Interferences from concurrent metacognitive control signals. A, The task sequence of the behavioral experiment to examine interferences from the concurrent decision-making task. The RDM task with only one-round decision-making (within red broken line) was inserted in the interval between the first-round and second-round decision-making in the Sudoku task. B, The performance accuracy changes by redecision in the Sudoku task affected by the levels of difficulty in the RDM task. C, The RT changes by redecision in the Sudoku task affected by the levels of difficulty in the RDM task. D, The confidence changes by redecision in the Sudoku task affected by the levels of difficulty in the RDM task. E, The slope of interference effects on the confidence changes by redecision in the Sudoku task changing with the RDM difficulty levels were positively correlated with the behavioral uncertainty sensitivity (behavioral AUC) in the Sudoku task across the subjects (r = 0.37, t(23) = 2.03, p = 0.029). F–H, The same effects were observed according to the levels of decision uncertainty in the RDM task. I, The slope of interference effects on the confidence changes by redecision in the Sudoku task changing with the RDM decision uncertainty levels were positively correlated with the behavioral uncertainty sensitivity (behavioral AUC) in the Sudoku task across the subjects (r = 0.35, t(23) = 1.90, p = 0.037). The insets in E, I show the interference effect size by the levels of difficulty and decision uncertainty in the RDM task, respectively. ns, no significance; SE, significant equivalence; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Each dot represents the data of each subject.