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Study Description

ECLIPSE was a longitudinal observational study of 2164 COPD subjects and a smaller number of smoking controls (337) and nonsmoking controls (245) followed regularly for three years, with three chest CT scans (at baseline, one year, and three years) (Vestbo, European Respiratory Journal 2008; 31: 869). Inclusion criteria included age 40-75, at least 10 pack-years of smoking, and spirometry in GOLD grades 2-4 (COPD cases) or normal spirometry with post-bronchodilator FEV1 >85% predicted and FEV1/FVC>0.7 (controls). Study visits were performed at enrollment, three months, and every six months thereafter with spirometry, questionnaires, and other clinical evaluations. The ECLIPSE CT scans have been analyzed with the VIDA software for emphysema and airway phenotypes. ECLIPSE has provided key insights into the clinical epidemiology of COPD, including COPD exacerbations (Hurst, NEJM 2010; 363: 1128) and lung function decline in COPD (Vestbo, NEJM 2011; 365: 1184). ECLIPSE has been used in a number of genetic studies of COPD susceptibility and protein biomarkers(Faner, Thorax 2014; 69: 666). Genome-wide gene expression microarray data are available in 147 induced sputum samples from COPD subjects and 248 peripheral blood samples from COPD and control subjects.

Authorized Access
Publicly Available Data
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Study Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion criteria included age 40-75, at least 10 pack-years of smoking, and spirometry in GOLD grades 2-4 (COPD cases) or normal spirometry with post-bronchodilator FEV1 >85% predicted and FEV1/FVC >0.7 (controls). Exclusion criteria included respiratory disorders other than COPD, known severe α1-antitrypsin deficiency, history of significant inflammatory disease other than COPD, a COPD exacerbation or blood transfusions within 4 weeks of enrollment, prior lung surgery, recent diagnosis of cancer, inability to walk, and therapy with oral corticosteroids at inclusion.

Molecular Data
TypeSourcePlatformNumber of Oligos/SNPsSNP Batch IdComment
Whole Genome Genotyping Illumina HumanHap550v3.0 561466 51468
Study History

The ECLIPSE study protocol was finalized in 2005, and subject recruitment began in 2006.

Selected Publications
Diseases/Traits Related to Study (MeSH terms)
Links to Related Genes
Authorized Data Access Requests
Study Attribution
  • Principal Investigator
    • Jorgen Vestbo, Professor. the University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
    • Edwin K. Silverman, MD, PhD. Brigham and Women 's Hospital, Boston, MA.
  • Funding Source
    • GlaxoSmithKline.
  • ECLIPSE Investigators
    • Y. Ivanov. Pleven, Bulgaria.
    • K. Kostov. Sofia, Bulgaria.
    • J. Bourbeau. Montreal, Canada.
    • M. Fitzgerald. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    • P. Hernandez. Halifax, NS, Canada.
    • K. Killian. Hamilton, ON, Canada.
    • R. Levy. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    • F. Maltais. Montreal, Canada.
    • D. O'Donnell. Kingston, ON, Canada.
    • J. Krepelka. Prague, Czech Republic.
    • J. Vestbo. Hvidovre, Denmark.
    • E. Wouters. Horn-Maastricht, The Netherlands.
    • D. Quinn. Wellington, New Zealand.
    • P. Bakke. Bergen, Norway.
    • M. Kosnik. Golnik, Slovenia.
    • A. Agusti. Spain.
    • J. Sauleda. Spain.
    • P. de Mallorca. Spain.
    • Y. Feschenko. Kiev, Ukraine.
    • V. Gavrisyuk. Kiev, Ukraine.
    • L. Yashina. Kiev, Ukraine.
    • N. Monogarova. Donetsk, Ukraine.
    • P. Calverley. Liverpool, United Kingdom.
    • D. Lomas. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
    • W. MacNee. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
    • D. Singh. Manchester, United Kingdom.
    • J. Wedzicha. London, United Kingdom.
    • A. Anzueto. San Antonio, TX, USA.
    • S. Braman. Providence, RI, USA.
    • R. Casaburi. Torrance, CA, USA.
    • B. Celli. Boston, MA, USA.
    • G. Giessel. Richmond, VA, USA.
    • M. Gotfried. Phoenix, AZ, USA.
    • G. Greenwald. Rancho Mirage, CA, USA.
    • N. Hanania. Houston, TX, USA.
    • D. Mahler. Lebanon, NH, USA.
    • B. Make. Denver, CO, USA.
    • S. Rennard. Omaha, NE, USA.
    • C. Rochester. New Haven, CT, USA.
    • P. Scanlon. Rochester, MN, USA.
    • D. Schuller. Omaha, NE, USA.
    • F. Sciurba. Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
    • A. Sharafkhaneh. Houston, TX, USA.
    • T. Siler. St. Charles, MO, USA.
    • E. Silverman. Boston, MA, USA.
    • A. Wanner. Miami, FL, USA.
    • R. Wise. Baltimore, MD, USA.
    • R. ZuWallack. Hartford, CT, USA.
  • ECLIPSE Steering Committee
    • H. Coxson. Canada.
    • C. Crim. GSK, USA.
    • L. Edwards. GSK, USA.
    • D. Lomas. UK.
    • W. MacNee. UK.
    • E. Silverman. USA.
    • R. Tal-Singer. Co-chair, GSK, USA.
    • J. Vestbo. Co-chair, Denmark.
    • J. Yates. GSK, USA.
  • ECLIPSE Scientific Committee
    • A. Agusti. Spain.
    • P. Calverley. UK.
    • B. Celli. USA.
    • C. Crim. GSK, USA.
    • B. Miller. GSK, USA.
    • W. MacNee. Chair, UK.
    • S. Rennard. USA.
    • R. Tal-Singer. GSK, USA.
    • E. Wouters. The Netherlands.
    • J. Yates. GSK, USA.