The effects of azithromycin on whole blood gene expression using the nCounter XT human autoimmune profiling panel was assessed in 8 sarcoidosis patients before and after 1 month of azithromycin treatment.
Overall design
Blood samples (1ml) from patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis at baseline (visit 1) and after 1 month's treatment with azithromycin 250mg daily (visit 2) were drawn into tubes (TruCulture®, Myriad-RBM) containing 100 ng/ml LPS or null control (no stimulant). After stimulation for 24h at 37°C, samples were separated into supernatants (aliquoted and stored at -70°C for later cytokine analysis) and cell pellets (mixed with 3ml RNAlater® (Ambion) and stored at -70°C).