Table 19Total cost per scan (FibroScan®)

E = equivalent annual cost£6,455 Table 18
M = annual maintenance cost£3,337Inflated from the NHCS paper, inflated from 2008 prices (£3,000)a
Nf = number of FibroScan® per centre1Assumption
Np = number of CF patients per centre150Assumption based on CF Trust Standard of Care 2011 for a medium sized centre
D = disposables£0committee assumption that lubricating jelly is readily available in hospitals at a negligible cost
C = consultation cost£33PSSRU 2016, Nurse advanced (Band 7) per 15 minute surgery consultation. Band and time based on information provided in the NHCS paper, in consultation with the committee
Total cost/scan in a mediumsized centre including staff costs£98Estimatedb

CF, cystic fibrosis; HCHS, Hospital and Community Health Services; NA, not applicable; NHSC, National Horizon Scanning Centre; NHSRC, National Health Service Reference Costs; PSSRU, Personal Social Services Research Unit.


HCHS pay & prices index (2008/09 PPI [267.0]/2015/16 PPI [297.0]) inflation factor 1.112


Total cost/scan: ((E+M)*Nf / Np) +D +C

From: Appendix K, Health Economics

Cover of Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and management.
NICE Guideline, No. 78.
National Guideline Alliance (UK).
Copyright © NICE 2017.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.