TABLE 3-3Estimated Nutrient Requirements of Mice

NutrientUnitAmount, per kg dietComment/Reference
Linoleic acidg6.8
Protein (N × 6.25)
Growthg180.0Equivalent to 20% casein supplemented with 0.3% DL-methionine or 24% casein
g200.0Casein (see text)
Amino acids
Arginineg3.0See text
Histidineg2.0See text
Isoleucineg4.0See text
Leucineg7.0See text
Valineg5.0See text
Threonineg4.0See text
Lysineg4.0See text
Methionineg5.0Cystine may replace 50-66.6%
Phenylalanineg7.6Tyrosine may replace 50%
Tryptophang1.0Niacin may replace 0.025% (see text)
Magnesiumg0.50.7 g/kg for lactation (see text)
Potassiumg2.0Higher concentrations may be required for lactation (see text)
Coppermg6.08.0 mg/kg for pregnancy and lactation
Zincmg10.030 mg/kg for reproduction and lactation
Seleniumµg150.0Selenite form of Se
A (retinol)amg0.72Santhanam et al., 1987
D (cholecalciferol)bmg0.025Adequate; no quantitative data
E (RRR-α-tocopherol)cmg22.0Yasunaga et al., 1982
K (phylloquinone)mg1.0Based on the requirement for the rat; Kindberg and Suttie, 1989
Biotin (d-biotin)mg0.2Adequate; Fenton et al., 1950
Choline (choline bitartrate)mg2,000.0Adequate; insufficient data to establish requirement
Folic acidmg0.5Fenton et al., 1950; Heid et al., 1992
Niacin (nicotinic acid)mg15.0Based on the requirement for the rat; Hundley, 1949
Pantothenate (Ca)mg16.0Morris and Lippincott, 1941, suggest 36 mg/kg for reproduction and lactation
Riboflavinmg7.0Adequate; insufficient data to establish requirement
Thiamin (thiamin-HCl)mg5.0
B6 (pyridoxine-HCl)mg8.01 mg/kg for maintenance
B12 µg10.0Adequate; insufficient data to establish requirement

NOTE: Nutrient requirements are expressed on an as-fed basis for diets containing 10% moisture and 3.8 to 4.1 kcal ME/g (16–17 kJ ME/g) and should be adjusted for diets of differing moisture and energy concentrations. Unless otherwise specified, the listed nutrient concentrations represent minimal requirements and do not include a margin of safety. Higher concentrations for many nutrients may be warranted in natural-ingredient diets.


Equivalent to 2,400 IU/kg of diet.


Equivalent to 1,000 IU/kg of diet.


Equivalent to 32 IU/kg.

From: 3, Nutrient Requirements of the Mouse

Cover of Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals
Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals: Fourth Revised Edition, 1995.
National Research Council (US) Subcommittee on Laboratory Animal Nutrition.
Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1995.
© 1995 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.