Table 9Differential Effect of the Decision Aid on the Emergency Department Cranial CT Rate Based on Parent Sociodemographic Characteristics

Cranial CTOverall P
DA effect
Gender of child .916
 Male0.96 (0.64-1.42)
 Female0.93 (0.57-1.54)
Race .423
 White0.99 (0.70-1.41)
 Non-White0.81 (0.42-1.56)
Education .815
 ≤HS0.80 (0.36-1.79)
 >HS0.94 (0.67-1.33)
Income .912
 <$40 0000.97 (0.53-1.75)
 $40 000 or more0.89 (0.61-1.29)
Literacy .01
 Typical1.09 (0.77-1.53)
 Low0.36 (0.16-0.83)
Numeracy .816
 Typical0.93 (0.63-1.36)
 Low0.96 (0.56-1.65)
Agea .019
 <21.94 (0.95-3.97)
 ≥20.78 (0.55-1.11)
No. of PECARN risk factorsa .193
 11.09 (0.75-1.58)
 20.67 (0.37-1.22)
Father only .041
 No1.02 (0.74-1.41)
 Yes0.26 (0.07-0.97)
Both parents .432
 No1.03 (0.71-1.51)
 Yes0.75 (0.43-1.29)

Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; DA, decision aid; HS, high school; PECARN, Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network.

aIndicates a patient characteristic.

From: Using a Decision Aid in the Emergency Room to Help Parents of Children with Head Trauma Understand Options for Diagnosing Brain Injury

Cover of Using a Decision Aid in the Emergency Room to Help Parents of Children with Head Trauma Understand Options for Diagnosing Brain Injury
Using a Decision Aid in the Emergency Room to Help Parents of Children with Head Trauma Understand Options for Diagnosing Brain Injury [Internet].
Hess EP, Shah N, Westphal J, et al.
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