Table 9Summary of included economic evaluations, monitoring pulmonary disease

StudyLimitationsApplicabilityOther commentsInc. costsInc. effectsInc. cost-effectivenessUncertainty
Etherington 2008Very seriousaNot applicableb,cNew protocol to reduce the number of routine susceptibility testsThe projected savings of this intervention (cost year 2008) were €3,500 in consumables and 170 hours (costed at €6,500) of laboratory staff time per annum, a total annual saving of €10,000 (£6,500)No significant differences in median change of FEV1, FVC, CRP, white cell count, weight or duration of IV antibiotics were observed.NRNot assessed
Moodie 2014MinordDirectlyeData collected from a RCTMean total costs per child during the 5-year study period:
  • BAL therapy: A$ 92,860
  • Standard therapy: A$ 90,958
  • MD 1,902 (−27,782 to 31,586)
NRNR95% CIs reported

A$, Australian dollars; BAL; bronchoalveolar lavage; CI, confidence interval; CF, cystic fibrosis; CRP, C-reactive protein; FEV, forced expiratory volume; FVC, forced vital capacity; IV, intravenous; MD, mean difference; NA, not applicable; NR, not reported; RCT, randomised controlled trial


no detail regarding resource use and unit costs, only point estimates reported


frequency of tests not a comparison of interest in the protocol, but considered useful for decision making in this area


QALY not used as an outcome measure


not all important and relevant outcomes included (health-related quality of life and adverse effects)


This study does not include the preferred measure of effects (QALYs), but is still thought to be useful for decision making, given that all other criteria are relevant and the alternative outcome measure reported is unlikely to change the conclusions about cost-effectiveness.

From: Appendix K, Health Economics

Cover of Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and management.
NICE Guideline, No. 78.
National Guideline Alliance (UK).
Copyright © NICE 2017.

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