gene reported: wild-type strain: FVB/N sex: Male developmental stage: postnatal day 1 theiler stage: 27 somite count: NA developmental landmark: NA
Treatment protocol
pool size: N/A Pooled sample: no Dissection Method: whole bladder FVB/N female mice are time-mated to control males. Pregnant FVB/N mice are euthanized by standard carbon dioxide asphyxiation. All fetuses and newborn mice are killed by decapitation with a scalpel. Tissues are harvested and used whole or placed in OCT in a mold, frozen and stored at -80 °C. Blocks are sectioned, stained and used for laser capture micro-dissection.
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
Qiagen: RNeasy
Label protocol
Hybridization protocol
Affymetrix standard protocol Amount labeled target hybridization to array: 10 ug