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Sample GSM4618325 Query DataSets for GSM4618325
Status Public on Sep 20, 2020
Title 13-P2
Sample type SRA
Source name Rutgers/WT
Organism Solanum lycopersicum
Characteristics cultivar: Rutgers
genotype/variation: Rutgers/Rutgers
developmental stage: 6-week-old
tissue: young leaves
replicate type: biological rep 2
Treatment protocol wedge grafting was carried out with seedlings at the two- to four-leaf stage following the procedure described in Yang et al, 2015
Growth protocol Plants in the greenhouse were germinated on MetroMix 200 medium (SunGro) and maintained at 26-28°C with a 15-h day length and at 20-22.8°C with 9-h dark period.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol ground tissue was processed with the DNeasy Plant Kit (Qiagen, Germany) for genomic DNA with RNA removal according to manufacturer protocol for subsequent bisulfite sequencing.
Genomic DNA was sonicated to 200-300bp by Covaris and the fragmented DNAs were tested by Gel-Electrophotometric and purified with MiniElute PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, Germany), and incubated at 20 °C after adding End Repair Mix. DNA was purified, a single “A” nucleotide was added to the 3’ ends of blunt fragments, sample was re-purified and methylated adapter was added to 5’ and 3’ ends of each fragment. Fragments of 300–400bp were purified with QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen, Germany) and subjected to bisulfite treatment with the Methylation-Gold Kit (ZYMO), followed by PCR and gel purification (320–420bp fragments selected). Qualified libraries were paired-end sequenced on the Xten analyzer (150 bp read length
Library strategy Bisulfite-Seq
Library source genomic
Library selection RANDOM
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 4000
Data processing Illumina for basecalling
The sequences were trimmed using trim_galore 0.4.1 and cutadapt 1.15 with cutoff 20
The sequences were aligned using Bismark (version 0.19.0) with default options.The deduplicate_bismark function in Bismark with default parameters was used to remove duplicated reads, and reads with coverage greater than 500 were removed to control PCR bias.
tab-delimited file generated with bismark2bedGraph with options -CX --ample_memory
Genome_build: ITAG3.0
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: tab-delimited file, 1-based genomic coords with <chromosome> <position> <strand> <count methylated> <count unmethylated> <C-context> <trinucleotide context>fields
Submission date Jun 16, 2020
Last update date Sep 20, 2020
Contact name Hardik Kundariya
Organization name The Pennsylvania State University
Street address 361 N. Frear
City University Park
State/province PA
ZIP/Postal code 16801
Country USA
Platform ID GPL25655
Series (2)
GSE152568 Heritable enhanced growth vigor through grafting is associated with the RdDM pathway in plants [tomato_graft_methylome]
GSE152570 Heritable enhanced growth vigor through grafting is associated with the RdDM pathway in plants
BioSample SAMN15248582
SRA SRX8554600

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM4618325_13-P2_1_val_1_bismark_bt2_pe.deduplicated.CX_report.txt.gz 1.2 Gb (ftp)(http) TXT
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Raw data are available in SRA
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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