Table 9.1Contents of Galen’s Therapeutics to Glaucon and their correspondence with particular sections of the Therapeutic Method

Therapeutics to Glaucon, ed. Kühn (1826) XI.1-146Therapeutic Method, 8-14, ed. Kühn (1825) X.530-1021
Book 1: Chapter 1, general principles; Chapters 2-16, diagnosis and treatment of ephemeral, tertian, quartan, quotidian, and continuous fevers and associated symptoms.Books 8-12
Book 2: Chapters 1-4, diagnosis of different kinds of inflammation and their treatment, including also erysipelas, herpēs, and anthrax.Book 13
Book 2: Chapters 5-13, treatment of oedema, scirrhus swellings, scirrhus in the spleen and liver, tumours, abscesses, fistulae, gangrenous inflammations, cancerous tumours, and elephant disease.Book 14

From: Chapter 9, Reading Galen in Byzantium

Cover of Greek Medical Literature and its Readers
Greek Medical Literature and its Readers: From Hippocrates to Islam and Byzantium.
Bouras-Vallianatos P, Xenophontos S, editors.
Oxon (UK): Routledge; 2018.
© 2018 selection and editorial matter, Petros Bouras-Vallianatos and Sophia Xenophontos; individual chapters, the contributors.

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