Blood alcohol checks (breathalyser test) and injuries associated with driving while under the influence of alcohol recorded between 1990 and 1999 (according to OFDT and based on ONISR (Observatoire national interministériel de sécurité routière (national, interministerial, road-safety observatory)(2001))

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 1999
Number of positive tests116,613119,601129,910132,283167,465193,192
Injuries due to driving under the influence of alcohol (blood alcohol level of >0.8 g/l)93,04399,725101,27495,251101,636103,088
Injuries inadvertently caused by drivers while under the influence of alcohol5,5665,8584,8894,2944,0293,919
Manslaughter by drivers while under the influence of alcohol607608505485453451

From: Alcohol: Social damages, abuse, and dependence

Cover of Alcohol: Social damages, abuse, and dependence
Alcohol: Social damages, abuse, and dependence [Internet].
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