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See Gene information for glycoprotein spike spike glycoprotein

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Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
ID: 1489668
spike glycoprotein [SARS coronavirus Tor2]NC_004718.3 (21492..25259)sars2, E2
ID: 911829
second secreted glycoprotein;small secreted glycoprotein;spike glycoprotein [Zaire ebolavirus]NC_002549.1 (5900..8305)ZEBOVgp4
ID: 14254594
spike protein [Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus]NC_019843.3 (21456..25517)G128_gp02
ID: 1489752
E2 glycoprotein precursor [Murine hepatitis virus]NC_001846.1 (23929..27903)MHVgp4
ID: 955190
second secreted glycoprotein;small secreted glycoprotein;spike glycoprotein [Reston ebolavirus]NC_004161.1 (5901..8256)REBOVgp4
ID: 43740568
surface glycoprotein [Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2]NC_045512.2 (21563..25384)GU280_gp02, spike glycoprotein
ID: 3200426
spike glycoprotein [Human coronavirus HKU1]NC_006577.2 (22942..27012)HCHV1gp3
ID: 39105218
spike surface glycoprotein [Human coronavirus OC43]NC_006213.1 (23643..27704)EYW02_gp4
ID: 55060242
spike glycoprotein [Infectious bronchitis virus]NC_048213.1 (20374..23835)HO266_gp2, IBVgp2
ID: 22807881
spike glycoprotein [Betacoronavirus HKU24]NC_026011.1 (23777..27853)SF15_gp04
ID: 155971
Envelope surface glycoprotein gp160, precursor [Human immunodeficiency virus 1]NC_001802.1 (5771..8341)HIV1gp8
ID: 4836002
spike glycoprotein [Pipistrellus bat coronavirus HKU5]NC_009020.1 (21735..25793)BatCoVHKU5_gp2
ID: 20522555
spike protein [Bat Hp-betacoronavirus/Zhejiang2013]NC_025217.1 (23563..27516)NA39_gp3
ID: 37627011
spike protein [Betacoronavirus Erinaceus/VMC/DEU/2012]NC_039207.1 (21610..25602)D1Y28_gp03
ID: 37784987
second secreted glycoprotein;small secreted glycoprotein;spike glycoprotein [Bombali ebolavirus]NC_039345.1 (5887..8297)D3P43_gp4
ID: 4835991
spike glycoprotein [Tylonycteris bat coronavirus HKU4]NC_009019.1 (21570..25628)BatCoVHKU4_gp2
ID: 37627554
spike protein [Bat coronavirus]NC_034440.1 (21232..25269)CAU86_gp03
ID: 55060279
spike glycoprotein [Murine hepatitis virus]NC_048217.1 (23930..27904)HO264_gp06
ID: 3160774
second secreted glycoprotein;small secreted glycoprotein;spike glycoprotein [Sudan ebolavirus]NC_006432.1 (5883..8241)SEVgp4
ID: 9487535
second secreted glycoprotein;small secreted glycoprotein;spike glycoprotein [Tai Forest ebolavirus]NC_014372.1 (5888..8293)CIEBOVp4
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