A double-edged sword: DLG5 in diseases. | A double-edged sword: DLG5 in diseases. Song XQ, Li Q, Zhang J. | 05/19/2023 |
The scaffolding protein DLG5 promotes glioblastoma growth by controlling Sonic Hedgehog signaling in tumor stem cells. | The scaffolding protein DLG5 promotes glioblastoma growth by controlling Sonic Hedgehog signaling in tumor stem cells. Kundu S, Nandhu MS, Longo SL, Longo JA, Rai S, Chin LS, Richardson TE, Viapiano MS., Free PMC Article | 08/6/2022 |
Recent Hints on the Dual Role of Discs Large MAGUK Scaffold Protein 5 in Cancers and in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. | Recent Hints on the Dual Role of Discs Large MAGUK Scaffold Protein 5 in Cancers and in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Andolfi C, Tiribelli C, Pascut D. | 06/11/2022 |
DLG5 variants are associated with multiple congenital anomalies including ciliopathy phenotypes. | DLG5 variants are associated with multiple congenital anomalies including ciliopathy phenotypes. Marquez J, Mann N, Arana K, Deniz E, Ji W, Konstantino M, Mis EK, Deshpande C, Jeffries L, McGlynn J, Hugo H, Widmeier E, Konrad M, Tasic V, Morotti R, Baptista J, Ellard S, Lakhani SA, Hildebrandt F, Khokha MK., Free PMC Article | 01/29/2022 |
Down-regulated DLG5 expression increases the stemness of breast cancer cells by enhancing TAZ expression, contributing to TAM resistance in breast cancer. | DLG5 suppresses breast cancer stem cell-like characteristics to restore tamoxifen sensitivity by inhibiting TAZ expression. Liu J, Li J, Li P, Jiang Y, Chen H, Wang R, Cao F, Liu P., Free PMC Article | 04/18/2020 |
Loss of DLG5 expression promoted breast cancer progression by inactivating the Hippo signaling pathway and increasing nuclear YAP. | Loss of DLG5 promotes breast cancer malignancy by inhibiting the Hippo signaling pathway. Liu J, Li J, Li P, Wang Y, Liang Z, Jiang Y, Li J, Feng C, Wang R, Chen H, Zhou C, Zhang J, Yang J, Liu P., Free PMC Article | 11/3/2018 |
both polymorphisms of DLG5 are correlated with inflammatory bowel disease susceptibility in an ethnic-specific manner. | Meta-analysis of associations between DLG5 R30Q and P1371Q polymorphisms and susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease. Li Y, Chen P, Sun J, Huang J, Tie H, Li L, Li H, Ren G., Free PMC Article | 06/9/2018 |
Low expression of DLG5 is associated with Crohn's disease. | Expression of DLG1 and DLG5 in the Intestinal Epithelium of Patients with CD. Cui H, Shu-Hong Y, Qiao M. | 02/10/2018 |
Data found that Dlg5 expression was significantly lower in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tissues and indicate that Dlg5 acts as a novel regulator of invadopodium-associated invasion via Girdin and by interfering with the interaction between Girdin and Tks5, which might be important for Tks5 phosphorylation in HCC cells. | Discs large homolog 5 decreases formation and function of invadopodia in human hepatocellular carcinoma via Girdin and Tks5. Ke Y, Bao T, Zhou Q, Wang Y, Ge J, Fu B, Wu X, Tang H, Shi Z, Lei X, Zhang C, Tan Y, Chen H, Guo Z, Wang L. | 09/16/2017 |
G113A variant may be significantly associated with Crohn's disease risk in children and colonic involvement (Meta-Analysis) | The association of DLG5 polymorphisms with inflammatory bowel disease: a meta-analysis of 25 studies. Dai YE, Guan R, Song YT. | 08/26/2017 |
DLG5 inhibits the association between MST1/2 and large tumor suppressor homologs 1/2 (LATS1/2), uses its scaffolding function to link MST1/2 with MARK3, and inhibits MST1/2 kinase activity | DLG5 connects cell polarity and Hippo signaling protein networks by linking PAR-1 with MST1/2. Kwan J, Sczaniecka A, Heidary Arash E, Nguyen L, Chen CC, Ratkovic S, Klezovitch O, Attisano L, McNeill H, Emili A, Vasioukhin V., Free PMC Article | 07/1/2017 |
Pooled data indicated no significant association between DLG5113G/A gene polymorphism and the development of Crohn's disease | Discs Large Homolog 5 (DLG5) Gene Polymorphism and Crohn's Disease: A Meta-Analysis of the Published Studies. Shafieyoun A, Moraveji S, Bashashati M, Rezaei N. | 01/14/2017 |
study has identified several new proteins like RHOC, DLG5, UGDH, TMOD3 in addition to known chemoresistance associated proteins in non-small cell lung carcinoma. | Global proteomic profiling identifies etoposide chemoresistance markers in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Paul D, Chanukuppa V, Reddy PJ, Taunk K, Adhav R, Srivastava S, Santra MK, Rapole S. | 12/24/2016 |
These data suggest that inhibition of Dlg5 by DNA hypermethylation contributes to provoke invasive phenotypes in bladder tumor. | Methylation-mediated silencing of Dlg5 facilitates bladder cancer metastasis. Zhou Z, Guo Y, Liu Y, Zhang F, Wang Y, Shen B, Qin Y, Qiu J. | 04/25/2015 |
Findings demonstrate that Dlg5 interacts with and inhibits the activity of Girdin, thereby suppressing the migration of prostate cancer cells. | Loss of Dlg5 expression promotes the migration and invasion of prostate cancer cells via Girdin phosphorylation. Tomiyama L, Sezaki T, Matsuo M, Ueda K, Kioka N. | 04/25/2015 |
DLG5 plays a role in cell migration, cell adhesion, precursor cell division, cell proliferation, epithelial cell polarity maintenance, and transmission of extracellular signals to the membrane and cytoskeleton. | DLG5 in cell polarity maintenance and cancer development. Liu J, Li J, Ren Y, Liu P., Free PMC Article | 12/20/2014 |
Overexpression of Dlg5 enhances the degradation of TGFBRI. | Dlg5 interacts with the TGF-β receptor and promotes its degradation. Sezaki T, Tomiyama L, Kimura Y, Ueda K, Kioka N. | 07/27/2013 |
Polymorphisms in the DLG5 gene were found to be associated with Crohn's disease patients in Malaysia. | Identification of DLG5 and SLC22A5 gene polymorphisms in Malaysian patients with Crohn's disease. Chua KH, Lian LH, Kee BP, Thum CM, Lee WS, Hilmi I, Goh KL. | 04/21/2012 |
Examined the genetic association of DLG5 SNP P1371Q with inflammatory bowel disease and its interaction with R30Q in disease susceptibility. P1371Q is complementary to R30Q, with R30Q exhibiting a dominant effect in IBD susceptibility. | DLG5 P1371Q is associated with inflammatory bowel disease and complementary to R30Q in disease susceptibility. Lin Z, Hegarty JP, Berb A, Wang Z, Kelly AA, Wang Y, Poritz LS, Wu R, Koltun WA. | 02/25/2012 |
Increased expression of discs large homolog 5 gene is associated with ulcerative colitis. | Increased expression of discs large homolog 5 gene (DLG5) in ulcerative colitis patients compared to healthy individuals. Yamamoto-Furusho JK, Mendivil EJ, Fonseca-Camarillo G, Villeda-Espinoza MA, Barreto-Zuñiga R. | 10/29/2011 |
Clinical trial of gene-disease association and gene-environment interaction. (HuGE Navigator) | Personalized smoking cessation: interactions between nicotine dose, dependence and quit-success genotype score. Rose JE, Behm FM, Drgon T, Johnson C, Uhl GR., Free PMC Article | 06/30/2010 |
In the studied population, DLG5 R30Q was associated with all forms of IBD. An elevated presence of the R30Q variant was observed in all members of a familial IBD registry | Genetic association of DLG5 R30Q with familial and sporadic inflammatory bowel disease in men. Lin Z, Poritz L, Franke A, Li TY, Ruether A, Byrnes KA, Wang Y, Gebhard AW, MacNeill C, Thomas NJ, Wu R, Schreiber S, Koltun WA., Free PMC Article | 04/12/2010 |
Results provide evidence that the scaffolding protein DLG5 belongs to the CARD protein family. | The Crohn's disease susceptibility gene DLG5 as a member of the CARD interaction network. Friedrichs F, Henckaerts L, Vermeire S, Kucharzik T, Seehafer T, Möller-Krull M, Bornberg-Bauer E, Stoll M, Weiner J 3rd. | 01/21/2010 |
findings show that the inflammatory bowel disease-susceptibility gene DLG5 is also associated with gluten-sensitive enteropathy | Association of DLG5 variants with gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Festen EA, Zhernakova A, Wijmenga C, Weersma RK. | 01/21/2010 |
Observational study of gene-environment interaction and pharmacogenomic / toxicogenomic. (HuGE Navigator) | Prospective study of interaction between alcohol, NSAID use and polymorphisms in genes involved in the inflammatory response in relation to risk of colorectal cancer. Vogel U, Christensen J, Dybdahl M, Friis S, Hansen RD, Wallin H, Nexø BA, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Andersen PS, Overvad K, Tjønneland A. | 03/13/2008 |