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Series GSE44974 Query DataSets for GSE44974
Status Public on Oct 30, 2014
Title Genome-wide genotyping and CNV scan in IgA Nephropathy patients.
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Genome variation profiling by SNP array
SNP genotyping by SNP array
Summary Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy (IgAN) is a complex multifactorial disease whose genetic bases remain unknown. Distinct linkage and genome-wide association studies in both familial and sporadic IgAN suggest that there is a strong genetic component in IgAN. In this context, an intriguing role could be ascribed to copy number variants (CNVs) that have been recognized as an important source of genetic variation in humans. Here, we performed a whole-genome screening of CNVs in IgAN patients, their healthy relatives and healthy subjects (HS). A total of 217 individuals consisting of 51 IgAN cases and 166 healthy relatives were included in the initial screening. The high-throughput analysis of structural genetic variations, to find concordant aberrations across classes of samples, identified 178 IgAN-specific aberrations, specifically 114 loss and 64 gain. Several CNVs overlapped with regions evidenced by previous genome-wide genetic studies. Moreover, we found that IgAN patients characterized by deteriorated renal function carried low copy numbers of a CNV in chromosome 3 (chr3_loss:52031010-52260722). This CNV contained the TLR9 gene whose expression significantly correlated with the loss aberration in patients with progressive renal damage. Conversely, IgAN patients with normal renal function had no chr3_loss:52031010-52260722 and the TLR9 mRNA was expressed at the same level as in HS, still maintaining a strong correlation with the CNV. In conclusion, here we performed the first genome-wide CNV study in IgAN identifying some structural variants specific to IgAN patients and providing a collection of new candidate genes and loci that could help to dissect the complex genomic setting of the disease. Moreover, we identified a specific CNV, spanning the TLR9 gene, which could explain the disease severity in IgAN patients.
Overall design To perform a genome-wide CNV study in IgAN identifying some structural variants specific to IgAN patients and providing a collection of new candidate genes and loci that could help to dissect the complex genomic setting of the disease.
Contributor(s) Sallustio F, Cox SN
Citation(s) 25293716
Submission date Mar 08, 2013
Last update date Dec 18, 2017
Contact name Fabio Sallustio
Organization name University of Bari
Street address Piazza G. Cesare N°11
City Bari
State/province Bari
ZIP/Postal code 70124
Country Italy
Platforms (1)
GPL13829 Illumina HumanCytoSNP-12 v2.1 BeadChip
Samples (217)
GSM1094884 IgAN patient [22]
GSM1094885 IgAN patient [156]
GSM1094886 Healthy subject [184]
BioProject PRJNA192672

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GSE44974_Signal_intensities.txt.gz 852.1 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
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