6ZY3: Cryo-EM structure of MlaFEDB in complex with phospholipid

PDB ID: 6ZY3Download
MMDB ID: 195638
PDB Deposition Date: 2020/7/30
Updated in MMDB: 2020/12
Experimental Method:
electron microscopy
Resolution: 3.3  Å
Source Organism:
Escherichia coli 909945-2
Similar Structures:
Biological Unit for 6ZY3: dodecameric; determined by author and by software (PISA)
Molecular Components in 6ZY3
Label Count Molecule
Proteins (12 molecules)
Yrbd Protein
Molecule annotation
ABC Transporter Maintaining OM Lipid Asymmetry, Cytoplasmic Stas Component
Molecule annotation
Toluene Tolerance Protein Ttg2a
Molecule annotation
Uncharacterized Protein
Molecule annotation
Chemical and Non-standard biopolymers (1 molecule)
* Click molecule labels to explore molecular sequence information.

Citing MMDB