GRADE table 2(Question 2): Are women who use combined hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) at increased risk for decreased bone mineral density compared with women who do not use CHCs, with a specific focus on adolescents? (Indirect evidence)

OutcomeType and number of studies (number of participants)LimitationsInconsistencyImprecisionIndirectnessOther factorsQualityEstimate of effect
Oral combined hormonal contraceptive use vs non-use in adolescent women
Bone mass density (BMD)1 RCT (n=83), 1 non-randomized trial (n=84); 11 cohort studies (n=3242)Serious limitations
(2 good, 5 fair, 6 poor)
Serious inconsistencyNo serious imprecisionSerious indirectness
(intermediate outcome)
1 study showed duration-response effect; variability in duration of follow-upLow9 studies showed oral CHC use associated with less BMD gain (or greater loss) than non-use, including the 2 good-quality studies; 4 studies showed no differencea
Patch use vs non-use in adolescent women
BMD1 non-randomized trial (n=10)Very serious limitations
(1 poor)
Cannot determine
(1 study)
Very serious imprecisionSerious indirectness
(intermediate outcome)
NoneVery low1 study found no effect of patch on BMD vs non-use

RCT: randomized controlled trial.


Eight studies evaluated 30–35mcg ethinyl estradiol (EE) formulation (one 30–40mcg EE), six studies 15–20mcg EE, two not specified.

From: I, Development of the Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use, fifth edition

Cover of Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use
Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use. 5th edition.
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