Table 9Recommendations for Monitoring and Follow-Up

Physical exam, laboratory and other studies
 Plot height, weight, BMI (BMI percentile for children), and blood pressure annually.
 Order laboratory studies as indicated.
 Provide care through planned care visits for follow up of obesity and overweight.
Lifestyle assessment
 Review physical activity, nutrition and sleep habits, and associated goals.
 Provide ongoing self-management support. This can be provided by any member of the care team.
 Follow up on self-management education to reinforce behavior changes.
 Provide family support. Refer to a Registered Dietitian or Social Worker for extensive counseling if indicated.
 Offer referral to more intensive weight management interventions or programs for patients not making progress.
Self-management support
 Deliver consistent, focused messages about healthy lifestyles (such as 5-2-1-0 for children and adolescents).
 Assess readiness to change and self-efficacy, and provide advice for behavior change consistent with the patient and family’s readiness to change.
 Use a collaborative approach to setting goals.
 Promote self-management skills.

From: Obesity Prevention and Management

Cover of Obesity Prevention and Management
Obesity Prevention and Management.
Orringer KA, Van Harrison R, Nichani SS, et al.
Ann Arbor (MI): Michigan Medicine University of Michigan; 2020 Jun.
© Regents of the University of Michigan.

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