Study Name
Trial Identifier
Sponsors and Collaborators Study StatusPopulation
Interventions / GroupsOutcomes
An Electronic Decision Support Tool to Improve Outpatient Asthma Care

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Start: July 2006
Complete: August 2008
  • Children with a diagnosis of asthma
  • Age 1 to18 years
Behavioral: Computerized decision supportPrimary
  • The proportion of patients on appropriate asthma controller medication at the end of the trial
  • an updated asthma action plan
  • documentation of spirometry (6 to 18 years) in those with asthma
  • an updated problem list that reflects an assessment of asthma severity
Better Pediatric Asthma Outcomes Through Chronic Care

University of Connecticut Health Center

University of Connecticut Health Center
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Start: August 2001
Complete: May 2003
  • Determined by provider to be asthmatic
  • Member of Medical Managed Care Organization partner group
  • Ages 5 to 17 years
Behavioral: Electronic (computer based) provider feedback toolPrimary
  • Asthma control
  • Guideline appropriate medicating by providers
  • Patient knowledge
  • Self-efficacy
  • Social support
Child Health Improvement Through Computer Automation (CHICA) Highlighting Study

IUMG Clinic System

Indiana University
Start: April 2012
Complete: October 2012
  • Physicians practicing in one of our four study clinics who use CHICA
Other: Highlight set 1 (two prompts)
Other: Highlight Set 2 (two different prompts)
  • Whether or not prompt was answered
Comprehensive Clinical Decision Support (CDS) for the Primary Care of Premature Infants

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Start: September 2009
Complete: October 2012
  • Premature infants aged 20 weeks to 35 weeks
Other: Clinical Decision Support ToolPrimary
  • Evaluate usability of the intervention
  • Evaluate effect on care process
Conversational IT for Better, Safer Pediatric Primary Care

Boston Medical Center

Boston Medical Center
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Active, not recruiting
Start: July 2007
Complete: August 2011
Parents of children will be enrolled in the study if they meet a set of eligibility criteria which includes:
  • A primary care patient at Boston Medical Center
  • An English speaking child and parent
  • Ages 0 to 11 years
Behavioral: Safety Training
Behavioral: Personal Health Partner and Counseling
  • Personal Health Partner (PHP) assessment with electronic health record (EHR) data exchange before pediatric primary care visits
  • Personal Health Partner (PHP) pre-visit counseling with post-visit reinforcement
EHR-Based Clinical Decision Support to Improve BP Management in Adolescents

HealthPartners Medical Group

HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Start: April 2014
Complete: August 2017
  • Pediatric and family medicine providers
  • Ages 12 to 19 years
Behavioral: Clinical Decision Support
  • Follow up of an elevated blood pressure within recommended interval
  • Recognition of hypertension
  • Appropriate workup for those with hypertension
  • Appropriate Lifestyle Referral
  • Costs of Care
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Decision Support to Improve Outpatient Asthma Care

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Start: January 2006
Complete: August 2009
  • Known patients with asthma
Other: Control (passive EHR)
Other: Intervention (interactive decision support system)
  • Proportion of persistent asthmatic patients with at least one prescription for a controller medication in each period (baseline and intervention)
  • Proportion of persistent asthmatic patients with

    an updated asthma action plan,


    spirometry as needed


    problem list with current asthma severity


    asthma-related quality of life scores


    absent school and work days.

Evaluation of a Shared Decision Making Portal for Pediatric Asthma

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Active, not recruiting
Start: November 2012
Complete: November 2014
  • Parents/legal guardians of children aged 6 to12 years with persistent asthma, currently receiving chronic maintenance therapy, cared for at a study practice, with consistent access to a computer with an internet connection where they feel comfortable accessing MyChart (patient portal)
  • Clinician at study site
Other: MyAsthma Patient PortalPrimary
  • Acceptability of the intervention to parents and clinicians
  • Shared decision making
  • Parent Activation
  • Goal Attainment
  • Asthma-Related Quality of Life
  • Asthma Control
  • Asthma-related Utilization
  • Asthma Medication Adherence/Receipt
  • Feasibility of Recruitment
  • Feasibility of Follow-up
  • Feasibility of Portal Use
Giving Immunizations Through Vaccine Education

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Start: May 2010
Complete: May 2011
  • All clinicians practicing at participating sites
  • Parents with an eligible adolescent girl
  • Adolescent girls aged 11 to 17 years
  • Has a visit at one of the primary care centers within the last 15 months
  • Has not completed the teen vaccine series
Behavioral: Family Decision Support (informational vaccine reminder telephone calls)
Behavioral: Clinician Decision Support (an EHR-based decision support mechanism including reminders, education, audit and feedback on vaccination success)
Other: Family Decision Support and Clinician Decision Support
Other: Control
  • Rate of HPV vaccination among girls actively cared for at participating sites
  • Rates of meningococcal and tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccines among girls in the study
Improving Otitis Media Care With Clinical Decision Support (OMHIT)

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Start: December 2007
Complete: September 2010
  • All CHOP primary care and ENT practice sites with patients receiving care for otitis media
  • Ages 2 months to 18 years
Other: 3-Part Intervention (A combination of training, an otitis media episode grouper, and clinical decision support)
Other: 4-Part Intervention (A combination of clinician training, an otitis media episode grouper, clinical decision support, and feedback)
Other: 1-part intervention (Provision of feedback on otitis media quality indicators)
  • Quality of otitis media care
  • Clinician adoption of intervention and Resource Utilization
Improving Pediatric Safety and Quality With Health Care Information Technology

Massachusetts General Hospital/Partners HealthCare

Massachusetts General Hospital
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Start: March 2005
Complete: September 2008
  • Partners-affiliated pediatric practice providers utilizing Longitudinal Medical Record (LMR), which is an electronic health record system. Also the parents of the patients of the above noted pediatric providers
Other: weight based dosing decision support
  • Impact on rates of medication errors
Improving the Medication Management of Patients With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Academy of Pediatrics
University of Colorado, Denver
QED Clinical, Inc.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Enrolling by invitation
Start: January 2013
Complete: August 2014
  • Children aged 5 to12 years diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Behavioral: Clinical decision support for medication titrationPrimary
  • Improvement in symptoms, as measured by the parent-reported Vanderbilt Assessment Scale
  • Side effects as reported on the ADHD Vanderbilt Scale
Informing Policy to Implement Pediatric Family Engagement in Meaningful Use Stage 3 PROS

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
American Academy of Pediatrics
DARTNet Institute
Start: October 2013
Complete: September 2014
  • Child has a diagnosis of asthma on his/her problem list
  • Ages 6 to 12 years
Other: MyAsthma Web PortalPrimary
  • Use of the MyAsthma Portal Survey
  • Asthma management
Intervention to Improve Adherence in Teen Kidney Transplant
Multiple sites

McGill University Health Center
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati
Seattle Children's Hospital
Washington University Early Recognition Center
British Columbia Children's Hospital
The Hospital for Sick Children
St. Justine's Hospital
Start: February 2012
Complete: June 2016
  • At least 3 months post kidney transplant
  • Ages 11 to 24 years
Behavioral: Action-focused problem-solving
Device: Electronic pillbox monitoring, dosage reminders, and feedback
  • Taking adherence
  • Timing adherence
  • Clinical outcomes
  • Healthcare system factors
PECARN Emergency Care Registry

The Children's Hospital of Colorado
Children's National Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Data Coordinating Center

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Start: January 2011
Complete: NR
  • All patients (0-18) who registered in the ED during 2011 and during a 24 month study period between 2012 and 2015
  • All licensed independent practitioners in the ED during 2011 and during a 24 month study period between 2012 and 2015
  • Ages 18 years and younger
NRImproved performance and decreased variability (variation) of care
Study of Technology to Accelerate Research

Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Cambridge Health Alliance
Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates
Start: December 2010
Complete: September 2013
  • Child's BMI exceeds the 95th percentile for age and sex (CDC criteria)
  • Parent can respond to interviews and questionnaires in English
  • Child has obtained well-child care from HVMA for at least the previous 15 months
  • Ages 6 to 12 years
Behavioral: Usual Care
Behavioral: Clinician intervention only
Behavioral: Clinician intervention plus Direct-to-parent communication
  • Change in screening and assessment of childhood obesity at the point of care, including BMI, blood pressure, and laboratory screening, and provision of nutrition and physical activity counseling
  • Change in Body Mass Index
  • Change in Health Behaviors
  • Costs (including clinician and family time) and cost-effectiveness in terms of children's change in BMI and weight-related behaviors

From: Appendix F, Ongoing Studies

Cover of Core Functionality in Pediatric Electronic Health Records
Core Functionality in Pediatric Electronic Health Records [Internet].
Technical Briefs, No. 20.
Dufendach KR, Eichenberger JA, McPheeters ML, et al.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.