Medline (Ovid) search terms

1.exp Preoperative Care/ or exp Perioperative Care/ or exp Perioperative Period/ or exp Perioperative Nursing/
2.((pre-operative* or preoperative* or preop* or pre-op* or pre-surg* or presurg*) adj3 (care* or caring or treat* or nurs* or monitor* or recover* or medicine)).ti,ab.
3.((perioperative* or peri-operative* or intraoperative* or intra-operative* or intrasurg* or intra-surg* or peroperat* or per-operat*) adj3 (care* or caring or treat* or nurs* or monitor* or recover* or medicine)).ti,ab.
4.((postoperative* or postop* or post-op* or post-surg* or postsurg*) adj3 (care* or caring or treat* or nurs* or monitor* or recover* or medicine)).ti,ab.
5.((care* or caring or treat* or nurs* or recover* or monitor*) adj3 (before or prior or advance or during or after) adj3 (surg* or operat* or anaesthes* or anesthes*)).ti,ab.
6.1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
7.(intraoperative* or intra-operative* or intrasurg* or intra-surg* or peroperat* or per-operat* or perioperat* or peri-operat*).ti,ab.
8.((during or duration) adj3 (surg* or operat* or anaesthes* or anesthes*)).ti,ab.
9.7 or 8
10.postoperative care/ or exp Postoperative Period/ or exp Perioperative nursing/
11.(postop* or post-op* or post-surg* or postsurg* or perioperat* or peri-operat*).ti,ab.
12.(after adj3 (surg* or operat* or anaesthes* or anesthes*)).ti,ab.
13.(post adj3 (operat* or anaesthes* or anesthes*)).ti,ab.
14.10 or 11 or 12 or 13
15.exp Preoperative Care/ or Preoperative Period/
16.(pre-operat* or preoperat* or pre-surg* or presurg*).ti,ab.
17.((before or prior or advance or pre or prepar*) adj3 (surg* or operat* or anaesthes* or anesthes*)).ti,ab.
18.15 or 16 or 17
19.6 or 9 or 14 or 18
23.exp historical article/
24.Anecdotes as Topic/
25.comment/ report/
27.(letter or comment*).ti.
29.randomized controlled trial/ or random*.ti,ab.
30.28 not 29
31.animals/ not humans/
32.exp Animals, Laboratory/
33.exp Animal Experimentation/
34.exp Models, Animal/
35.exp Rodentia/
36.(rat or rats or mouse or mice).ti.
38.19 not 37
39.limit 38 to English language
40.(exp child/ or exp pediatrics/ or exp infant/) not (exp adolescent/ or exp adult/ or exp middle age/ or exp aged/)
41.39 not 40
43.value of life/
44.exp “costs and cost analysis”/
45.exp Economics, Hospital/
46.exp Economics, medical/
47.Economics, nursing/
48.economics, pharmaceutical/
49.exp “Fees and Charges”/
50.exp budgets/
53.(economic* or pharmaco?economic*).ti.
54.(price* or pricing*).ti,ab.
55.(cost* adj2 (effectiv* or utilit* or benefit* or minimi* or unit* or estimat* or variable*)).ab.
56.(financ* or fee or fees).ti,ab.
57.(value adj2 (money or monetary)).ti,ab.
59.41 and 58

From: Evidence review for preoperative risk stratification tools

Cover of Evidence review for preoperative risk stratification tools
Evidence review for preoperative risk stratification tools: Perioperative care in adults: Evidence review C.
NICE Guideline, No. 180.
National Guideline Centre (UK).
Copyright © NICE 2020.

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