -2.514 -0.7888 -0.9438 -0.4523 -2.334 -1.746 -0.3804 1.719 1.102 -0.4102 -3.02 0.5067 0.8734 -1.436 -0.2704 -1.185 0.1858 -1.672 -1.094 0.6228 -0.4079 0.585 -1.423 -0.7517 -0.3479 -0.2298 -1.963 -2.616 -3.68 0.9385 -0.4225 0.4457 -2.125 -1.145 0.1759 -0.1359 -1.231 1.034 -0.5085 -1.242 -0.502 0.7512 -0.789 1.618 -0.2425 0.3083 -1.422 0.1843 0.3253 1.848 -0.1581 0.04124 -1.474 0.1732 1.037 0.6757 1.901 1.547 0.1292 0.7512 -0.8743 0.8945 0.506 0.2987 -0.2175 -0.6856 -1.646 0.06166
IMAGE:565826 112340 PLCB4 phospholipase C, beta 4 Hs.283006 AA136466 5332 0.5916 0.314 2.133 0.8163 0.1741 0.9 3.849 4.445 1.81 -0.9251 0.7078 2.855 -0.7295 0.3068 -2.052 2.357 0.5964 -1.042 0.7432 3.766 -1.175 -0.1022 -0.9762 -0.5899 -0.5355 -0.2368 -1.672 -1.328 -0.4152 -1.775 -1.499 -0.4164 -0.4787 1.165 -1.754 -4.387 -0.1305 -1.062 -1.202 -0.831 0.9767 -1.436 -0.1521 -0.7457 -0.6779 -1.441 -1.191 -0.7519 -0.4331 0.4053 -0.4585 -2.163 0.4115 0.2114 0.3174 0.3837 -0.699 0.2464 0.4178 -1.354 0.6931 -0.2844 0.3847 -1.18 -0.9295 -0.8918 1.144 0.706 -1.127 1.681 0.9176 1.328 0.3395 0.5291 0.1413 1.669 -1.001 -0.9321 -0.3448 0.4838 0.9067 1.858 1.458 -0.5228 -0.4547 -0.4734 0.0109 1.205 1.41 -1.236 -1.57

Total number of rows: 6283

Table truncated, full table size 5322 Kbytes.

Supplementary_Table_4 header descriptions
chi-square test

Data table
chi-square test t-test
Clinical/laboratory parameter P-value P-value
Sex 0.65
Age (> 60 years)* 0.89 0.66
Preceding malignancy 0.37
FAB subtype 0.013
Treatment 0.032
WBC (> 100x10e3/ul)* 0.56 0.68
LDH (> 400 U/l)* 0.39 0.78
FLT3 mutations 0.005
MLL PTD 0.60
*chi-square test when treated as binary variables (cut-off in parenthesis), t-test when treated as continous variables.

Total number of rows: 11

Supplementary_Table_5 header descriptions
11q23 aberrations
normal karyotype

Data table
t(15;17) t(8;21) inv(16) 11q23 aberrations -7/del(7q) normal karyotype
Median number of false significant genes: 0.64 0.83 0.65 0.68 0.56 0.7
Number of significant genes: 438 145 268 284 195 115
False discovery rate (FDR)*: 0.0015 0.0057 0.0024 0.0024 0.0028 0.0061
positive significant genes† Clone ID Gene Symbol Clone ID Gene Symbol Clone ID Gene Symbol Clone ID Gene Symbol Clone ID Gene Symbol Clone ID Gene Symbol
1 IMAGE:768936 MEG3 IMAGE:773568 POU4F1 IMAGE:843028 MSLN IMAGE:2017204 PENK IMAGE:150702 HOXB5
2 IMAGE:322641 IMAGE:1901000 IMAGE:173145 CLIPR-59 IMAGE:283191 IGSF4 IMAGE:1534155 HOXB4
3 IMAGE:666879 ANXA8 IMAGE:196539 CBFA2T1 IMAGE:262264 PTPRM IMAGE:739993 TPO IMAGE:66507 EMR1
4 IMAGE:188151 IMAGE:284160 CACNA2D2 IMAGE:271978 NT5E IMAGE:2171853 AGRP IMAGE:1526826 HOXB2
5 IMAGE:209137 GABRE IMAGE:41108 IMAGE:950479 IMAGE:52226 LOC51760 IMAGE:1709743 RALGDS
6 IMAGE:429764 IMAGE:161049 KIAA1395 IMAGE:511778 TM4SF1 IMAGE:2306221 WNT10B IMAGE:298189
7 IMAGE:202535 MT1G IMAGE:2342205 TRH IMAGE:1669672 THY1 IMAGE:487458 CES1 IMAGE:810104 PLCB2
8 IMAGE:178324 IMAGE:812961 IMAGE:293917 SPARC IMAGE:1049185 GAGED2 IMAGE:264502
9 IMAGE:214162 MT1H IMAGE:191508 IMAGE:322547 LRP6 IMAGE:2542582 KIAA0992 IMAGE:1127311
10 IMAGE:590150 MT2A IMAGE:307471 TM4SF2 IMAGE:1572233 G0S2 IMAGE:809523 APOC2 IMAGE:212640 ARHGAP4
11 IMAGE:233721 IGFBP2 IMAGE:359597 MLLT4 IMAGE:2511265 LAMB3 IMAGE:878680 MGC14425 IMAGE:1592006 HOXA10
12 IMAGE:126458 IMAGE:377461 CAV1 IMAGE:814818 DUSP6 IMAGE:281517 IMAGE:810444 TNFAIP2
13 IMAGE:759948 S100B IMAGE:413056 HPRN IMAGE:345858 CRA IMAGE:201650 APCS IMAGE:1656557
14 IMAGE:1844689 EBF IMAGE:141758 IMAGE:2441080 ANPEP IMAGE:346583 LPHH1 IMAGE:128058 SDPR
15 IMAGE:1472735 IMAGE:898305 NBL1 IMAGE:178569 SLC9A3R2 IMAGE:1556294 CCL23 IMAGE:67741 PP2135

Total number of rows: 225

Table truncated, full table size 21 Kbytes.

Supplementary_Table_6 header descriptions
PAM outcome predictor (149 cDNAs representing 133 unique genes)

Data table
PAM outcome predictor (149 cDNAs representing 133 unique genes)
Clone ID Gene Symbol
1 IMAGE:145643
2 IMAGE:2542486 FLT3
3 IMAGE:345601 D2S448
4 IMAGE:377560 CD3D
5 IMAGE:428782 PRO2730
6 IMAGE:297908 FLJ23058
7 IMAGE:1744573 KIAA1447
8 IMAGE:2043415 DAPK1
9 IMAGE:415769 ANGPT1
10 IMAGE:277073 MAP7
11 IMAGE:843036 MAP7
12 IMAGE:144834 MAP7
13 IMAGE:2551468 GUCY1A3
14 IMAGE:282980 MSI2
15 IMAGE:1584563 BCL11A
16 IMAGE:1603442 TCF4
17 IMAGE:347035 KIAA0476
18 IMAGE:450423 AKAP2
19 IMAGE:843041 AKAP2

Total number of rows: 150

Table truncated, full table size 3 Kbytes.

Supplementary_Table_7 header descriptions
Hazard Ratio

Data table
Hazard Ratio
(95% confidence interval) P-value*
Cytogenetics 0.004
Intermediate (vs. low) risk group 0.20 (0.05-0.76)
High (vs. low) risk group 1.4 (0.4-5.6)
FLT3 mutation 3.0 (1.2-7.7) 0.030
Age (per year) 1.0 (0.99-1.06) 0.13
Preceding malignancy 10.1 (2.8-37) <0.001
WBC (per 1000/µl) 1.0 (0.99-1.01) 0.44
Gene-expression predictor† 8.8 (2.6-29) <0.001
Cytogenetics 0.084
Intermediate (vs. low) risk group 0.43 (0.12-1.5)
High (vs. low) risk group 3.1 (0.98-9.6)
FLT3 mutation 2.5 (1.01-6.3) 0.061
Age (per year) 1.0 (0.98-1.05) 0.31
Preceding malignancy 5.9 (1.5-24) <0.001
WBC (per 1000/µl) 1.0 (0.99-1.01) 0.61
Gene-expression predictor‡ 4.0 (1.2-14) 0.011
* Likelihood ratio test
†Cluster-defined outcome class
‡Nearest centroid-defined outcome class

Total number of rows: 20

Table truncated, full table size <1 Kbytes.

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