Table 2Analysis of the characteristics of the Mail-to-Web and non-US IP address SM 1.0 responses in the National Cannabis Climate Survey

 Mail-to-Web sample
(n = 1,045)a
Non-US IP Address (Fraudulent) SM 1.0 responses
(n = 1,413)b
Military health insurancec424.1%71250.4%
Having kids in all 3 age groupsd212.0%1,21686.1%
High while taking survey181.7%1,36696.7%
Received mail survey from someone else70.7%1,02072.2%
Polytobacco usee.
Polycannabis usef.
Discrepancy between opinions about daily/occasional useg585.6%56540.0%
Discrepancy between opinions about recreational/medical useh424.0%43030.4%
Legal to drive high535.1%1,34595.3%
Cannabis is more harmful than alcohol817.8%67451.1%

There was a significant difference between the Mail-to-Web sample and fraudulent SM 1.0 completes for all variables (P < 0.001).


Fraudulent SM 1.0 completes are participants who completed the survey and had IP addresses from outside of the United States.


Participants who endorsed using military, CHAMPUS, TriCare, or the VA for most of their medical care.


Participants who endorsed being the parent or guardian of a child (or children) ages 12 or younger, 13 to 17, and 18 to 21 (3 separate items).


Number of the following products that the participant reported using in the past 30 days: (1) cigarettes; (2) vapes; (3) cigars; (4) chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or snus; (5) and hookah or waterpipe.


Number of the following products that the participant reported using in the past 30 days: (1) edible marijuana; (2) personal vaporizer, e-joint, or volcano to smoke dry marijuana plant matter; (3) personal vaporizer, e-joint, or volcano to smoke marijuana as hash, hash water, hash oil, or concentrates; and (4) blunt.


Participant had unintuitive responses for rating daily versus occasional cannabis use on one or more of the following scales: good/bad, dangerous/safe, or wrong/right.


Participant had unintuitive responses for rating medical versus recreational cannabis use on one or more of the following scales: good/bad, dangerous/safe, or wrong/right.

From: Modeling the Probability of Fraud in Social Media in a National Cannabis Survey

Cover of Modeling the Probability of Fraud in Social Media in a National Cannabis Survey
Modeling the Probability of Fraud in Social Media in a National Cannabis Survey [Internet].
Dutra LM, Farrelly MC, Bradfield B, et al.
Research Triangle Park (NC): RTI Press; 2021 Sep.
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