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Gentilcore D, Smith M, editors. Proteins, Pathologies and Politics: Dietary Innovation and Disease from the Nineteenth Century. London (UK); New York (NY): Bloomsbury Academic; 2018.

Cover of Proteins, Pathologies and Politics: Dietary Innovation and Disease from the Nineteenth Century

Proteins, Pathologies and Politics: Dietary Innovation and Disease from the Nineteenth Century.

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Figure 7.1. ‘Wander’s Diabetic Chocolate’. Advertisement featured in supplement of the Chemist and Druggist (1979). Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.

Figure 7.1‘Wander’s Diabetic Chocolate’. Advertisement featured in supplement of the Chemist and Druggist (1979). Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London.

From: Chapter 7, From John Yudkin to Jamie Oliver: A Short but Sweet History on the War against Sugar

Copyright © David Gentilcore, Matthew Smith and Contributors, 2019.

This chapter is open access under a CC-BY license.


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