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Items: 60

(Protein Change)
ConditionClassification, Review status
LOC123956263, LOC123956264
+4737 more
Copy number loss
See cases
LOC129999343, LOC129999344
+2213 more
Copy number gain
See cases
LOC129999548, LOC129999549
+1547 more
Copy number gain
See cases
LOC129999373, LOC129999374
+492 more
Copy number loss
See cases
LOC129999653, LOC129999654
+1380 more
Copy number gain
See cases
+163 more
Copy number loss
See cases
+342 more
Copy number loss
See cases
LOC129999356, LOC129999357
+284 more
Copy number loss
See cases
+106 more
Copy number gain
See cases
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
not provided
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
not provided
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
LOC129999258, IMPDH1
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
not provided
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
Retinitis pigmentosa
+1 more
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(intron variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(splice donor variant)
not provided
GLikely pathogenic
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
LOC129999258, IMPDH1
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
Retinal dystrophy
+1 more
GBenign/Likely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
(frameshift variant)
not provided
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
(frameshift variant)
not provided
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
(frameshift variant)
not provided
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
+2 more
GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
(frameshift variant)
not provided
LOC129999258, IMPDH1
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
LOC129999258, IMPDH1
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
Retinal dystrophy
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(synonymous variant)
not provided
GLikely benign
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(missense variant)
not provided
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(5 prime UTR variant)
Retinitis pigmentosa
+1 more
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(5 prime UTR variant)
Retinitis pigmentosa
+1 more
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(5 prime UTR variant)
Leber congenital amaurosis 11
+1 more
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(5 prime UTR variant)
Retinitis pigmentosa
+1 more
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(5 prime UTR variant)
Retinitis pigmentosa
+1 more
GUncertain significance
IMPDH1, LOC129999258
Single nucleotide variant
(5 prime UTR variant)
Retinitis pigmentosa
+1 more
GUncertain significance
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