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NM_004006.3(DMD):c.4996C>T (p.Arg1666Ter) AND Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Germline classification:
Pathogenic (4 submissions)
Last evaluated:
Sep 19, 2023
Review status:
2 stars out of maximum of 4 stars
criteria provided, multiple submitters, no conflicts
Somatic classification
of clinical impact:
Review status:
(0/4) 0 stars out of maximum of 4 stars
no assertion criteria provided
Somatic classification
of oncogenicity:
Review status:
(0/4) 0 stars out of maximum of 4 stars
no assertion criteria provided
Record status:

Allele description [Variation Report for NM_004006.3(DMD):c.4996C>T (p.Arg1666Ter)]

NM_004006.3(DMD):c.4996C>T (p.Arg1666Ter)

DMD:dystrophin [Gene - OMIM - HGNC]
Variant type:
single nucleotide variant
Cytogenetic location:
Genomic location:
Preferred name:
NM_004006.3(DMD):c.4996C>T (p.Arg1666Ter)
Other names:
  • NC_000023.11:g.32365049G>A
  • NG_012232.1:g.979561C>T
  • NM_000109.4:c.4972C>T
  • NM_004006.3:c.4996C>TMANE SELECT
  • NM_004009.3:c.4984C>T
  • NM_004010.3:c.4627C>T
  • NM_004011.4:c.973C>T
  • NM_004012.4:c.964C>T
  • NP_000100.3:p.Arg1658Ter
  • NP_003997.1:p.Arg1666Ter
  • NP_003997.2:p.Arg1666Ter
  • NP_004000.1:p.Arg1662Ter
  • NP_004001.1:p.Arg1543Ter
  • NP_004002.3:p.Arg325Ter
  • NP_004003.2:p.Arg322Ter
  • LRG_199t1:c.4996C>T
  • LRG_199:g.979561C>T
  • LRG_199p1:p.Arg1666Ter
  • NC_000023.10:g.32383166G>A
  • NM_004006.2:c.4996C>T
  • NM_004006.3:c.4996C>T
Protein change:
dbSNP: rs398123973
NCBI 1000 Genomes Browser:
Molecular consequence:
  • NM_000109.4:c.4972C>T - nonsense - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001587]
  • NM_004006.3:c.4996C>T - nonsense - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001587]
  • NM_004009.3:c.4984C>T - nonsense - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001587]
  • NM_004010.3:c.4627C>T - nonsense - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001587]
  • NM_004011.4:c.973C>T - nonsense - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001587]
  • NM_004012.4:c.964C>T - nonsense - [Sequence Ontology: SO:0001587]


Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)
Muscular dystrophy, pseudohypertrophic progressive, Duchenne type
MONDO: MONDO:0010679; MedGen: C0013264; Orphanet: 98896; OMIM: 310200

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Assertion and evidence details

Submission AccessionSubmitterReview Status
(Assertion method)
Clinical Significance
(Last evaluated)
criteria provided, single submitter

(Invitae Variant Classification Sherloc (09022015))
(Sep 19, 2023)
germlineclinical testing

PubMed (9)
[See all records that cite these PMIDs]

criteria provided, single submitter

(Mendelics Assertion Criteria 2017)
(May 28, 2019)
unknownclinical testing

Citation Link,

SCV001251804Genomic Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
criteria provided, single submitter

(ACMG Guidelines, 2015)
(May 3, 2020)
unknownclinical testing

PubMed (1)
[See all records that cite this PMID]

SCV004047492Neuberg Centre For Genomic Medicine, NCGM
criteria provided, single submitter

(ACMG Guidelines, 2015)
Pathogenicgermlineclinical testing

PubMed (1)
[See all records that cite this PMID]

Summary from all submissions

EthnicityOriginAffectedIndividualsFamiliesChromosomes testedNumber TestedFamily historyMethod
not providedgermlineunknownnot providednot providednot providednot providednot providedclinical testing
not providedunknownyesnot providednot providednot providednot providednot providedclinical testing
not providedunknownunknownnot providednot providednot providednot providednot providedclinical testing
not providedgermlineyesnot providednot providednot providednot providednot providedclinical testing



Entries in the Leiden Duchenne muscular dystrophy mutation database: an overview of mutation types and paradoxical cases that confirm the reading-frame rule.

Aartsma-Rus A, Van Deutekom JC, Fokkema IF, Van Ommen GJ, Den Dunnen JT.

Muscle Nerve. 2006 Aug;34(2):135-44. Review.

PubMed [citation]

New variants, challenges and pitfalls in DMD genotyping: implications in diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.

Santos R, Gonçalves A, Oliveira J, Vieira E, Vieira JP, Evangelista T, Moreno T, Santos M, Fineza I, Bronze-da-Rocha E.

J Hum Genet. 2014 Aug;59(8):454-64. doi: 10.1038/jhg.2014.54. Epub 2014 Jul 10.

PubMed [citation]
See all PubMed Citations (10)

Details of each submission

From Invitae, SCV000625911.7

#EthnicityIndividualsChromosomes TestedFamily HistoryMethodCitations
1not providednot providednot providednot providedclinical testing PubMed (9)


This sequence change creates a premature translational stop signal (p.Arg1666*) in the DMD gene. It is expected to result in an absent or disrupted protein product. Loss-of-function variants in DMD are known to be pathogenic (PMID: 16770791, 25007885). This variant is not present in population databases (gnomAD no frequency). This premature translational stop signal has been observed in individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (PMID: 11524473, 15351422, 17253928, 19760747, 19959795, 21396098). ClinVar contains an entry for this variant (Variation ID: 94646). For these reasons, this variant has been classified as Pathogenic.

OriginAffectedNumber testedTissuePurposeMethodIndividualsAllele frequencyFamiliesCo-occurrences
1germlineunknownnot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot provided

From Mendelics, SCV001141671.1

#EthnicityIndividualsChromosomes TestedFamily HistoryMethodCitations
1not providednot providednot providednot providedclinical testingnot provided
OriginAffectedNumber testedTissuePurposeMethodIndividualsAllele frequencyFamiliesCo-occurrences
1unknownunknownnot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot provided

From Genomic Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, SCV001251804.1

#EthnicityIndividualsChromosomes TestedFamily HistoryMethodCitations
1not providednot providednot providednot providedclinical testing PubMed (1)
OriginAffectedNumber testedTissuePurposeMethodIndividualsAllele frequencyFamiliesCo-occurrences
1unknownyesnot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot provided

From Neuberg Centre For Genomic Medicine, NCGM, SCV004047492.1

#EthnicityIndividualsChromosomes TestedFamily HistoryMethodCitations
1not providednot providednot providednot providedclinical testing PubMed (1)


The frame shift variant c.4996C>T(p.Arg1666Ter) has been reported previously in patients affected with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Magri F et al., 2011; Stockley TL et al., 2006). This sequence change creates a premature translational stop signal (p.Arg1666) in the DMD gene. It is expected to result in an absent or disrupted protein product. The nucleotide change in DMD is predicted as conserved by GERP++ and PhyloP across 100 vertebrates. The c.4996C>T(p.Arg1666Ter) variant is novel (not in any individuals) in gnomAD Exomes and is novel (not in any individuals) in 1000 Genomes. This variant is predicted to cause loss of normal protein function through protein truncation. Loss of function variants have been previously reported to be disease causing. For these reasons, this variant has been classified as Pathogenic.

OriginAffectedNumber testedTissuePurposeMethodIndividualsAllele frequencyFamiliesCo-occurrences
1germlineyesnot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot providednot provided

Last Updated: May 7, 2024