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Sample GSM7398465 Query DataSets for GSM7398465
Status Public on Jun 19, 2023
Title Flies, Double mutant , Rep3
Sample type SRA
Source name Entire fly lysate - 10 flies
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Characteristics tissue: Entire fly lysate - 10 flies
age: 4-5 days p. eclosion
developmental stage: Adult
genotype: sting[delta-RG5]; park[25]
Sex: male
Treatment protocol n/a
Growth protocol Flies were raised in identifcal conditions (25°C normal L:D cycle) for 4 days following eclosion
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Direct-zol RNA Miniprep kit (Zymo Research P/N R2050), with DNAseI on column treatment
Zymo-Seq RiboFree Total RNA Library Kit- After extraction, all steps, including ribosomal RNA depletion, were performed by Zymo Research Services, using their Total-RNA-Seq protocol
Library strategy RNA-Seq
Library source transcriptomic
Library selection cDNA
Instrument model Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Description in "merged_gene_counts.txt" Column 11
Data processing Seq pipeline was originally adapted from nf-core/rnaseq pipeline v1.4.2 (
Quality control of reads performed with FastQC v0.11.9
Adapter and low-quality sequences were trimmed from raw reads using Trim Galore! v0.6.6
Trimmed reads were aligned to the reference genome using STAR v2.6.1d
BAM file filtering and indexing was carried out using SAMtools v1.9
RNAseq library quality control was implemented using RSeQC v4.0. and QualiMap v2.2.2-dev
Duplicate reads were marked using Picard tools v2.23.9
Library complexity was estimated using Preseq v2.0.3
Duplication rate quality control was performed using dupRadar v1.18.0
Reads were assigned to genes using featureCounts v2.0.1
Quality control and analysis results plots were visualized using MultiQC v1.9
Differential gene expression analysis was completed using DESeq2 v1.28.0 DESeq2 v1.28.0 ; DESeq2 FDR cutoff 0.05; DESeq2 Log2FC cutoff 0.585
Assembly: BDGP6 (GCA_000001215.4)
Supplementary files format and content: "merged_gene_counts.txt" ; matrix file containing raw read counts. Columns are indicated above
Supplementary files format and content: "zr6381_AM_Processed Data.xlsx" : Contains normalized read counts for all samples as well as the results of DESeq2 analyses on multiple spreadsheet pages: 1: "Normalized Counts", 2: "DESeq WT vs Park", 3: "DESeq WT vs Sting", 4: "DESeq WT vs Double", 5: "DESeq Sting vs Double", 6: "DESeq Park vs Double",
Submission date May 19, 2023
Last update date Jun 19, 2023
Contact name Richard Youle
Organization name National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH
Department Surgical Neurology Branch
Lab Biochemistry Section
Street address 35 Convent Drive, 2C917
City Bethesda
State/province MD
ZIP/Postal code 20892
Country USA
Platform ID GPL25244
Series (1)
GSE232950 Transcriptomic profiling reveals a role for pro-survival and stress responsive genes in suppressing fly parkin phenotypes.
BioSample SAMN35219144
SRA SRX20447586

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