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    CYTH1 cytohesin 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 9267, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    GBF1 alone maintains Golgi architecture; facilitates secretion; activates ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF)1, 3, 4, and 5; and recruits ARF effectors to Golgi membranes.

    Promiscuity of the catalytic Sec7 domain within the guanine nucleotide exchange factor GBF1 in ARF activation, Golgi homeostasis, and effector recruitment.
    Bhatt JM, Hancock W, Meissner JM, Kaczmarczyk A, Lee E, Viktorova E, Ramanadham S, Belov GA, Sztul E., Free PMC Article

    HGF-induced migration depends on the phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate-binding microexon-spliced variant of the Arf6 exchange factor cytohesin-1.

    HGF-induced migration depends on the PI(3,4,5)P(3)-binding microexon-spliced variant of the Arf6 exchange factor cytohesin-1.
    Ratcliffe CDH, Siddiqui N, Coelho PP, Laterreur N, Cookey TN, Sonenberg N, Park M., Free PMC Article

    computational study suggests that although curcumin to some extent binds with Tp receptor, yet the inhibition of Arf6GDP to Arf6GTP conversion appeared to be an important mechanism by which curcumin inhibits U46619-induced increase in PLD activity in PASMCs.

    Role of curcumin in PLD activation by Arf6-cytohesin1 signaling axis in U46619-stimulated pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells.
    Chakraborti S, Sarkar J, Bhuyan R, Chakraborti T.

    CYTH1 is a novel major regulator of adhesion and engraftment in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells through mechanisms that, at least in part, involve the activation of integrins.

    Cytohesin 1 regulates homing and engraftment of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.
    Rak J, Foster K, Potrzebowska K, Talkhoncheh MS, Miharada N, Komorowska K, Torngren T, Kvist A, Borg Å, Svensson L, Bonnet D, Larsson J., Free PMC Article

    FRMD4A RNAi or inhibition of cytohesins strongly upregulated secretion of endogenous tau. These results suggest that FRMD4A, a genetic risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer's disease, regulates tau secretion by activating cytohesin-Arf6 signaling.

    FRMD4A-cytohesin signaling modulates the cellular release of tau.
    Yan X, Nykänen NP, Brunello CA, Haapasalo A, Hiltunen M, Uronen RL, Huttunen HJ.

    cytohesin inhibition has an antiproliferative effect in gefitinib-resistant lung cancer cells

    Anti-proliferative effect of cytohesin inhibition in gefitinib-resistant lung cancer cells.
    Bill A, Schmitz A, König K, Heukamp LC, Hannam JS, Famulok M., Free PMC Article

    findings suggest that cytohesin-1 is a key regulator of neutrophil adhesion to endothelial cells and to components of extracellular matrix, which may influence cell emigration through its dual opposing effect on beta2 and beta1 integrin activation

    Cytohesin-1 regulates human blood neutrophil adhesion to endothelial cells through β2 integrin activation.
    El azreq MA, Bourgoin SG.

    involvement of cytohesin-1 in the regulation of the functional responses of human PMNs, linked, in part at least, to the activation of Arf6.

    Cytohesin-1 regulates the Arf6-phospholipase D signaling axis in human neutrophils: impact on superoxide anion production and secretion.
    El Azreq MA, Garceau V, Harbour D, Pivot-Pajot C, Bourgoin SG.

    demonstrate an essential role of cytohesin-1/RhoA during ameboid migration in the presence of integrins

    Cytohesin-1 controls the activation of RhoA and modulates integrin-dependent adhesion and migration of dendritic cells.
    Quast T, Tappertzhofen B, Schild C, Grell J, Czeloth N, Förster R, Alon R, Fraemohs L, Dreck K, Weber C, Lämmermann T, Sixt M, Kolanus W.

    findings reveal that mycobacteria promote their uptake through a process of "inside-out" signaling involving CD14, TLR2, PI3K, and cytohesin-1. This converts low avidity CR3 into an active receptor leading to increased bacterial internalization

    Cross-talk between CD14 and complement receptor 3 promotes phagocytosis of mycobacteria: regulation by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and cytohesin-1.
    Sendide K, Reiner NE, Lee JS, Bourgoin S, Talal A, Hmama Z.

    Data show that CYTIP and cytoadhesin-1 are upregulated during dendritic cell maturation.

    Attenuation of cell adhesion in lymphocytes is regulated by CYTIP, a protein which mediates signal complex sequestration.
    Boehm T, Hofer S, Winklehner P, Kellersch B, Geiger C, Trockenbacher A, Neyer S, Fiegl H, Ebner S, Ivarsson L, Schneider R, Kremmer E, Heufler C, Kolanus W., Free PMC Article

    Phosphorylated cytohesin-1 is able to tightly associate with the actin cytoskeleton, and is required for maximal leukocyte function antigen-1-mediated adhesion of Jurkat cells to Icam-1.

    Actin cytoskeletal association of cytohesin-1 is regulated by specific phosphorylation of its carboxyl-terminal polybasic domain.
    Dierks H, Kolanus J, Kolanus W.

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