Health professional participants’ background

ParticipantaRole(s)Years in professionbLocation
Focus group 1
Optom1Optometrist37South West England
Optom2Optometrist28South East England
Optom3Optometrist29North West England
Optom4Optometrist37West Midlands
Optom5Optometrist15South West England
Optom6Optometrist20South West England
Optom7Optometrist36South West England
Optom8Optometrist40West Midlands
Focus group 2
Ophthalm1Ophthalmologist20North West England
Ophthalm4Ophthalmologist7East Midlands
Ophthalm5Ophthalmologist17North West England
Ophthalm6Ophthalmologist3South West England
CA1Optometrist, clinical advisor to local CCG
CA2Optometrist, clinical advisor to local CCG
Comm1Commissioner, pharmacist
Comm2Commissioner, GP
Comm3Commissioner, GP
Comm4Commissioner, GP
Comm5Commissioner, pharmacist
Comm6Commissioner, optometrist
PH1Member of eye health local professional network, optometrist
PH2Optical advisor for eye charity, optometrist

CA, clinical advisor; Comm, commissioner; Ophthalm, ophthalmologist; Optom, optometrist; PH, public health representative.


Health professionals are identified by their professional role and their individual participant number.


Owing to their unique roles, the other health professionals’ years in profession and location have been removed to protect anonymity.

From: Chapter 5, Results: views of patients and health professionals about the shared care model (objective 5)

Cover of The Effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of Community versus Hospital Eye Service follow-up for patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration with quiescent disease (ECHoES): a virtual randomised balanced incomplete block trial
The Effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and acceptability of Community versus Hospital Eye Service follow-up for patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration with quiescent disease (ECHoES): a virtual randomised balanced incomplete block trial.
Health Technology Assessment, No. 20.80.
Reeves BC, Scott LJ, Taylor J, et al.
Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 Oct.
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