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Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. From: Phantom Studies of Fused-data TREIT using only Biopsy-probe electrodes.

2D illustration of Laplace smoothing regularization and soft-priors encoding of a tumor (magenta) and prostate (cyan).

Ethan K. Murphy, et al. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. ;39(11):3367-3378.
Figure 8

Figure 8. From: Optimizations for the EcoPod field identification tool.

Probabilities generated by Laplace and SGT smoothing for1, 4, and 6 years of observations.

Aswath Manoharan, et al. BMC Bioinformatics. 2008;9:150-150.
Figure 22

Figure 22. From: End-To-End Computer Vision Framework: An Open-Source Platform for Research and Education .

(a) Raw image; (b) Bilateral smoothing results; (c) Anisotropic smoothing results; (d) Gray transform of b; (e) Gray transform of c; (f) ResNet_SegNet result of a; (g) VGG_Unet result of a; (h) Intersection of f with c; (i) kernel of h. (j) kernel of h. (k) Otsu result of h; (l) Canny result of h; (m) ED result of h; (n) ISEF result of h; (o) Binary Laplace of h; (p) Zero-Crosing of o; (q) Shen-Castan of h; (r) Expanded Canny from L1; (s) Expanded ED from L1; (t) Expanded Shen-Castan from L1.

Ciprian Orhei, et al. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Jun;21(11):3691.
Figure 7

Figure 7. From: The leaf angle distribution of natural plant populations: assessing the canopy with a novel software tool.

GUI for surface modeling. Graphical user interface for surface modeling: Disparity data (left) and segmentation data (right) are combined in module 3 to approximate surfaces to 3-d point clouds according to different modeling options. Surfaces are either fitted according to planar, quadratic or cubic functions or smoothed using curvature flow or Laplace smoothing.

Mark Müller-Linow, et al. Plant Methods. 2015;11:11.
Figure 4:

Figure 4:. From: Scaling the Poisson GLM to massive neural datasets through polynomial approximations.

Analysis of paGLM-2 MAP estimators on RGC data binned at 1.66 ms with adaptive interval selection and evidence optimization in a Poisson GLM with exponential nonlinearity. a. The approximate log marginal likelihood with a ridge prior computed via the Laplace approximation or via the quadratic approximation () (left) and the exact and paGLM-2 MAP estimates with the optimal ridge prior value (right). b. The exact and paGLM-2 MAP estimates with a smoothing prior.

David M. Zoltowski, et al. Adv Neural Inf Process Syst. ;31:3517-3527.
Figure 3

Figure 3. From: Locally Adaptive Smoothing with Markov Random Fields and Shrinkage Priors.

Example fits for models using a) normal, b) Laplace, and c) horseshoe priors where observations are drawn from normal distributions with SD = 4.5. Plots show true functions (dashed gray lines), posterior medians (solid dark gray lines), and associated 95% Bayesian credible intervals (BCI; gray bands) for each θ. Values between observed locations are interpolated for plotting.

James R. Faulkner, et al. Bayesian Anal. ;13(1):225-252.
Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Changing patterns of human migrations shaped the global population structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in France.

Association heatmap of major Mtb lineages and spoligotype families with patient’s region of origin. Shown are the no. of samples in each category, with row- and column-wise sample sizes indicated above and on the right of the heatmap. Colors indicate strength and direction (from blue, strongly negative, to red, strongly positive) of the association between lineage/spoligotype family and region of origin, expressed as fold-change of the observed count in each category relative to the expected count under the hypothesis of independence. Laplace smoothing was applied to proportions to avoid zero fold-changes for zero counts. Spoligotype families belonging to the Euro-American lineage are prefixed with EAL. Other lineages are designated by lineage name.

Maxime Barbier, et al. Sci Rep. 2018;8:5855.
Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Bayesian nonparametric regression and density estimation using integrated nested Laplace approximations.

Simulated examples for nonparametric regression: (a) m(x) = 3 sin(2.5x) + 2 exp(−5x2), n = 50, σ = 0.5; (b) m(x) = x2/5 − cos(πx), n = 100, σ = 0.8. The estimates (solid lines) with credible bands (dashed lines) using INLA are compared to the estimates (dash-dotted lines) using cubic smoothing spline regression. The true functions are denoted by the dotted lines.

Xiao-Feng Wang. J Biom Biostat. ;4:e125.
Fig 2

Fig 2. A shorthand method for calculating the score of an edge in a research map.. From: ResearchMaps.org for integrating and planning research.

A table representing the model space of experiments is instantiated with a pseudocount of one (a form of Laplace smoothing). The symbols along the left indicate the classes of experiments involving an Agent, A: Positive Intervention (A ↑), Positive Non-intervention (A), Negative Non-intervention (A), and Negative Intervention (A ↓). The symbols along the top indicate the results recorded in a Target, B: increase (B+), no change (B0), and decrease (B−). This particular instantiation of the scoring table encodes four (5 − 1) Positive Interventions that caused the Target to increase, one (2 − 1) Positive Non-intervention that caused the Target to decrease, and one (2 − 1) Negative Non-intervention that caused the Target to decrease. There are thus five experiments suggesting an Excitatory relation (green regions), and one experiment suggesting an Inhibitory relation (red region).

Nicholas J. Matiasz, et al. PLoS One. 2018;13(5):e0195271.
Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: Weight Smoothing for Generalized Linear Models Using a Laplace Prior.

Scatter plot of population for the linear regression simulation

Xi Xia, et al. J Off Stat. ;32(2):507-539.
Figure 6

Figure 6. From: Model selection for the extraction of movement primitives.

Top: Analysis of emotional gait data from Roether et al. () with PCA, ICA and Anechoic demixing for different numbers of sources. The bars represent model evidences computed with Laplace approximation, relative to the lowest observed model evidence (PCA, 1 source). The anechoic analyses were carried out either without smoothing (black, f0 → ∞) or with the optimal f0 = 7 Hz (blue) for the wave kernel (see Equation 26). Error bars are standard errors, computed across trials. The best model (highest evidence) is the anechoic mixture with three sources and f0 = 7 Hz, followed by the SIM model with f0 = 7 Hz. PCA and ICA are significantly worse for any number of sources. Bottom: Detailed cutoff frequency analysis of the AMM model (left) and the SIM model (right), at their respective best number of sources I. The LAP score (relative to the SIM model with I = 1 set to 50) for both models peaks at f0 = 7Hz. However, the best AMM model's approximate posterior probability is larger than the best SIM posterior by a factor of ≈ 1019. For details, see text.

Dominik M. Endres, et al. Front Comput Neurosci. 2013;7:185.
Fig 3:

Fig 3:. Ex vivo direct basophil activation during peanut OIT.. From: Early decrease in basophil sensitivity to Ara h 2 precedes sustained unresponsiveness after peanut oral immunotherapy.

A. Peripheral basophil activation testing to Ara h 2 to identify degranulation as percentage of CD63hi basophils by flow cytometry. B. Basophil sensitivity (ED50) and AUC (AUC, filled green) in representative SU (left, blue) and TD (right, red) subjects. C, D. Longitudinal basophil sensitivity and AUC using a generalized additive mixed model (with smoothing by Laplace approximate) to Ara h 2 (C) and peanut (D) in SU (blue) or TD (dashed, red). The y-axis is logarithmically scaled for basophil AUC, the peanut avoidance period is shaded in grey, and the black arrow marks 3 months of OIT. Labeled visits on the x-axis include pre-OIT (Bl), build-up visits (B), maintenance (M), post-OIT oral food challenge (O), post-avoidance double blinded food challenge (D), and the follow-up visits (F). Lines indicate means and shaded regions indicate standard deviation. X-axis lettered labels refer to visits, PreOIT (P), Build-up (B), Maintainance (M), Post-OIT OFC (O), Post-avoidance DBFC (D), Follow-up (F). E. The proportion of the variance in Ara h 2 ED50 change from baseline to post-avoidance explained by quantitative measurements of serum Ara h 2 specific immunoglobulins.

Sarita U. Patil, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol. ;144(5):1310-1319.e4.

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