Phylogenetic analysis of selected functionally characterized basidiomycete STSs, Cop1-6 [,] from Coprinopsis cinerea, Omp1-10 from Omphalotus olearius, Fompi|84944 from Fomitopsis pinicola [], Stehi1|159379, 128017, 25180, 64702, 73029 [,] from Stereum hirsutum, ArmGa1 [] from Armillaria gallica, AaVS [] from Cyclocybe aegerita (syn. Agrocybe aegerita), SiTPS from Serendipita indica and the SvTPS (NCBI accession number: PVF97777.1) from Serendipita vermifera were included in the analysis. A maximum-likelihood tree shows the 4 different STS clades formed, described also in [,] and . The enzymes falling in one clade are considered to catalyze the first cyclization of the substrate in the same specific way; STS Clade I catalyze 1,10 cyclization of E,E-FPP (pink); Clade II, 1,10 cyclization of (3R)-NPP (blue); Clade III, 1,11 cyclization of E,E-FPP (red); Clade IV, 1,6 or 1,7 cyclization of (3R)-NPP (yellow). SiTPS is found in Clade I. The scale bar indicates a genetic distance of 1 and the bootstrap values are shown below the branches.