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SRX7097788: IG-Rep Seq of Mus Musculus: GF SILP IgA
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina MiSeq) run: 104,887 spots, 10.6M bases, 3.5Mb downloads

Design: Total RNA was isolated from homogenized small intestine using TriZol (Invitrogen) then cDNA was generated using the High Capacity cDNA kit (Ambion). IGHV gene segments were amplified with KOD (Novagen) using primers complimentary to IGHV gene families with the IgA and IgM constant regions, including nucleotide adaptors to allow for barcoding by Illumina TruSeq multiplex PCR kit. Following amplification of IGHV genes, amplicons were barcoded and submitted to the UAB Heflin Genomic core for sequencing with Illuminas 2X300 kit in a My-seq.
Submitted by: Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham
Study: Neonatal exposure to commensal bacteria-derived antigens directs polysaccharide-specific B-1 B cell repertoire development
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Mouse B-1 B lymphocytes play essential roles in defense against infectious microorganisms and maintenance of self-tolerance by producing natural antibodies. However, whether exogenous factors influence B-1 B cell repertoire formation remains poorly understood. Herein, we demonstrate that early immunization with N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc)-bearing Streptococcus pyogenes elicits GlcNAc-reactive B-1 B cells in C57BL/6 mice expressing immunoglobulin heavy chains distinct from those of naïve mice and mice immunized with S. pyogenes in adulthood. Moreover, germ-free mice exhibit greatly reduced GlcNAc-reactive serum antibodies and deficiencies in oligoclonal GlcNAc-reactive B-1 cell clonotypes dominant in conventionally raised mice. These phenotypes are observed in Myd88-deficient mice and reversed following conventionalization of adult germ-free mice. Microbiota colonization promotes development of GlcNAc-reactive B cells and IgA-secreting plasma cells in the small intestine that are clonally related to PerC and splenic B-1 B cells. These results indicate that environmental and microbiota-derived antigens influence B-1 clonotype selection into the mature repertoire.
Sample: GF.1 SILP IGA
SAMN13208620 • SRS5610144 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Mus musculus
Instrument: Illumina MiSeq
Strategy: AMPLICON
Selection: PCR
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 104,887 spots, 10.6M bases, 3.5Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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