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    CDYL chromodomain Y like [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 9425, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    The chromodomain protein CDYL confers forebrain identity to human cortical organoids by inhibiting neuronatin.

    The chromodomain protein CDYL confers forebrain identity to human cortical organoids by inhibiting neuronatin.
    Yang Y, Chen BR, Ye XC, Ni LY, Zhang XY, Liu YZ, Lyu TJ, Tian Y, Fu YJ, Wang Y.

    Interaction between Chromodomain Y-like Protein and Androgen Receptor Signaling in Sertoli Cells Accounts for Spermatogenesis.

    Interaction between Chromodomain Y-like Protein and Androgen Receptor Signaling in Sertoli Cells Accounts for Spermatogenesis.
    Lan KC, Cheng YH, Chang YC, Wei KT, Weng PL, Kang HY., Free PMC Article

    Emerging functions and significance of circCDYL in human disorders.

    Emerging functions and significance of circCDYL in human disorders.
    Khalilian S, Tabari MAK, Omrani MA, Ghafouri-Fard S.

    Hypoxia-induced circ-CDYL-EEF1A2 transcriptional complex drives lung metastasis of cancer stem cells from hepatocellular carcinoma.

    Hypoxia-induced circ-CDYL-EEF1A2 transcriptional complex drives lung metastasis of cancer stem cells from hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Kong R, Wei W, Man Q, Chen L, Jia Y, Zhang H, Liu Z, Cheng K, Mao C, Liu S.

    circCDYL Acts as a Tumor Suppressor in Triple Negative Breast Cancer by Sponging miR-190a-3p and Upregulating TP53INP1.

    circCDYL Acts as a Tumor Suppressor in Triple Negative Breast Cancer by Sponging miR-190a-3p and Upregulating TP53INP1.
    Wang S, Liu F, Ma H, Cui X, Yang S, Qin R.

    CDYL promotes the chemoresistance of small cell lung cancer by regulating H3K27 trimethylation at the CDKN1C promoter.

    CDYL promotes the chemoresistance of small cell lung cancer by regulating H3K27 trimethylation at the CDKN1C promoter.
    Qiu Z, Zhu W, Meng H, Tong L, Li X, Luo P, Yi L, Zhang X, Guo L, Wei T, Zhang J., Free PMC Article

    circCDYL overexpression repressed cellular growth and migration via repressing miR-150-5p in colon cancer cells

    circCDYL/microRNA-105-5p participates in modulating growth and migration of colon cancer cells.
    Cui W, Dai J, Ma J, Gu H.

    CDYL1 promotes the recruitment of enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2), stimulates local increase of the repressive methyl mark H3K27me3, and promotes transcription silencing at double-strand break sites.

    CDYL1 fosters double-strand break-induced transcription silencing and promotes homology-directed repair.
    Abu-Zhayia ER, Awwad SW, Ben-Oz BM, Khoury-Haddad H, Ayoub N.

    This study demonstrated that CDYL is the most likely candidate gene for responsiveness to ketogenic dietary therapies for drug-resistant epilepsy.

    Genome-wide association study: Exploring the genetic basis for responsiveness to ketogenic dietary therapies for drug-resistant epilepsy.
    Schoeler NE, Leu C, Balestrini S, Mudge JM, Steward CA, Frankish A, Leung MA, Mackay M, Scheffer I, Williams R, Sander JW, Cross JH, Sisodiya SM., Free PMC Article

    CDYL plays an important role in the maintenance of repressive histone marks during replication, providing a mechanism for understanding of the epigenetic inheritance and memory.

    Chromodomain protein CDYL is required for transmission/restoration of repressive histone marks.
    Liu Y, Liu S, Yuan S, Yu H, Zhang Y, Yang X, Xie G, Chen Z, Li W, Xu B, Sun L, Shang Y, Liang J.

    CDYL negatively regulates histone crotonylation by acting as a crotonyl-CoA hydratase to convert crotonyl-CoA to beta-hydroxybutyryl-CoA and suggest role in spermatogenesis.

    Chromodomain Protein CDYL Acts as a Crotonyl-CoA Hydratase to Regulate Histone Crotonylation and Spermatogenesis.
    Liu S, Yu H, Liu Y, Liu X, Zhang Y, Bu C, Yuan S, Chen Z, Xie G, Li W, Xu B, Yang J, He L, Jin T, Xiong Y, Sun L, Liu X, Han C, Cheng Z, Liang J, Shang Y.

    The epigenetic regulators CDYL and EZH2 to dendrite morphogenesis and might shed new light on our understanding of the regulation of the neurodevelopment.

    Coordinated regulation of dendrite arborization by epigenetic factors CDYL and EZH2.
    Qi C, Liu S, Qin R, Zhang Y, Wang G, Shang Y, Wang Y, Liang J., Free PMC Article

    These findings suggest that h-CDYLb and G9a are cooperatively involved in hepatocellular carcinomas

    Short-Form CDYLb but not long-form CDYLa functions cooperatively with histone methyltransferase G9a in hepatocellular carcinomas.
    Wu H, Zhang H, Wang P, Mao Z, Feng L, Wang Y, Liu C, Xia Q, Li B, Zhao H, Chen Y, Wu J, Kong W, Yu X.

    CDYL functions as a molecular bridge between PRC2 and the repressive chromatin mark H3K27me3, forming a positive feedback loop to facilitate the establishment and propagation of H3K27me3 modifications along the chromatin

    Corepressor protein CDYL functions as a molecular bridge between polycomb repressor complex 2 and repressive chromatin mark trimethylated histone lysine 27.
    Zhang Y, Yang X, Gui B, Xie G, Zhang D, Shang Y, Liang J., Free PMC Article

    Results imply that multimeric binding to H3K9me3 by CDYL1b homomeric complexes is essential for efficient chromatin targeting.

    Multimerization and H3K9me3 binding are required for CDYL1b heterochromatin association.
    Franz H, Mosch K, Soeroes S, Urlaub H, Fischle W., Free PMC Article

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)

    The variant rs1867277 in FOXE1 gene confers thyroid cancer susceptibility through the recruitment of USF1/USF2 transcription factors.
    Landa I, Ruiz-Llorente S, Montero-Conde C, Inglada-Pérez L, Schiavi F, Leskelä S, Pita G, Milne R, Maravall J, Ramos I, Andía V, Rodríguez-Poyo P, Jara-Albarrán A, Meoro A, del Peso C, Arribas L, Iglesias P, Caballero J, Serrano J, Picó A, Pomares F, Giménez G, López-Mondéjar P, Castello R, Merante-Boschin I, Pelizzo MR, Mauricio D, Opocher G, Rodríguez-Antona C, González-Neira A, Matías-Guiu X, Santisteban P, Robledo M., Free PMC Article

    Chromodomain on Y-like (CDYL) is identified as a REST corepressor that physically bridges REST and the histone methylase G9a to repress transcription.

    CDYL bridges REST and histone methyltransferases for gene repression and suppression of cellular transformation.
    Mulligan P, Westbrook TF, Ottinger M, Pavlova N, Chang B, Macia E, Shi YJ, Barretina J, Liu J, Howley PM, Elledge SJ, Shi Y., Free PMC Article

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