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    REC8 REC8 meiotic recombination protein [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 9985, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    REC8 regulates neuroblastoma cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis via STAT3/VEGF signaling.

    REC8 regulates neuroblastoma cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis via STAT3/VEGF signaling.
    Wang Q, Fan W, Hao Z, Liang B, Fan M, Zhao Z, Li Z.

    REC8 inhibits proliferation, migration and invasion of breast cancer cells by targeting CDC20.

    REC8 inhibits proliferation, migration and invasion of breast cancer cells by targeting CDC20.
    He S, Liu D, Chen Z., Free PMC Article

    Meiotic genes in premature ovarian insufficiency: variants in HROB and REC8 as likely genetic causes.

    Meiotic genes in premature ovarian insufficiency: variants in HROB and REC8 as likely genetic causes.
    Tucker EJ, Bell KM, Robevska G, van den Bergen J, Ayers KL, Listyasari N, Faradz SM, Dulon J, Bakhshalizadeh S, Sreenivasan R, Nouyou B, Carre W, Akloul L, Duros S, Domin-Bernhard M, Belaud-Rotureau MA, Touraine P, Jaillard S, Sinclair AH., Free PMC Article

    Centromeres are dismantled by foundational meiotic proteins Spo11 and Rec8.

    Centromeres are dismantled by foundational meiotic proteins Spo11 and Rec8.
    Hou H, Kyriacou E, Thadani R, Klutstein M, Chapman JH, Cooper JP., Free PMC Article

    REC8 promotes tumor migration, invasion and angiogenesis by targeting the PKA pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma.

    REC8 promotes tumor migration, invasion and angiogenesis by targeting the PKA pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Han J, Bai Y, Wang J, Xie XL, Li AD, Ding Q, Cui ZJ, Yin J, Jiang XY, Jiang HQ.

    REC8 suppresses tumor angiogenesis by inhibition of NF-kappaB-mediated vascular endothelial growth factor expression in gastric cancer cells.

    REC8 suppresses tumor angiogenesis by inhibition of NF-κB-mediated vascular endothelial growth factor expression in gastric cancer cells.
    Liu M, Xu W, Su M, Fan P., Free PMC Article

    Rec8-Stag3 cohesin is shown to be susceptible to Wapl-dependent ring opening and sororin-mediated protection.

    Studying meiotic cohesin in somatic cells reveals that Rec8-containing cohesin requires Stag3 to function and is regulated by Wapl and sororin.
    Wolf PG, Cuba Ramos A, Kenzel J, Neumann B, Stemmann O.

    we determined that REC8 interacted with EGR1, and inhibited EMT in gastric cancer cells. We thus propose further studies of the pathways associated with REC8 and EGR1 to potentially find novel targets in the treatment for gastric cancer.

    REC8 inhibits EMT by downregulating EGR1 in gastric cancer cells.
    Zhao J, Geng L, Duan G, Xu W, Cheng Y, Huang Z, Zhou Z, Gong S., Free PMC Article

    Study confirmed that REC8 was downregulated in gastric neoplasm, especially in the EBV-associated subtype, via promoter methylation.

    REC8 functions as a tumor suppressor and is epigenetically downregulated in gastric cancer, especially in EBV-positive subtype.
    Yu J, Liang Q, Wang J, Wang K, Gao J, Zhang J, Zeng Y, Chiu PW, Ng EK, Sung JJ., Free PMC Article

    REC8 being a novel major bona fide tumor suppressor gene and a robust epigenetic target of the PI3K pathway. Aberrant inactivation of REC8 through hypermethylation by the PI3K pathway may represent an important mechanism mediating the oncogenic functions of the PI3K pathway

    REC8 is a novel tumor suppressor gene epigenetically robustly targeted by the PI3K pathway in thyroid cancer.
    Liu D, Shen X, Zhu G, Xing M., Free PMC Article

    Data show that REC8 is constitutively expressed in tumour cells, along with SGOL1 and SGOL2, and that REC8 becomes modified after irradiation.

    The role of meiotic cohesin REC8 in chromosome segregation in gamma irradiation-induced endopolyploid tumour cells.
    Erenpreisa J, Cragg MS, Salmina K, Hausmann M, Scherthan H.

    Indicate that polymorphisms of the Rec 8 gene are not a common cause of severe male factor infertility.

    Analysis of the meiotic recombination gene REC8 for sequence variations in a population with severe male factor infertility.
    Griffin J, Emery BR, Christensen GL, Carrell DT, Griffin J, Emery BR, Christensen GL, Carrell DT.

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)See all PubMed (2) articles07/2/2008
    The mouse ortholog of REC8L1 is required for proper synapsis of homologous chromosomes during meiosis

    Absence of mouse REC8 cohesin promotes synapsis of sister chromatids in meiosis.
    Xu H, Beasley MD, Warren WD, van der Horst GT, McKay MJ.

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