Table A-2Cochrane search strategy

#ConceptSearch Terms
1Population“Medical Staff, Hospital”[mh] OR “Physicians”[mh] OR (“hospital medical staff” OR physician OR physicians OR clinician OR clinicians OR “health care providers” OR “healthcare providers” OR “health professional” OR “health professionals” OR “health provider” OR “health providers” OR “healthcare professional” OR “health care professional” OR hospitalist OR hospitalists OR “house staff” OR “house staffs” OR doctor OR doctors OR “healthcare workers” OR “healthcare staff” OR nurse OR nurses OR surgeons):ti OR (“hospital medical staff” OR physician OR physicians OR clinician OR clinicians OR “health care providers” OR “healthcare providers” OR “health professional” OR “health professionals” OR “health provider” OR “health providers” OR “healthcare professional” OR “health care professional” OR hospitalist OR hospitalists OR “house staff” OR “house staffs” OR doctor OR doctors OR “healthcare workers” OR “healthcare staff” OR nurse OR nurses OR surgeons):ab
2Fatigue and sleep“Work Schedule Tolerance”[mh] OR “Shift Work Schedule”[mh] OR “Sleep Deprivation”[mh] OR sleep[mh] OR caffeine[mh] OR (“duty hour” OR “duty hours” OR “work hours” OR “working hours” OR “shift work” OR “work shift” OR “work shifts” OR “shift patterns” OR “shift duration” OR “service hour” OR “service hours” OR “shift rotation” OR “shift rotations” OR “Fatigue management” OR “Fatigue risk” OR “fatigue monitoring” OR “fatigue reporting” OR “Sleep hygiene” OR napping OR “workplace lighting” OR “fatigue interventions” OR “fatigue intervention” OR “sleep patterns” OR “sleep management” OR “fatigue self-management” OR “Managing Fatigue” OR stimulant OR stimulants OR caffeine OR “pharmacologic interventions” OR “sleep deprive” OR “sleep deprived”):ti OR (“duty hour” OR “duty hours” OR “work hours” OR “working hours” OR “shift work” OR “work shift” OR “work shifts” OR “shift patterns” OR “shift duration” OR “service hour” OR “service hours” OR “shift rotation” OR “shift rotations” OR “Fatigue management” OR “Fatigue risk” OR “fatigue monitoring” OR “fatigue reporting” OR “Sleep hygiene” OR napping OR “workplace lighting” OR “fatigue interventions” OR “fatigue intervention” OR “sleep patterns” OR “sleep management” OR “fatigue self-management” OR “Managing Fatigue” OR stimulant OR stimulants OR caffeine OR “pharmacologic interventions” OR “sleep deprive” OR “sleep deprived”):ab OR
3Patient safety and harm“patient safety”[mh] OR “Patient Harm”[mh] OR “medical errors”[mh] OR “Diagnostic Errors”[mh] OR accident[mh] OR “safety management”[mh] OR (“patient safety” OR “patient harm” OR “patient harms” OR “patient risk” OR “patient risks” OR “quality of care” OR “adverse event” OR “adverse events” OR “undesired event” OR “undesired events” OR “medical error” OR “medical errors” OR “diagnostic error” OR “diagnostic errors” OR “diagnostic mistake” OR “diagnostic mistakes” OR “health care error” OR “health care errors” OR “healthcare error” OR “healthcare errors” OR “medical fault” OR “medical faults” OR “medical mistake” OR “medical mistakes” OR “erroneous diagnose” OR “erroneous diagnoses” OR “failure to diagnose” OR “false diagnose” OR “false diagnoses” OR “faulty diagnose” OR “faulty diagnoses” OR misdiagnose OR misdiagnoses OR “mistaken diagnose” OR “mistaken diagnoses” OR “wrong diagnose” OR “wrong diagnoses” OR “well being” OR wellbeing OR wellness OR satisfaction OR complication OR complications OR mortality OR coping OR distress OR distressed OR distresses OR distressing OR injury OR injuries OR “work life balance” OR “work health and safety” OR accident OR exhaustion OR “safety management” OR “burned out” OR “burn out” OR “burn outs” OR burnout OR burnouts OR “burnt out” OR “adverse effects” OR exhausted OR exhaustion OR exhausting OR exhausts):ti OR (“patient safety” OR “patient harm” OR “patient harms” OR “patient risk” OR “patient risks” OR “quality of care” OR “adverse event” OR “adverse events” OR “undesired event” OR “undesired events” OR “medical error” OR “medical errors” OR “diagnostic error” OR “diagnostic errors” OR “diagnostic mistake” OR “diagnostic mistakes” OR “health care error” OR “health care errors” OR “healthcare error” OR “healthcare errors” OR “medical fault” OR “medical faults” OR “medical mistake” OR “medical mistakes” OR “erroneous diagnose” OR “erroneous diagnoses” OR “failure to diagnose” OR “false diagnose” OR “false diagnoses” OR “faulty diagnose” OR “faulty diagnoses” OR misdiagnose OR misdiagnoses OR “mistaken diagnose” OR “mistaken diagnoses” OR “wrong diagnose” OR “wrong diagnoses” OR “well being” OR wellbeing OR wellness OR satisfaction OR complication OR complications OR mortality OR coping OR distress OR distressed OR distresses OR distressing OR injury OR injuries OR “work life balance” OR “work health and safety” OR accident OR exhaustion OR “safety management” OR “burned out” OR “burn out” OR “burn outs” OR burnout OR burnouts OR “burnt out” OR “adverse effects” OR exhausted OR exhaustion OR exhausting OR exhausts):ab
4.1 AND 2 AND 3
5Cochrane filterPublication date 2013 – September 18, 2023
6Exclude(“Animals”[Mesh] NOT “Humans”[Mesh]) OR (address OR autobiography OR bibliography OR biography OR congress OR dictionary OR directory OR festschrift OR “historical article” OR lecture OR “legal case” OR legislation OR periodical index OR comment OR letter OR editorial OR news OR “newspaper article” OR “patient education handout” OR “periodical index” OR “study guide” OR editorial OR letter OR “case report”):pt OR (“study protocol” OR “environmental scan” OR “trial protocol” OR “review protocol”):ti OR (rats OR cow OR cows OR chicken OR chickens OR horse OR horses OR mice OR mouse OR bovine OR sheep OR ovine OR murine):kw OR

From: Fatigue and Sleepiness of Clinicians Due to Hours of Service

Cover of Making Healthcare Safer IV
Making Healthcare Safer IV: A Continuous Updating of Patient Safety Harms and Practices [Internet].

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.