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    ITGBL1 integrin subunit beta like 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 9358, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    ITGBL1 promotes anoikis resistance and metastasis in human gastric cancer via the AKT/FBLN2 axis.

    ITGBL1 promotes anoikis resistance and metastasis in human gastric cancer via the AKT/FBLN2 axis.
    Shen K, Xia W, Wang K, Li J, Xu W, Liu H, Yang K, Zhu J, Wang J, Xi Q, Shi T, Li R., Free PMC Article

    A comprehensive analysis of potential gastric cancer prognostic biomarker ITGBL1 associated with immune infiltration and epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

    A comprehensive analysis of potential gastric cancer prognostic biomarker ITGBL1 associated with immune infiltration and epithelial-mesenchymal transition.
    Wang Z, Fu L, Zhang J, Ge Y, Guo C, Wang R, Deng M, Wang Q, Wang Z., Free PMC Article

    ITGBL1 transcriptionally inhibited by JDP2 promotes the development of pancreatic cancer through the TGF-beta/Smad pathway.

    ITGBL1 transcriptionally inhibited by JDP2 promotes the development of pancreatic cancer through the TGF-beta/Smad pathway.
    Du T, Zhang K, Zhang Z, Guo A, Yu G, Xu Y., Free PMC Article

    Integrin beta-like 1 protein (ITGBL1) promotes cell migration by preferentially inhibiting integrin-ECM binding at the trailing edge.

    Integrin β-like 1 protein (ITGBL1) promotes cell migration by preferentially inhibiting integrin-ECM binding at the trailing edge.
    Jang DG, Kwon KY, Song EK, Park TJ., Free PMC Article

    Screening differentially expressed genes between endometriosis and ovarian cancer to find new biomarkers for endometriosis.

    Screening differentially expressed genes between endometriosis and ovarian cancer to find new biomarkers for endometriosis.
    Lu Z, Gao Y., Free PMC Article

    ITGBL1 promotes gastric cancer cell proliferation and invasion via Akt signal pathway.

    ITGBL1 promotes gastric cancer cell proliferation and invasion via Akt signal pathway.
    Yin FY, Qi HP, Qiao H, Lv XH, Tan HH.

    ITGBL1 is a new immunomodulator that favors development of melanoma tumors by inhibiting natural killer cells cytotoxicity.

    ITGBL1 is a new immunomodulator that favors development of melanoma tumors by inhibiting natural killer cells cytotoxicity.
    Cheli Y, Tulic MK, El Hachem N, Nottet N, Jacquel A, Gesson M, Strub T, Bille K, Picard-Gauci A, Montaudié H, Beranger GE, Passeron T, Close P, Bertolotto C, Ballotti R., Free PMC Article

    ITGBL1 could be a promising prognostic biomarker, as well as a potential therapeutic target in HCC.

    ITGBL1 promotes cell migration and invasion through stimulating the TGF-β signalling pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Huang W, Yu D, Wang M, Han Y, Lin J, Wei D, Cai J, Li B, Chen P, Zhang X., Free PMC Article

    the primary colorectal cancer-derived ITGBL1-enriched extracellular vesicles stimulate the TNFAIP3-mediated NF-kappaB signaling pathway to activate fibroblasts.

    Primary tumors release ITGBL1-rich extracellular vesicles to promote distal metastatic tumor growth through fibroblast-niche formation.
    Ji Q, Zhou L, Sui H, Yang L, Wu X, Song Q, Jia R, Li R, Sun J, Wang Z, Liu N, Feng Y, Sun X, Cai G, Feng Y, Cai J, Cao Y, Cai G, Wang Y, Li Q., Free PMC Article

    Our findings indicate that upregulation of ITGBL1 has important clinical significance and drives chemoresistance in ovarian cancer. Detection and depletion of ITGBL1 might be the potential approaches for diagnosis and therapy for ovarian cancer patients.

    Upregulation of ITGBL1 predicts poor prognosis and promotes chemoresistance in ovarian cancer.
    Song J, Yang P, Lu J.

    he ITGBL1 hypermethylation is a potential biomarker for predicting prognosis and monitoring disease status in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.

    Hypermethylation of ITGBL1 is associated with poor prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia.
    Lian XY, Ma JC, Zhou JD, Zhang TJ, Wu DH, Deng ZQ, Zhang ZH, Li XX, He PF, Yan Y, Lin J, Qian J.

    These results reveal ITGBL1 signaling as an underlying mechanism of protection against destructive cartilage disorders

    ITGBL1 modulates integrin activity to promote cartilage formation and protect against arthritis.
    Song EK, Jeon J, Jang DG, Kim HE, Sim HJ, Kwon KY, Medina-Ruiz S, Jang HJ, Lee AR, Rho JG, Lee HS, Kim SJ, Park CY, Myung K, Kim W, Kwon T, Yang S, Park TJ.

    High ITGBL1 expression correlated with shorter relapse-free survival in stage II colorectal cancer patients.

    Transcriptomic expression profiling identifies ITGBL1, an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)-associated gene, is a promising recurrence prediction biomarker in colorectal cancer.
    Matsuyama T, Ishikawa T, Takahashi N, Yamada Y, Yasuno M, Kawano T, Uetake H, Goel A., Free PMC Article

    Characterization of gene expression profiles in hepatitis B-related liver fibrosis patients identified ITGBL1 and its interactions with TGFB1 as key regulators of fibrogenesis.

    Characterization of gene expression profiles in HBV-related liver fibrosis patients and identification of ITGBL1 as a key regulator of fibrogenesis.
    Wang M, Gong Q, Zhang J, Chen L, Zhang Z, Lu L, Yu D, Han Y, Zhang D, Chen P, Zhang X, Yuan Z, Huang J, Zhang X., Free PMC Article

    ITGBL1 was associated with cell adhesion.

    ITGBL1 promotes migration, invasion and predicts a poor prognosis in colorectal cancer.
    Qiu X, Feng JR, Qiu J, Liu L, Xie Y, Zhang YP, Liu J, Zhao Q.

    our results suggest that ITGBL1 is a novel tumor suppressor in non-small cell lung cancer progression.

    Epigenetic downregulated ITGBL1 promotes non-small cell lung cancer cell invasion through Wnt/PCP signaling.
    Gan X, Liu Z, Tong B, Zhou J.

    ITGBL1 might be a novel biomarker for ovarian cancer diagnosis.

    Extracellular matrix protein ITGBL1 promotes ovarian cancer cell migration and adhesion through Wnt/PCP signaling and FAK/SRC pathway.
    Sun L, Wang D, Li X, Zhang L, Zhang H, Zhang Y.

    Data indicate the transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) signaling pathway as a downstream effector of integrin beta-like 1 (ITGBL1) and the transcription factor Runx2 as an upstream activator of ITGBL1 expression.

    ITGBL1 Is a Runx2 Transcriptional Target and Promotes Breast Cancer Bone Metastasis by Activating the TGFβ Signaling Pathway.
    Li XQ, Du X, Li DM, Kong PZ, Sun Y, Liu PF, Wang QS, Feng YM.

    Observational study of gene-disease association, gene-environment interaction, and pharmacogenomic / toxicogenomic. (HuGE Navigator)

    Variation at the NFATC2 locus increases the risk of thiazolidinedione-induced edema in the Diabetes REduction Assessment with ramipril and rosiglitazone Medication (DREAM) study.
    Bailey SD, Xie C, Do R, Montpetit A, Diaz R, Mohan V, Keavney B, Yusuf S, Gerstein HC, Engert JC, Anand S, DREAM investigators., Free PMC Article

    Observational study of gene-disease association. (HuGE Navigator)See all PubMed (2) articles

    Gene-centric association signals for lipids and apolipoproteins identified via the HumanCVD BeadChip.
    Talmud PJ, Drenos F, Shah S, Shah T, Palmen J, Verzilli C, Gaunt TR, Pallas J, Lovering R, Li K, Casas JP, Sofat R, Kumari M, Rodriguez S, Johnson T, Newhouse SJ, Dominiczak A, Samani NJ, Caulfield M, Sever P, Stanton A, Shields DC, Padmanabhan S, Melander O, Hastie C, Delles C, Ebrahim S, Marmot MG, Smith GD, Lawlor DA, Munroe PB, Day IN, Kivimaki M, Whittaker J, Humphries SE, Hingorani AD, ASCOT investigators, NORDIL investigators, BRIGHT Consortium.

    Coeliac disease-associated risk variants in TNFAIP3 and REL implicate altered NF-kappaB signalling.
    Trynka G, Zhernakova A, Romanos J, Franke L, Hunt KA, Turner G, Bruinenberg M, Heap GA, Platteel M, Ryan AW, de Kovel C, Holmes GK, Howdle PD, Walters JR, Sanders DS, Mulder CJ, Mearin ML, Verbeek WH, Trimble V, Stevens FM, Kelleher D, Barisani D, Bardella MT, McManus R, van Heel DA, Wijmenga C.

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