Authors: Blackwell AL;Yoong W;Moore KH;. Title: Criterion validity, test-retest reliability and sensitivity to change of the St George Urinary Incontinence Score. Journal Name: BJU International. Year: 2004 Feb | Not a ICI Grade A questionnaire therefore not considered by GDG. |
Authors: Coyne K;Revicki D;Hunt T;Corey R;Stewart W;Bentkover J;Kurth H;Abrams P;. Title: Psychometric validation of an overactive bladder symptom and health-related quality of life questionnaire: The OAB-q. Journal Name: Quality of Life Research. Year: 2002 | No test retest reliability data. |
Authors: Finkelstein MM;Skelly J;Kaczorowski J;Swanson G;. Title: Incontinence Quality of Life Instrument in a survey of primary care physicians. Journal Name: Journal of Family Practice. Year: 2002 Nov | Study evaluates use of I-QOL to measure impact of UI on QOL; does not consider use of questionnaire to measure UI severity as in the UI guideline questions. |
Authors: Hajebrahimi S;Corcos J;Lemieux MC;. Title: International consultation on incontinence questionnaire short form: Comparison of physician versus patient completion and immediate and delayed self-administration. Journal Name: Urology. Year: 2004 | Not a ICI Grade A questionnaire, therefore not considered by GDG. |
Authors: Harvey MA;Kristjansson B;Griffith D;Versi E;. Title: The Incontinence Impact Questionnaire and the Urogenital Distress Inventory: a revisit of their validity in women without a urodynamic diagnosis. Journal Name: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Year: 2001 Jul | Study assesses validity of short-forms of IIQ and UDI in women with a urodynamic diagnosis, but no test retest reliability data. |
Authors: Ishiko O;Sumi T;Hirai K;Ogita S;. Title: Classification of female urinary incontinence by the scored incontinence questionnaire. Journal Name: International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Year: 2000 Jun | Modified Gaudenz questionnaire evaluated which is not an ICI recommended questionnaire. |
Authors: Lubeck DP;Prebil LA;Peeples P;Brown JS;. Title: A health related quality of life measure for use in patients with urge urinary incontinence: A validation study. Journal Name: Quality of Life Research. Year: 1999 | Not a ICI Grade A questionnaire therefore not considered by GDG. |
Authors: Reese PR;Pleil AM;Okano GJ;Kelleher CJ;. Title: Multinational study of reliability and validity of the King's Health Questionnaire in patients with overactive bladder. Journal Name: Quality of Life Research. Year: 2003 | No test retest reliability data. |
Authors: Sandvik H;Hunskaar S;Seim A;Hermstad R;Vanvik A;Bratt H;. Title: Validation of a severity index in female urinary incontinence and its implementation in an epidemiological survey. Journal Name: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Year: 1993 | No test retest reliability data. |
Authors: Shaw C;Matthews RJ;Perry SI;Assassa RP;Williams K;McGrother C;Dallosso H;Jagger C;Mayne C;Clarke M;. Title: Validity and reliability of an interviewer-administered questionnaire to measure the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms of storage abnormality: The Leicester Urinary Symptom Questionnaire. Journal Name: BJU International. Year: 2002 | Not a ICI Grade A questionnaire therefore not considered by GDG. |
Authors: Shaw C;Matthews RJ;Perry SI;Williams K;Spiers N;Assassa RP;McGrother C;Dallosso H;Jagger C;Mayne C;Clarke M;. Title: Validity and reliability of a questionnaire to measure the impact of lower urinary tract symptoms on quality of life: The Leicester impact scale. Journal Name: Neurourology and Urodynamics. Year: 2004 | Not a ICI Grade A questionnaire therefore not considered by GDG. |
Authors: Shumaker SA;Wyman JF;Uebersax JS;McClish D;Fantl JA;. Title: Health-related quality of life measures for women with urinary incontinence: the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire and the Urogenital Distress Inventory. Continence Program in Women (CPW) Research Group. Journal Name: Quality of Life Research. Year: 1994 Oct | No test retest reliability data. |
Authors: Stach-Lempinen B;Kirkinen P;Laippala P;Metsanoja R;Kujansuu E;. Title: Do objective urodynamic or clinical findings determine impact of urinary incontinence or its treatment on quality of life?. Journal Name: Urology. Year: 2004 | No test retest reliability data. |
Authors: van d;De L;Roovers J;Heintz APM;. Title: Measuring health-related quality of life in women with urogenital dysfunction: The urogenital distress inventory and incontinence impact questionnaire revisited. Journal Name: Neurourology and Urodynamics. Year: 2003 | No test retest reliability data. |
Authors: Yalcin I;Bump RC;. Title: Validation of two global impression questionnaires for incontinence. Journal Name: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Year: 2003 Jul | Not a ICI Grade A condition-specific questionnaire therefore not considered by GDG. |