Genome-wide analysis of DNA-copy number changes of UPN2 cell line.
Data processing
We used ?UCSF SPOT? software (A.N.J. manuscript submitted) to automatically segment the spots based on the DAPI images, perform local background correction and to calculate various measurement parameters, including log2ratios of the total integrated Cy3 and Cy5 intensities for each spot. We used a second custom program SPROC to associate clone identities and a mapping information file with each spot so that the data could be plotted relative to the position of the BACs on the September, 2000 freeze of the draft human genome sequence ( SPROC also implements a filtering procedure to reject data based on a number of criteria, including low reference/DAPI signal intensity and low correlation of the Cy3 and Cy5 intensities with a spot. The SPROC output consists of averaged ratios of the triplicate spots for each clone, standard deviations of the triplicates and plotting position for each clone on the array, as well as other clone information stored in the database, such as STS content.