Table 10aQuality Grading – Study Breakdown

YearAuthorDoes the article state both the inclusion/exclusion criteria and any additional exclusions that were made after cohort inception?Was the study population well described?Was the loss to followup over the course of the study less than 20%?If more than 20% were lost, did the authors acknowledge the potential effects on the model?Did missing data cause more than 20% of the population to be excluded from the model?If more than 20% of the data was excluded due to missing data, was a missing data technique applied?For validation studies, did the authors report both discrimination and calibration?For model development, did the authors assess internal validation?
1999Detrano RC18+++-NA-NA+++
1999aLiao Y3+++-NA-NA++--
1999bLiao Y1+++++NA--NANA--
2000Grover SA68+++-NA-NA+NA
2001D'Agostino RB4+++-NA-NA++--
2002Kothari V54+++++NA--NANA-
2002Orford JL67++--NANANA+NA
2003Folsom A13+++--+NA++--
2004Chambless LE12++++--NA--NA++
2004Greenland P17+++NA--NA+--
2004Stern MP66++--NA--NA+NA
2005Arad Y91++++NA--+--
2005McNeill AM15+++++NA--NA+NA
2006Cook NR19+++----+++
2006Lee ET16++++NA--NA+
2007Berry JD5++++NA--NA-NA
2007Denes P63+++-NA--NA+--
2007Mainous AG14-++----++
2007Miyasaka Y9++++--+NA----
2007Ridker PM20++++---NA+++
2007Vaidya D10+++-NA-NA-NA
2007Weiner DE64+++++NA--NA++NA
2008D'Agostino RB6+++-NA-NA+++
2008Gaizano TA8++++-+--NA+++
2008Mainous AG11-+----+--
2008Wilson P7+++++NA--NA+--
2009Paynter N55++++----NA++--
2001Suka M89+++++NA+NA++NA
2002Suka M90+-------+NA
2004Liu J47+++NA+-++--
2007Barzi F45++-NA-NA++--
2007Yang X50++++-NA-NA+++
2008Jee SH46+++++NA--NA+++
2008Yang X49+++-NA-NA+++
2002Assmann G27+++NA--++--
2002Bastuji-Garin S37++----+NA
2003Brindle PM73+++NA--NA++NA
2003Empana JP80-+----++NA
2003Hense HW61++----+NA
2003Milne R81+-----NA+NA
2003Simons LA56-+--------NA
2004Ducloux D69++++NA--NA----
2004Dunder K22+++++NA+--+++
2004Erikssen G24+++NA--NA+
2004Koenig W75+++++NA--NA+--
2004McEwan P85++-----++NA
2004Stephens JW33++++--+--NA++NA
2005Bernard S21+++----+--
2005Bhopal R83-+--NANA----
2005Brindle PM70+++----NA+NA
2005Cooper JA31+++----++NA
2005Ferrario M29+-----+++
2005Guzder RN86+++++NA--NA++NA
2005Silventoinen K78-++----+NA
2005Ulmer HB76++----+NA
2005Vliegenthart R79+++++NA--NA+--
2005Wang Z82+++++NA+---NA
2005Wannamethee SG72+++++NA--NA+--
2006Donnan PT39+++--+--NA+
2006May MD44++---+++--
2007Assmann G26+++-NA-NA++
2007Buyken AE74+--NA-NA--NA
2007Hippisley-Cox JC40+++------+++
2007Koller MT84+++NA--NA++NA
2007Lindman AS71+++----NA+NA
2007Macfarlane PW32+++----NA--
2007Marrugat J38++++NA--NA++NA
2007Reissigova J25++++NA-NA++NA
2007Strom Moller C23++++------+--
2007Woodward M30-++--NA--++--
2008Assmann G28+++----NA+NA
2008Becker A41+++++NA--NA+--
2008Becker A87++++NA--+NA
2008Cederholm J43-+----NANA--
2008de Ruijter W42++++-NA--NA++
2008Elkeles R88+++--NA--+NA
2008Hippisley-Cox JC62+++++NA-+++--
2008Hippisley-Cox JC34++++---+++NA
2008Scheltens T77+++----NA++NA
2008Simmons RK35++++-NA--NA+--
2008Vergnaud A36+++++NA--++NA

From: Appendix M, Summary Table 10

Cover of Systematic Review of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment Tools
Systematic Review of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment Tools [Internet].
Evidence Syntheses/Technology Assessments, No. 85.
Matheny M, McPheeters ML, Glasser A, et al.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.