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    HERC1 HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 8925, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    The E3 ubiquitin ligase Herc1 modulates the response to nucleoside analogs in acute myeloid leukemia.

    The E3 ubiquitin ligase Herc1 modulates the response to nucleoside analogs in acute myeloid leukemia.
    Jankovic M, Poon WWL, Gonzales-Losada C, Vazquez GG, Sharif-Askari B, Ding Y, Craplet-Desombre C, Ilie A, Shi J, Wang Y, Jayavelu AK, Orthwein A, Mercier FÉ., Free PMC Article

    CircHERC1 promotes non-small cell lung cancer cell progression by sequestering FOXO1 in the cytoplasm and regulating the miR-142-3p-HMGB1 axis.

    CircHERC1 promotes non-small cell lung cancer cell progression by sequestering FOXO1 in the cytoplasm and regulating the miR-142-3p-HMGB1 axis.
    Cui Y, Wu X, Jin J, Man W, Li J, Li X, Li Y, Yao H, Zhong R, Chen S, Wu J, Zhu T, Lin Y, Xu J, Wang Y., Free PMC Article

    The Herc1 gene in neurobiology.

    The Herc1 gene in neurobiology.
    Lalonde R, Strazielle C.

    Identification of a quality-control factor that monitors failures during proteasome assembly.

    Identification of a quality-control factor that monitors failures during proteasome assembly.
    Zavodszky E, Peak-Chew SY, Juszkiewicz S, Narvaez AJ, Hegde RS., Free PMC Article

    A new homozygous HERC1 gain-of-function variant in MDFPMR syndrome leads to mTORC1 hyperactivation and reduced autophagy during cell catabolism.

    A new homozygous HERC1 gain-of-function variant in MDFPMR syndrome leads to mTORC1 hyperactivation and reduced autophagy during cell catabolism.
    Schwarz JM, Pedrazza L, Stenzel W, Rosa JL, Schuelke M, Straussberg R.

    The ubiquitin ligase HERC1 regulates cell migration via RAF-dependent regulation of MKK3/p38 signaling.

    The ubiquitin ligase HERC1 regulates cell migration via RAF-dependent regulation of MKK3/p38 signaling.
    Pedrazza L, Schneider T, Bartrons R, Ventura F, Rosa JL., Free PMC Article

    In the light of recent reports of HERC1 mutations in two families with a similar phenotypic presentation, this report reiterates the pathogenic nature and clinical consequences of HERC1 disruption.

    A splice site mutation in HERC1 leads to syndromic intellectual disability with macrocephaly and facial dysmorphism: Further delineation of the phenotypic spectrum.
    Aggarwal S, Bhowmik AD, Ramprasad VL, Murugan S, Dalal A.

    Biallelic sequence variants in a novel gene (HERC1) are linked to a syndromic form of overgrowth and intellectual disability.

    Biallelic HERC1 mutations in a syndromic form of overgrowth and intellectual disability.
    Ortega-Recalde O, Beltrán OI, Gálvez JM, Palma-Montero A, Restrepo CM, Mateus HE, Laissue P.

    Data show that E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HERC1 interacts with bcl-2 homologous antagonist-killer protein BAK in HPV5 E6-expressing cells that have been damaged by UV.

    Resistance to UV-induced apoptosis by β-HPV5 E6 involves targeting of activated BAK for proteolysis by recruitment of the HERC1 ubiquitin ligase.
    Holloway A, Simmonds M, Azad A, Fox JL, Storey A.

    global frequency distributions of 4 single nucleotide polymorphisms in the HERC1 gene; 12 population groups included

    HERC1 polymorphisms: population-specific variations in haplotype composition.
    Yuasa I, Umetsu K, Nishimukai H, Fukumori Y, Harihara S, Saitou N, Jin F, Chattopadhyay PK, Henke L, Henke J, Yuasa I, Umetsu K, Nishimukai H, Fukumori Y, Harihara S, Saitou N, Jin F, Chattopadhyay PK, Henke L, Henke J.

    Observational study of genotype prevalence. (HuGE Navigator)

    HERC1 polymorphisms: population-specific variations in haplotype composition.
    Yuasa I, Umetsu K, Nishimukai H, Fukumori Y, Harihara S, Saitou N, Jin F, Chattopadhyay PK, Henke L, Henke J, Yuasa I, Umetsu K, Nishimukai H, Fukumori Y, Harihara S, Saitou N, Jin F, Chattopadhyay PK, Henke L, Henke J.

    physical interaction between the HECT domain of HERC1, a giant protein involved in intracellular membrane traffic, and the M2 isoform of glycolytic enzyme pyruvate kinase (M2-PK)

    Interaction between HERC1 and M2-type pyruvate kinase.
    Garcia-Gonzalo FR, Cruz C, Muñoz P, Mazurek S, Eigenbrodt E, Ventura F, Bartrons R, Rosa JL.

    HERC1 overexpression does not stimulate protrusion formation in the absence of AlF(4)(-), in conditions where ARNO does, indicating that HERC1 is not acting as an ARF6-GEF, but instead its recruitment takes place downstream of ARF6 activation

    The giant protein HERC1 is recruited to aluminum fluoride-induced actin-rich surface protrusions in HeLa cells.
    Garcia-Gonzalo FR, Muñoz P, González E, Casaroli-Marano RP, Vilaró S, Bartrons R, Ventura F, Rosa JL.

    HERC1, through its RLD1 (RCC1-like domain), stimulates GDP release from ARF6 but it inhibits GDP/GTP exchange on ARF6 under conditions where ARNO stimulates it.

    Requirement of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate for HERC1-mediated guanine nucleotide release from ARF proteins.
    Garcia-Gonzalo FR, Bartrons R, Ventura F, Rosa JL.

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