TABLE 9-5Estimated Effect of the Revised Food Packages on the Healthy Eating Index–2010 of Children Ages 2 to Less Than 5 Years: Food Package IV-B Based on Redemption

HEI–2010 ComponentServing-Equivalents per DayaCurrent Food Group DensitybNew Food Group DensitybHEI–2010 Max ScorecDensity for Min ScoreDensity for Max ScoreEstimated Current Food Group ScoreEstimated New Food Group Score
Median Food Group IntakeChange in Food Group Intake
Total fruit1.4−0.050.910.885.000.000.805.005.00
Fruit, whole0.70.110.470.555.000.000.405.005.00
Total vegetables0.60.050.410.445.
Greens and beansd0.1−
Whole grains0.60.110.390.4610.000.001.502.593.06
Total dairy1.9−
Total protein foods2.90.191.952.
Seafood and plant proteins0.3−
Fatty acids (ratio to SFA)e34.7−1.261.951.9010.00<1.2>2.55.795.41
Refined grains3.9−0.262.612.4410.00>4.30<1.806.767.45
Empty calories (kcal)f354−0.2023.6023.5920.00>50<1917.017.0
Total HEI–2010 % Change66.2667.21 1.4

NOTES: HEI–2010 = Healthy Eating Index–2010; SFA = saturated fatty acid. It was assumed that changes in the food groups offered in the WIC packages, as redeemed, will alter the median intake of the recipients by the same amount (either increase or decrease). The methodology applied to estimate redemption is described in Appendix R.


Fatty acids are expressed in g; sodium is expressed in mg; empty calories are expressed in kcal.


Food group density expressed per 1,000 kcal; intake of 1,500 kcal per day was assumed for this example, based on the median reported energy intake for this subgroup. Because the energy in the current and revised food packages differ by only 8 kcal as redeemed, 1,500 kcals is used for all density calculations.


The minimum score for each HEI–2010 component is always zero.


No change in greens intake is assumed, because intake of these vegetables was seldom reported, and is unlikely to increase substantially even with an increased value of the CVV. The intake of legumes is included in the greens and beans component because protein foods were close to recommended intakes.


Because the monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content of the food packages was not determined, MUFA + PUFA as estimated and total fat minus saturated fat. Although this calculation will overestimate MUFA + PUFA, it should have little effect on the magnitude of the change in the ratio.


Although the HEI–2010 typically applies solid fats in the calculation of empty calories, saturated fat was used for this calculation because data for the solid fat composition of foods in the food packages was not available.

From: 9, How the Revised Food Packages Meet the Criteria Specified

Cover of Review of WIC Food Packages
Review of WIC Food Packages: Improving Balance and Choice: Final Report.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Food and Nutrition Board; Committee to Review WIC Food Packages.
Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2017 May 1.
Copyright 2017 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.