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    PER3 period circadian regulator 3 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 8863, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    PER3 promoter hypermethylation correlates to the progression of pan-cancer.

    PER3 promoter hypermethylation correlates to the progression of pan-cancer.
    Li Y, Li W, Deng J, Yin M., Free PMC Article

    Variants in the circadian clock genes PER2 and PER3 associate with familial sleep phase disorders.

    Variants in the circadian clock genes PER2 and PER3 associate with familial sleep phase disorders.
    Plavc L, Skubic C, Dolenc Grošelj L, Rozman D.

    Moderating effects of PER3 gene DNA methylation on the association between problematic mobile phone use and chronotype among Chinese young adults: Focus on gender differences.

    Moderating effects of PER3 gene DNA methylation on the association between problematic mobile phone use and chronotype among Chinese young adults: Focus on gender differences.
    Li T, Chen Y, Xie Y, Tao S, Zou L, Yang Y, Tao F, Wu X., Free PMC Article

    Lack of association between VNTR variant of the circadian gene (PER3) and major depressive disorder in a sample of a Turkish population.

    Lack of association between VNTR variant of the circadian gene (PER3) and major depressive disorder in a sample of a Turkish population.
    Yigit S, Nursal AF, Ozsoy F, Duman E, Ustaoglu MS.

    Circadian gene Per3 promotes astroblastoma progression through the P53/BCL2/BAX signalling pathway.

    Circadian gene Per3 promotes astroblastoma progression through the P53/BCL2/BAX signalling pathway.
    Wang Q, Liu H, Wang Z, Chen Y, Zhou S, Hu X, Xu Y, Zhang X, Wang Y, Gao Y, Li S.

    Evaluation of a circadian rhythm gene (PER3) VNTR variant in Turkish athletes.

    Evaluation of a circadian rhythm gene (PER3) VNTR variant in Turkish athletes.
    Unver S, Yigit S, Tural E, Yigit E, Atan T.

    Clock 3111 T/C and Period3 VNTR gene polymorphisms and proteins, and melatonin levels in women with infertility.

    Clock 3111 T/C and Period3 VNTR gene polymorphisms and proteins, and melatonin levels in women with infertility.
    Aci R, Ciftci G, Yigit S, Sezer O, Keskin A., Free PMC Article

    The PER3[rs772027021] SNP induces pigmentation phenotypes of dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria.

    The PER3(rs772027021) SNP induces pigmentation phenotypes of dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria.
    Chen H, Yang P, Yang D, Wang D, Lu M, Li Y, Zhong Z, Zhang J, Zeng Z, Liu Z, Zeng X, Jia X, Xing Q, Zhou D.

    Relationship between APOE, PER2, PER3 and OX2R Genetic Variants and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease.

    Relationship between APOE, PER2, PER3 and OX2R Genetic Variants and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease.
    Lozano-Tovar S, Rodríguez-Agudelo Y, Dávila-Ortiz de Montellano DJ, Pérez-Aldana BE, Ortega-Vázquez A, Monroy-Jaramillo N., Free PMC Article

    Moderating effects of PER3 gene DNA methylation on the association of sleep quality with mental health in Chinese young adults.

    Moderating effects of PER3 gene DNA methylation on the association of sleep quality with mental health in Chinese young adults.
    Li T, Xie Y, Tao S, Zou L, Yang Y, Mou X, Wang M, Zhou P, Tao F, Wu X.

    PERIOD3 (PER3) VNTR Variant Associated with Seasonal Pattern and Family History in Bipolar Disorder.

    PERIOD3 (PER3) VNTR Variant Associated with Seasonal Pattern and Family History in Bipolar Disorder.
    Aytac HM, Pehlivan M, Oyaci Y, Pehlivan S.

    PER3 plays anticancer roles in the oncogenesis and progression of breast cancer via regulating MEK/ERK signaling pathway.

    PER3 plays anticancer roles in the oncogenesis and progression of breast cancer via regulating MEK/ERK signaling pathway.
    Liu Y, Wu Z, Li Y, Zhang J, Gao Y, Yuan G, Han M.

    A circadian rhythm gene (PER3) VNTR variant as possible risk factor in cohort of Turkish females with primary dysmenorrhea.

    A circadian rhythm gene (PER3) VNTR variant as possible risk factor in cohort of Turkish females with primary dysmenorrhea.
    Nacar MC, Nursal AF, Kuruca N, Yigit S.

    Association of occupational stress, period circadian regulator 3 (PER3) gene polymorphism and their interaction with poor sleep quality.

    Association of occupational stress, period circadian regulator 3 (PER3) gene polymorphism and their interaction with poor sleep quality.
    Peng X, Li J, Han B, Zhu Y, Cheng D, Li Q, Du J.

    Alterations in CRY2 and PER3 gene expression associated with thalamic-limbic community structural abnormalities in patients with bipolar depression or unipolar depression.

    Alterations in CRY2 and PER3 gene expression associated with thalamic-limbic community structural abnormalities in patients with bipolar depression or unipolar depression.
    Zhang C, Ni P, Liang S, Li X, Tian Y, Du X, Wei W, Meng Y, Wei J, Ma X, Deng W, Guo W, Li M, Yu H, Zhao L, Wang Q, Pak SC, Li T.

    Is There a Link between Circadian Clock Protein PERIOD 3 (PER3) (rs57875989) Variant and the Severity of COVID-19 Infection?

    Is There a Link between Circadian Clock Protein PERIOD 3 (PER3) (rs57875989) Variant and the Severity of COVID-19 Infection?
    Yesil Sayin G, Pehlivan S, Serin I, Medetalibeyoglu A, Kose M, Agacfidan A, Senkal N, Isoglu-Alkac U, Tukek T., Free PMC Article

    PER3 polymorphisms and their association with prostate cancer risk in Japanese men.

    PER3 polymorphisms and their association with prostate cancer risk in Japanese men.
    Hinoura T, Mukai S, Kamoto T, Kuroda Y., Free PMC Article

    Associations of PER3 polymorphisms with clopidogrel resistance among Chinese Han people treated with clopidogrel.

    Associations of PER3 polymorphisms with clopidogrel resistance among Chinese Han people treated with clopidogrel.
    Zheng N, Yin F, Yu Q, Zhong J, Yang J, Xu Z, Su J, Chen X., Free PMC Article

    Dopamine adjusts the circadian gene expression of Per2 and Per3 in human dermal fibroblasts from ADHD patients.

    Dopamine adjusts the circadian gene expression of Per2 and Per3 in human dermal fibroblasts from ADHD patients.
    Faltraco F, Palm D, Uzoni A, Borchert L, Simon F, Tucha O, Thome J., Free PMC Article

    hPER3 promotes adipogenesis via hHSP90AA1-mediated inhibition of Notch1 pathway.

    hPER3 promotes adipogenesis via hHSP90AA1-mediated inhibition of Notch1 pathway.
    Wan X, Zhu L, Zhao L, Peng L, Xiong J, Yang W, Yuan J, Liang F, Zhang K, Chen K., Free PMC Article

    Genetic association of the PERIOD3 (PER3) Clock gene with extreme obesity.

    Genetic association of the PERIOD3 (PER3) Clock gene with extreme obesity.
    Azevedo PG, Miranda LR, Nicolau ES, Alves RB, Bicalho MAC, Couto PP, Ramos AV, Souza RP, Longhi R, Friedman E, Marco L, Bastos-Rodrigues L.

    Comparing expression levels of PERIOD genes PER1, PER2 and PER3 in chronic insomnia patients and medical staff working in the night shift.

    Comparing expression levels of PERIOD genes PER1, PER2 and PER3 in chronic insomnia patients and medical staff working in the night shift.
    Emeklİ R, İsmaİloğullari S, Bayram A, Akalin H, Tuncel G, Dündar M.

    A PERIOD3 variable number tandem repeat polymorphism modulates melatonin treatment response in delayed sleep-wake phase disorder.

    A PERIOD3 variable number tandem repeat polymorphism modulates melatonin treatment response in delayed sleep-wake phase disorder.
    Magee M, Sletten TL, Murray JM, Gordon CJ, Lovato N, Bartlett DJ, Kennaway DJ, Lockley SW, Lack LC, Grunstein RR, Archer SN, Rajaratnam SMW, Delayed Sleep on Melatonin (DelSoM) Study Group.

    For whom the circadian clock ticks? Investigation of PERIOD and CLOCK gene variants in bipolar disorder.

    For whom the circadian clock ticks? Investigation of PERIOD and CLOCK gene variants in bipolar disorder.
    Yegin Z, Sarisoy G, Erguner Aral A, Koc H.

    Possible Association of PER2/PER3 Variable Number Tandem Repeat Polymorphism Variants with Susceptibility and Clinical Characteristics in Pancreatic Cancer.

    Possible Association of PER2/PER3 Variable Number Tandem Repeat Polymorphism Variants with Susceptibility and Clinical Characteristics in Pancreatic Cancer.
    Dagmura H, Yiğit S, Nursal AF, Duman E, Gumusay O.

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