Number of consultations

ConsultationsPeriodUsual care: n = 743PhysioDirect: n = 1506IRRa95% CIp-value
Face-to-face, no. arranged:b mean (SD); median (IQR)6 weeks0.89 (1.13); 0 (0 to 2)0.58 (1.08); 0 (0 to 1)0.640.56 to 0.73< 0.001
6 months3.11 (2.63); 3 (1 to 4)1.91 (2.72); 0 (0 to 3)0.590.53 to 0.65< 0.001
Telephone: mean (SD); median (IQR)6 weeks0.04 (0.22); 0 (0 to 0)0.87 (0.55); 1 (1 to 1)19.7913.85 to 28.28< 0.001
6 months0.13 (0.44); 0 (0 to 0)0.96 (0.63); 1 (1 to 1)7.345.87 to 9.17< 0.001
Home visits: mean (SD); median (IQR)6 weeks0.001 (0.04); 0 (0 to 0)0.002 (0.04); 0 (0 to 0)1.480.15 to 14.250.73
6 months0.004 (0.06); 0 (0 to 0)0.003 (0.06); 0 (0 to 0)0.820.20 to 3.450.79
Total consultations: mean (SD); median (IQR)6 weeks0.94 (1.17); 1 (0 to 2)1.46 (1.29); 1 (1 to 2)1.531.37 to 1.70< 0.001
6 months3.25 (2.70); 3 (1 to 5)2.87 (2.94); 1 (1 to 5)0.870.80 to 0.940.001

IQR, interquartile range; IRR, incidence rate ratio.


Adjusted for time, outcome baseline, sex, age, referral problem, PCT.


Appointments booked, whether or not attended.

From: Chapter 3, Randomised controlled trial: results

Cover of A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of ‘PhysioDirect’ telephone assessment and advice services for physiotherapy
A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of ‘PhysioDirect’ telephone assessment and advice services for physiotherapy.
Health Technology Assessment, No. 17.2.
Salisbury C, Foster NE, Hopper C, et al.
Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2013 Jan.
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