From: Service delivery Models and settings for delivery of services
NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Study | Population | Intervention | Comparison | Comments |
N=102 Non-psychotic severe mental illness Diagnosis: 27% schizophrenia; 20% depression; 9% mania; 27% neurotic disorder; 9% personality disorder; 8% addiction/organic disorder Mean age (years): 42.5 Sex (% female): 51 Ethnicity (% BME): NR | Acute day hospital care. Teaching hospital serving small socially deprived inner city area. Day hospital designed to take acute admissions because of few beds (8 nurses, 3 OTs) | Inpatient care (routine inpatient) |
Duration of follow-up: 12 months Outcomes:
N=187 Non-psychotic severe mental illness Diagnosis: 43% schizophrenia; 34% depression; 23% neurosis Mean age (years): 38.0 Sex (% female): 43 Ethnicity (% BME): 18 | Acute day hospital care. Teaching hospital serving small socially deprived inner city area. Day hospital designed to take acute admissions because of few beds (CPN out of hours). | Inpatient care (routine inpatient) |
Duration of follow-up: 12 months Outcomes:
N=91 Non-psychotic severe mental illness Diagnosis: Neurosis (56% depressive neurosis), personality disorder, or adjustment reaction Mean age (years): ~35 Sex (% female): 68 Ethnicity (% BME): NR | Acute day hospital care. 2 trained staff + OT, patient/staff ratio: 12.5:1, individual counselling, groups, activities and medication | Inpatient care. Mixed sex and female wards |
Duration of follow-up: 12 months Outcomes:
RCT Germany |
N=44 Depression Diagnosis: 97.7% had a major depressive episode, 2.3% had primary dysthymia Mean age (years): 35.1 Sex (% female): 50 Ethnicity (% BME): NR | Acute day hospital care. Therapeutic staff were the same for both treatment arms. Both groups received equal amounts of psychotherapeutic interventions. Day-clinic patients attended therapy on 5 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (8 weeks of treatment) | Inpatient care. Therapeutic staff were the same for both treatment arms. Both groups received equal amounts of psychotherapeutic interventions. Inpatients were free to leave the unit outside of night hours and therapy sessions and spent 6 weekends at home (8 weeks of treatment) |
Duration of follow-up: 3 months Outcomes:
RCT Germany, UK, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic |
N=1117 Non-psychotic severe mental illness Diagnosis: 27% schizophrenia, schizotypal, delusional, and other non-mood psychotic disorders (ICD-10 F20-F29); 41% mood [affective] disorders (ICD-10 F30-F39); 22% anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, somatoform and other non-psychotic mental disorders (ICD-10 F40-F49); 9% disorders of adult personality and behaviour (ICD-10 F60-F69) Mean age (years): ~38 Sex (% female): 56 Ethnicity (% BME): NR | Acute day hospital care. Provided between 15 and 35 places, mean staff hours per week per treatment place ranged from 8.8 to 16.0. Staff patient ratios not reported | Inpatient care (routine inpatient) |
Duration of follow-up: 14 months Outcomes:
RCT Netherlands |
N=222 Non-psychotic severe mental illness Diagnosis: 21% psychosis; 38% mood disorders; 24% anxiety disorders; 10% eating disorders; 8% other Mean age (years): 31.9 Sex (% female): 58 Ethnicity (% BME): NR | Acute day hospital care. Provided 24 places. For each day treatment patient, a 0.08 full-time equivalent social psychiatric nurse was available | Inpatient care. Open inpatient ward with 20 beds. For each inpatient, a 0.40 full-time equivalent psychiatric nurse was available |
Duration of follow-up: 13 months Outcomes:
BME: black, minority, ethnic; CPN: community psychiatric nurse; ICD: International Classification of Diseases; N: number of participants; NR: not reported; OT: occupational therapist; RCT: randomised controlled trial
From: Service delivery Models and settings for delivery of services
NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.