Quality assessment of outcome evaluations

StudySequence generationAllocation concealmentBlindingIncomplete outcome dataSelective outcome reportingConfounderOther sources of bias
Berg et al. 8600003311222233
Cross et al.9011111111110022
Gottfredson et al.9300001122122121
Kuperminc et al.9500003121122233
Rhodes et al.9611111122132232
Schwartz et al.7711111111110031
St Pierre et al.11100003322133322
Tebes et al.7900000311312233
Wiggins et al.11200000011222233

0, not applicable; 1, not stated/unclear; 2, yes; 3, no.

All studies were coded between CB and KD except for Wiggins et al.112

From: Appendix 16, Characteristics and quality risk of bias of outcome evaluations

Cover of The effects of Positive Youth Development interventions on substance use, violence and inequalities: systematic review of theories of change, processes and outcomes
The effects of Positive Youth Development interventions on substance use, violence and inequalities: systematic review of theories of change, processes and outcomes.
Public Health Research, No. 4.5.
Bonell C, Dickson K, Hinds K, et al.
Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 May.
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