Characteristics of Included Studies

Study Type: Cross-over

Study Description: Allocation: random (no details)
Duration of study: 2weeks washout+4 weeks placebo+6 weeks drug A+4 weeks placebo +6 weeks drug B+4 weeks placebo

Blindness: Double blind

Duration (days):

Followup: 6 weeks

Setting: Outpatient (n=7), inpatient (n=6)

Notes: Country of study: US; Analysis:

Info on Screening Process: 24 screened, 3 excluded on diagnostic grounds, 8 did not reach active drug trial due to medical abnormalities, no longer met inclusion criteria or conditions deteriorated during washout phase
N= 13

Age: Mean 32 Range 19-57

Sex: 8 males 5 females

  • OCD by DSM-III
Exclusions: OCD duration<1 year, aged >17 years, primary depression or schizophrenia, major medical illness or history of leukotomy or other neurosurgery

Notes: Mean duration of illness 6.4 years (range 1.5-13 years)
Data Used
  • Beck Depression Inventory
  • Profile of Moods scale
  • Leyton Obsessional Inventory: trait
  • Leyton Obsessional Inventory: resistance
  • Leyton Obsessional Inventory: interference
  • Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
  • NIMH Global Depression Scale
  • NIMH Global Anxiety Scale
  • NIMH Global OCD Scale
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Rating Scale
  • Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale: OC
Group 1 N= 12
  • Clomipramine - Initial dose 100mg/d, increased to 300mg/d as tolerated. Protocol later changed to initial dose 50mg/d, with 50mg increments every two days to 300mg/d as tolerated
Group 2 N= 11
  • Clorgyline - Patients were given 30mg/d from the first day
Data not extractable before the point of cross-over
Study Type: RCT

Study Description: Allocation: random (no details)

Blindness: No mention

Duration (days):

Followup: 10 weeks

Setting: Outpatient

Notes: Country of study: US; Analysis: ITT

Info on Screening Process: Not reported
N= 64

Age: Mean 35

Sex: 36 males 28 females

  • OCD by DSM-III-R
Exclusions: Aged<18 years, OCD duration<1 year, NIMH-OC<7, DSM Major depression, HRSD>17

Notes: OCD duration not reported; baseline Y-BOCS 19; baseline NIMH-OC 7.7
Data Used
  • Clinical Global Impressions
  • OCD Scale (CPRS)
  • Leaving study early
  • Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale: total
Group 1 N= 23
  • Fluoxetine - Subjects titrated to 80mg/day by week 3; mean maxiumum dose 77.9mg/day
Group 2 N= 20
  • Phenelzine - Subjects titrated to 60mg/day by week 3; all patients achieved maximum dose
Group 3 N= 21
  • Placebo
Study Type: RCT

Blindness: Double blind Duration (days):

Followup: 12 weeks

Setting: Outpatient

Notes: Country of study: UK; Analysis: completer

Info on Screening Process: 42, 12 excluded due to pregnancy, under age, psychopathy, schizophrenia, hysteria, anankastic depression, refusal to give signed informed consent
N= 30

Age: Mean 32

Sex: 12 males 14 females

  • OCD by DSM-III
  • 31% MDD
Exclusions: Aged <18 and >65 years, OCD duration <2 years, primary depression, other psychoses, physical illness, organic brain pathology, pregnant or breast-feeding

Notes: OCD duration 17 years
Data Used
  • Leaving study early due to adverse events
  • Leaving study early
  • Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
  • Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety
  • Maudsley Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory
Group 1 N= 14
  • Phenelzine - 45mg/d weeks 1&2, 60mg/d weeks 3 & 4, 75mg/d weeks 5-12
Group 2 N= 16
  • Clomipramine - 75mg/d weeks 1&2, 150mg/d weeks 3 & 4, 225mg/d weeks 5-12

From: Appendix 16, Characteristics of reviewed studies

Cover of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Core Interventions in the Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 31.
National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (UK).
Leicester (UK): British Psychological Society (UK); 2006.
© NCCMH. All rights reserved.

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