HTB26 cell line not treated with 2,4-dibencilaminoquinazoline (negative control)
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Treatment of HTB26 cells with 2,4-dibencilaminoquinazoline during the time necessary to induce caspase activation(9 hours). Dye Swap slide.
Data processing
The hybridized slides were scanned with the GMS 418 scanner (Genetic Microsystems, Woburn, MA),. After image acquisition, the scanned images were imported into “ImaGene 4.1” software (BioDiscovery) to quantify the signal intensities. Data from spots not recognized by the Imagene analysis software were excluded from further considerations (empty, poor and negative spots). We also removed data from spots identified as visually flawed (<15% in all arrays). The fluorescent median signal intensity for each spot was calculated using local median background subtraction. Data were normalized using Global mean, Dye-swap Pairs normalization and Dye Swap Fix filter 1.5 with the program ArrayNorm 1.7 (Graz, Austria)42. Log ratios above 1,7 or below -1,7 were considered as differential expression.