Upper gastrointestinal transit in mice with diarrhoea induced by croton oil (0.01 ml mouse−1, orally): effect of WIN 55,212-2 (14 nmol mouse−1, i.p.) and cannabinol (805 nmol mouse−1, i.p.) alone or in mice treated with SR141716A (16 nmol mouse−1, i.p.) or SR144528 (52 nmol mouse−1, i.p.) or hexamethonium (69 nmol mouse−1, i.p.). Results are mean±s.e.mean of 8–11 animals for each experimental group. @P<0.05 vs control, **P<0.01 and ***P<0.001 vs croton oil and #P<0.01 vs croton oil+WIN 55,212-2 (or croton oil+cannabinol).