Neighbor joining (bootstrap repeat is 10,000) and maximum likelihood (bootstrap repeat is 1,000) phylogenetic trees of 21 Salix and one Populus complete chloroplast genomes from Salicaceae: Salix gracilistyla (MK814774 in this study), Salix koriyanagi (MK541017 and MK120982), Salix suchowensis (NC_026462), Salix purpurea (KP019639), Salix rehderiana (NC_037427), Salix rorida (NC_037428), Salix taoensis (NC_037429), Salix tetrasperma (NC_035744), Salix paraplesia (NC_037426), Salix oreinoma (NC_035743), Salix minjiangensis (NC_037425), Salix magnifica (NC_037424), Salix interior (NC 024681), Salix interior (NC_024681), Salix hypoleuca (NC_037423), Salix chaenomeloides (NC_037422), Salix babylonica (NC_028350, MG262361, and MF189167), Salix arbutifolia (NC 036718 and MG262340), and Populus trichocarpa (NC 009143). Neighbor joining tree was used for displaying phylogenetic tree. The numbers above branches indicate bootstrap support values of neighbor joining and maximum likelihood trees, respectively.